Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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Yes, she certainly is, Christina :biggrin:. I'm glad I was able to foster her (and really hope she bonds to Marlin).

--------- is midnight and I am finally DONE with everything I had to do tonight. I put together a NIC pen for the picnic tomorrow - its 6 panels x 4 panels with a 3 long panel splitting it down the middle....I think I am going to bring Marlin & Ruby and just use it as "pre-spay bonding time". I'm a bit worried Ruby will think its an adoption event, but I'm going to talk to her in the morning and explain that its just a picninc & blah blah blah :p.

So, besides making that pen....I made pasta salad (tri colored pasta, green & red bell peppers, black olives, onion, cubes mozzerella cheese, and of course italian dressing). I also got out "picnic bag ready" which includes 2 water dishes, a bottle of water, extra zip ties & wire cutters (incase a zip tie pops off the pen), 2 towels for shade over the pens, a bag of hay, aaaaaand 2 cat tents for them to go into if they feel like being "secure".

We have to bring a cage to my friend before we go to the picnic and then my parents live across the street from her, so we are going to go over there and grab 2 chairs for Ryan and I to use while at the picnic. Theeeen....finally go to the gosh darn picnic! Last year was my first time goign to one, so this year I knew exactly what to bring :).

I will have a toooon of pictures to post when we get home - which I will post in between the massive pile of laundry that I have to get done tomorrow (booooo :grumpy).
Mia Bunafesta 2010 with Marlin & Ruby :)....

Lots of pens, but even more bunnies not in pens that weren't pictured....tons of people walk their bunnies on a harness & leash :p...




























Me & Ruby sitting down for bunny Jeopardy!


What we won in bunny jeopardy :)...

We got to pick an herb plant and we picked spearmint!

Ryan with the famous Bunkers & Luigi (the therapy bunnies) :)....

Aslan (the Lionhead) and Samantha (the HL)...

A Chinese Crested :p....

And just one of Ryan (looking goofy) :)...

lol Aslan is the best name for a Lionhead hahaha it really suits that bunny too, I love it!

Fantastic pictures, Amy. Ruby looks pretty relaxed... how did they go? Their body language looks good, like they could be a promising couple!

Ah I wish my boyfriend was as much of a bunny lover as Ryan... has he always been that way or did it take some time?

How many people and bunnies do you reckon attended the picnic? It looks lovely... :)
Awesome pictures! I'm still in love with Ruby. If you weren't in AZ, I'd have to adopt her. Dx She's so gorgeous.

It looks like the buns had fun. Was it a good turn-out?

I could never walk my buns on a leash. I have a harness from when Jasper was a baby, but I never really set her down with it. If she were to get loose, I don't know what I'd do. :( I'm just too afraid of my rabbits disappearing in those things. That goes for cats and rats, too. :p
crystal wrote:
lol Aslan is the best name for a Lionhead hahaha it really suits that bunny too, I love it!

Fantastic pictures, Amy. Ruby looks pretty relaxed... how did they go? Their body language looks good, like they could be a promising couple!

Ah I wish my boyfriend was as much of a bunny lover as Ryan... has he always been that way or did it take some time?

How many people and bunnies do you reckon attended the picnic? It looks lovely... :)
I agree...Aslan is an awesome Lionhead name :p.

Marlin and Ruby did fighting through the pen and they both kept trying to get each others attention by sticking their noses through the panels. Marlin was able to groom her back a little bit when she turned around, LOL! I just need to have her spayed, then wait a few weeks afterwards to try out bonding :).

Ryan isn't exactly a bunny lover....its only been over the past few weeks that he has really started to show that he actually likes them, LOL. I think Jenson, my former English Lop foster, really got him interested in being more involved with the bunnies. Now that Brody lives in the living room, Ryan said he wants to try handling Brody more and spending time petting him on the couch and stuff :biggrin2:. I think he saw all of the bunny guys at the picnic today and saw how cool it was that these big (some biker!) guys could love bunnies and it gave them and their wives something to "connect" with.

Oh....and I have been with Ryan for 4.5 years....we got bunnies 3.5 years ago, so its taken this long for him to finally start getting interested in them ;).

