Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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So, Jenson was out running around tonight and I lost him for 10 minutes. Sounds kind of ridiculous considering how small our house is (2 bedroom, living room/dining room, kitchen is the only space he gets to run around in)....but I searched in his play boxes, fabric tents, under computer desks, etc and couldn't find him? I finally found him, blending in with the rest of my black animals :p....



I agree, Steph!

A little while before I had "lost" him, I was sitting at my computer desk and heard my cat moan REALLY loud and looked over at him....Jenson had jumped onto the couch and landed right on top of him in the kitty bed - poor Juju was upset and Jenson just had this "Uhm, what?!" look on his face.



Ryan and I have found a home for my MIL's cat that we have been fostering since December :). There is a single lady (every time I say that I think of Kurt from Glee busting out singing/dancing to that song) who lives about 45 minutes away who wants him! She's got 2 horses and 1 kitty and wants her female kitty to have a male companion. She knows a lot of correct information about kitties and her cat is inside I know Marvin is going to a really good home. I'm going to miss him, but its not working out with him living here with us...and I know letting him go to this lady is going to be the best thing for him - it would be selfish to keep him here and allow him to keep getting beat up on by Tibi.
undergunfire wrote:
aaaaand to top off the mini-rant, I will post a picture of a weird moth that I found outside on the side of the house by the front door. He is almost a pearly lime/pastel green color!!

Looks a lot like this White-Fringed Emerald... although the white fringe on yours is a bit less apparent:
undergunfire wrote:
Thanks, Peg! Gosh I wish I could come and help you get up the bunny fun would that be?! I really want to come visit you again before I move to PA. Maybe we can plan something where Alicia can fly out too (if you are comfortable with that!)?

I know its weird that I am a cat lover, hehe. I guess the fosters (from a friend) that I had for a little while made me want a cat....and Mitzi! How is Mitzi, by the way?

And I LOVE to groom. Gosh, I can't even express how much I love grooming. I want to tell everyone who loves dogs to become a groomer....its the best life decision I have made yet (besides marrying Ryan, even though he's been a turd in the past and sometimes still irritates me, LOL).

What about me I always get left out:wink:(
I'm sooooowweeeeey :(. I lerrrv you and didn't mean to leave you out - I guess I was thinking about the time a few years ago when I stayed with Peg for a few weeks and it was almost like Alicia was there too because she was such a support in the hard time!
undergunfire wrote:
I'm sooooowweeeeey :(. I lerrrv you and didn't mean to leave you out - I guess I was thinking about the time a few years ago when I stayed with Peg for a few weeks and it was almost like Alicia was there too because she was such a support in the hard time!

I know i was just Playing you just have to stop in Galveston and bring Molly with you LOL.

So, every since Morgan and Molly bonded I have been thinking about adopting a rabbit for Marlin to bond with. Its a lot to think about, obviously, but I really think it would be good for Marlin since he doesn't like hanging out with me and he has always gotten along with my other bunnies well (they always started the scuffles, not him). I decided that first I'd get Morgan a mate, then Marlin, then Brody (maybe...hes not to that point yet, at least).

Well, I now have the opportunity to foster a special needs bunny. He was found in an abandoned apartment, approximately 3 years old, partially blind, totally deaf, and he's a Himi colored Mini Lop. I have known about him for about a week now and have been thinking about him on and off. The lady who has him now is the lady in town who has therapy rabbits & puts on the rabbit themed picnics here (every few months we have one). Anyway....the bunny, Radar, is supposed to go down to Phoenix (2.5 hours away) to be fostered by Tracy (timetowaste on the forum, but she hasn't been around in a while)....but I get the chance to foster him if Marlin and him do well on his bunny date.

Luckily the rescue who was/is going to take him in said I could foster him and see how the bonding goes and if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. At that point, I will not have adopted another rabbit only to end up with another single rabbit and be back to square one. But if it does work out...then I adopted a rabbit who may not ever find a home. There are a ton of beautiful healthy rabbits that need a home, but yet this boy is 3 years old, deaf, partially blind, mainly white, and has red eyes.

Its just a lot to think about if they do bond, as this bun is special needs (well, kinda so is Marlin now with his teeth issues) and things will always need to be tailored to make his life easier. Also, we ARE moving to PA in about 2 years, so that will be 1 more larger carrier in the car to move with us - meaning Marlin and Radar would share a larger carrier, Morgan and Molly in another, then Brody in a smaller carrier.

