Well, my friend can watch the bunnies/mouse/rats/cats while we go to Kansas for Ryan's grandpa's funeral the 10th-13th. I just need to make sure my parents can watch Sammy (our dog).
I thought about it and I am not going to go and get those rats to foster. I just can't do it, as much as I'd like to. I'm going to check on them again today to make sure their cage is clean and they have food...but other then that that is all I can do. I did contact a rat rescue down in PHX (2 hours away) to see if they could get transport down here to pick them up, so I hope they get back to me soon and can do it.
I have Marlin and Ruby out together right now. I know, breaking the rules as Ruby isn't spayed....but she's 1.5 years old, acts like a spayed rabbit (no hormones in this girl!), and her & Marlin have been kissing through the cage bars a ton....soooo I just decided to try it. She's getting spayed in about 2 weeks.....I am $20 away from being able to afford it

- I've just been selling things like rat hammock & cage liner sets & a swamp cooler that we bought 2 years ago but never really used.
Its been going really well and they have been out together for like an hour...running around the living room then going back into Ruby's cage to snuggle (yeah, breaking another rule there). Marlin humped her & wouldn't leave it alone for about 2-3 minutes (I watched and kept pulling him off), and Ruby just laid there and let him do it.
I also have Brody out playing, but he is on the sun porch/storage/cat/useless room since its a really cool day outside. Excuse the stupid curtains...my MIL hung them up and my cats have pulled them down...we need to rehang them or find some other way to keep sun out of there (as it gets too hot).
I am having a very lazy Sunday! Bunnies are all out playing, the rats have a pen around their cage so they are out playing, and Sammy is outside playing/laying in the sun.
Ryan and I got voucher tickets to get our hair cut at a salon from a girl at his work - she is going to Africa and needs help funding it, so a salon in the mall is offering $10 hair cuts with the vouchers and donating the money to her. I'd love to chop all my hair off, but I think I will just get it trimmed up for right now until I decide if I really want to get it all cut off. I haven't had a hair cut in like 7 months because we haven't really been able to afford for me to go and get a $40 cut at the girl I usually go to (well, we can afford it....but its not high on the list of things to spend money on right now). Soooo...this is going to be a treat today getting all of my dead ends cut off

...then I am going to go to Sally's and buy hair dye to dye my hair tonight