There must have been about 15 bunnies and at least 20 people at this one was mostly husband/wives & then a few single bunny owners...a few people brought their kids, too.
undergunfire wrote:
crystal wrote:
lol Aslan is the best name for a Lionhead hahaha it really suits that bunny too, I love it!

Fantastic pictures, Amy. Ruby looks pretty relaxed... how did they go? Their body language looks good, like they could be a promising couple!

Ah I wish my boyfriend was as much of a bunny lover as Ryan... has he always been that way or did it take some time?

How many people and bunnies do you reckon attended the picnic? It looks lovely... :)
I agree...Aslan is an awesome Lionhead name :p.

Marlin and Ruby did fighting through the pen and they both kept trying to get each others attention by sticking their noses through the panels. Marlin was able to groom her back a little bit when she turned around, LOL! I just need to have her spayed, then wait a few weeks afterwards to try out bonding :).

Ryan isn't exactly a bunny lover....its only been over the past few weeks that he has really started to show that he actually likes them, LOL. I think Jenson, my former English Lop foster, really got him interested in being more involved with the bunnies. Now that Brody lives in the living room, Ryan said he wants to try handling Brody more and spending time petting him on the couch and stuff :biggrin2:. I think he saw all of the bunny guys at the picnic today and saw how cool it was that these big (some biker!) guys could love bunnies and it gave them and their wives something to "connect" with.

Oh....and I have been with Ryan for 4.5 years....we got bunnies 3.5 years ago, so its taken this long for him to finally start getting interested in them ;).

There must have been about 15 bunnies and at least 20 people at this one was mostly husband/wives & then a few single bunny owners...a few people brought their kids, too.
Grooming already? sure seems promising to me, and they will definitely look adorable together.

I think Ryan is a bunny lover, he is just becoming comfortable showing it and admiting it now... he seems to at least quite like them anyway. Really, big biker rabbit lover guys? that is such a great mental image haha

Thank you - I still have hope then that my bf James will turn into a bunny lover! We've been going out close to 4 years, but I've only had bunnies 1 year... I think James' main problem is with pets in general, if you want to go away you have to find someone to look after them. And he doesn't like them waking him up haha
Great pictures! :shock:

Ruby and Marlin look super happy with the fresh air and nummy grass to nom on.

I'm so glad it went well. :)
Great pics! I was curious about the bunny picnic. That was a great idea! Wish we have something like that on the East Coast.
Erroll had to pick a bunny before he became a bunny lover. It took him over a year to LOL. Great great great pictures babe and glad Jenson is home.
"I want to kiss you, giiiiiirl!"


Kissy bunnies :kiss:....


Sammy, just making sure the kissing doesn't get too out of hand :p....


Cottontail Cottage :)....


Molly seems to like it! She, of course, woke Ryan and I up at 5am this morning when we heard her gnawing on the cardboard as loud as she possibly could :grumpy...


Brody got a willow tent for his cage and he really loves it. He's doing quite well in the living room, but doesn't want to come out of his cage even though its open whenever we are home. Hopefully he will venture out soon!


Sammy....being cute :halo. He's been really annoying lately for some reason, he's just not listening well and has decided to piddle on the hardwood floor in the living room almost every night the past few nights. I let him out before I get in bed, but I am going to have to start having Ryan let him out before he comes to bed (he usually comes to bed later then me) - we may also have to start limiting his water at night, too.


Then I finally got a decent picture of my chest piece (featuring Morgan). I haven't taken one since I got it finished a bit over a year ago :p...



MOUSE: Dexter is doing well, just as cute and friendly as ever. I really need to update pictures of him - I also need to make him a new play bin set up & some new popsicle stick structures.

RATS: The boys got moved into one of my SP Giant cages, as a friend wanted to get ready for the Ferrets she is planning to I sold her my CN. I really needed to pay down a credit card anyway, so it works out. The credit card had "animal bills" on it, so those need to get payed down before we have any more vet visits or "emergency! we are out of food and don't get paid for a few days, so we will just throw this pricey bag of food on the card!" thing, LOL.

Anyway....the boys are doing well, just getting older and even more lazy. They aren't inerested in coming out of their cage at all (even more now then ever). So, I just feed/water them, bring them homemade dinners, pet them & talk to them, clean their cages....and pretty much leave them be besides all of that. We are getting by on our "rocky" relationship :).