I just have this feeling about this rabbit being a good thing for Marlin, as Marlin needs a laid back bunny as a bond mate if hes going to have one....bossy bunnies won't work for him. I also feel insanely drawn to blind animals...they are just my favorites (even though I don't have any right now, lol).

Well, here is his picture....

It sounds like there's not really any harm in trying it out, right? If I'm understanding your post properly, should the two not bond, there are other arrangements possible for this rabbit via the rescue. Essentially then, the only real issue is: do you feel you can afford the long-term care of another rabbit at this time? If so, and you think it'd benefit your lone bun, I say go for it :)
Good points, Ren! Yep...if Marlin and Radar do not bond, then he'd go live at the sanctuary until he finds a home. Its a wonderful place, from what I hear....

I start working my groomer job in a few weeks time (just waiting for my boss/instructors to give me the go!)...and groomers make pretty good money (its all up to you!!), so yep...I do feel like I can afford a 5th bunny if they bond. This might just stop me from fostering rabbits for a while and may put off us getting another dog like we wanted to this fall, but I really have to think of my current pets and I don't see finding a bond mate for Marlin as not thinking of my current pets...since it would benefit Marlin (I hope!).

I am thinking of housing them both (if they bond) in my little walk-in closet in the bunny room. I think this will work well for Radar since he's blind and shouldn't be housed with Marlin in his stacked NIC cage, as I'd have to lift them both out of the cage. I could put Brody on top, but lifting him out would be impossible as he hates being handled. All of this would be temporary until we kick the room mate out of the back master bedroom when my MIL can afford to do that this October....then Marlin and Radar would have a very large master walk in closet to live in and I can turn Marlin & Brody's current cages into a 2 level NIC cage for Brody since he will be my only single - it would be 4 long x 2 wide, but doubled with a little ramp for him to go up onto the 2nd level.

I can't adopt Radar :(....I guess my home isn't acceptable for him because I have a small dog and 3 kitties (who actually love the bunnies!). Dori, the lady who rescued him, wants him to go to the foster home they had lined up for him. They also don't want Radar in a home with more then 1 other rabbit.

I'm a bit upset because I was "denied" - I didn't think I'd be upset if they said I couldn't try a date...but I guess I am upset (and nearly in tears) because I thought I'd make a good home for Radar if him and Marlin Marlin would get a buddy and I'd have given a home to a special needs bunny (they aren't easy to adopt out).

I know the email that I received back wasn't set in the tone of "You aren't a good enough pet owner to adopt Radar"....but that is what it feels like. I guess I need to get over it, but it will take me a little while. I'm going to feel embarrassed going to the bunny picnic now, knowing I was denied as a good home for a rabbit who needs one...even though I doubt anyone else will know.

Luckily I just got an email back that explained things better and they said there is no doubt that I'm not a good bunny parent....they are just attatched to Radar and want the best match for him. I do understand, but again...I'm upset that I am not that best match.

Eh....I suppose things happen for a reason. I have been talking with the director of Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue and she'd like to take me on as a foster home. They are super maxed out right now and only have 3 cages left open for bunnies. The space for the bunnies is rented out from the shelter, from what I understand, so if any more drop offs come in..then the shelter can start euthanizing.

We are getting transport worked out now...a lady is going to bring me my foster and Jenson will ride back with her to his new home (I will spill those details when I have time for it).

So, here will be my new foster bun from Zooh Corner (where I adopted Morgan!!) and I am going to try to bond her to Marlin & if it works then I will adopt her and if not, then she can continue to be my foster (I guess she is such a sweetie, but is very depressed at the shelter)....



No sad faces :p! To be honest, I am actually okay with it right now and am soooo looking forward to getting my foster from Zooh Corner! I get to take in a rabbit who is depressed in the shelter life, and that opens up a space for another bunny :).

I'm glad you're sounding better about the situation. I really think you're an EXCELLENT home - I just think the rabbit needed something different. I think this new one sounds PERFECT for you because I think you'd do great with her.

I sorta have mixed feelings about bonding Marlin. I don't know - when he was here with you - he struck me as a loner. Of course, he's grown a lot since then and I could be very wrong. But I have a hard time seeing him "needing" or really "wanting" a mate.

Of course, I have a lot of lionheads here who prefer to be left alone and not have playtime with others - so that cold be part of why I'm thinking this.

Perhaps if he sees Morgan so happy with a mate - he'll decide he wants one too.

I hope I don't sound like a downer cause I don't mean to be. I just know that not all rabbits want mates - thanks to Zeus. who is very jealous of me being around other rabbits.

I am so excited though to see this new girl - I think she's so cute.