We rehomed my MIL's cat that we were fostering and he is doing well in his new home. I have noticed BIG changes in my kitties and myself since we adopted him cats are all much more relaxed, which makes me more relaxed. Quil (the "kitten") has become quite the snuggle bug, too. I'm waiting patiently for the day he gets to be a 20lbs cat, LOL...I want a massive kitty ;). Oh, Juju has gained weight again since we rehomed my MIL's cat - I knew her cat was eating up all of the food! Figures :grumpy. Tibi is doing very well, too....back to being his 'ole self and a lot less cranky (he hated MIL's cat).

Dog: He's fine....annoying, but fine :biggrin:. I have been searching for a Doxie rescue because I really want to start fostering Doxies this fall/winter, but there is only one rescue and its down in Phoenix 2.5 hours away....I am not sure if they foster out up here, but if they do then I'd probably have to drive down there every weekend for adoption events...and thats just too much time/money. I'd like to foster dogs for a rescue up here, but I'd have to be that picky over breeds/mixes & size, but I have to watch out for my bunnies & kitties. I don't want to foster large (or even medium) sized dogs...since being a groomer, I have really realized that large dogs are not my "thing".

I haven't decided yet if I actually do want a Pomeranian. I think they are awesome and sooo cute, but every single time I see a Doxie come into the shop my heart just melts and everything inside me tells me that I am just a Doxie person (Ryan really is, too, LOL).....we call ourselves "the weenie people" :p. So, I think I want a longhair Doxie (Ryan does, too). I'd love to get one from a rescue before a breeder, so we will keep our eyes open for a puppy when we are ready....I'd adopt an adult, but we really want a puppy as we both have never raised a puppy of our own.
Well....Molly and Morgan are NOT going to be very happy with me, but they are both going into a cage when I get home from the shop today. Molly keeps peeing/pooping in front of Marlins cage (even though I have plastic mats down), it keeps running off and ruining the carpet even more. I think I might just put Brody back into the bunny room and those two will try living out here in the living room & I will make their cage 2 NIC panels by 5 NIC panels. Darn Molly :grumpy....poor Morgan has to "suffer" now because of her - but, I know hes happier with a wifebun.....ugh, it just sucks that I have to cage its back to 4 play times - Marlin, Brody, Ruby (the foster), then Molly & Morgan. I just hope Morgan adjusts to the wood floors in the house!
Well, I haven't put Molly and Morgan in a cage yet. I can't bring myself to do it, but one of these days I know I will probably have to. Bleh....maybe one day when I have the time and am not so tired from grooming all day.

Anyway, I came home and saw this and it just melted my heart/gave me a heart attack at the same time. I left our little dog home today and was scared he had jumped on Molly for some reason and broke her back, so I didn't move her and she laid like that for about 5 minutes before hopping off, LOL.



I have some new pictures of Ruby, too, enjoying some run time. She doesn't like the hardwood floors (I'm not surprised), so I'm going to have to get a few cheap runner rugs pretty or two that go from the entrance way of the house, past the back of the couch to the dining rug, then one more that goes to the living room rug....that way the bunnies can have a large circle to rug around - since no one can have out time in the bunny room anymore thanks to Miss bossy Molly :rollseyes.









Aaaand here is a cute little doggie that I groomed today. We think she was a Pom/Yorkie mix :)....







The more pics you put of her, the more I love Ruby! She's so gorgeous and cute and cuddly-looking and and and-- *_* I so wish you didn't live as far away as you do. u.u I want to bunny-nap her. :p
My bunnies lay like that sometimes too. Ziggy is the king of giving me near heart attacks - he always lays in the strangest positions and looks dead. :shock:

That little dog is so cute!

Ruby is adorable. My Barnaby won't go on slippery floors either.

What kind of litter box does Brody have? It looks nice and big! I have one that looks like it's a similar size but the front is taller. I need to get my crew a new box soon to replace one of the smaller ones I have - I need to get them a bigger one since they can't all fit in the smaller ones. Apparently they like company while they're doing their business, because usually at least two of them go together.
Thanks, guys :biggrin:!

I bought Brody's litter box at Petco and its a Petco brand box too. Its really large, but he tends to pee a lot and I like the high sides for keeping hay in there ;).