Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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I hope today is better. Amy you know good things come to you when you need them most. Shoot Jessi fell in my lap almost literally I would have never thought I would of had a bonded pair.

Good things come to those who wait for that right moment.
Thank you, Kat....I really needed to hear that :hug:.

Well, I am going over to the lady's house in the next town over at 5:30pm today (it's only 8:30am here now). I'm going to give her care sheets to hand out to the new owners of the bunny....that's if she doesn't want me to foster him. We will see...she sounds like she provides him with a great home, but she just can't keep him due to her medical issues. So, I doubt it will be a situation where the bunny isn't being cared for...which is good because then I won't feel compelled to take him! If she wants me to foster him then she is also going to be helping find him a new home - I'll just be taking care of him because its hard for her to do so. I'm going to try to avoid fostering him for now (because I really don't need another bun in my house), though, because I don't *think* the situation is urgent enough for her to bring him to the shelter or anything, but again....we will see!
Ugh....I JUST had a lady email me asking if I could take in 2 baby female bunnies that were saved from "the cooking pot". One is apparently Harlequin colored and the other is black/white. I guess she saw my ad on CL selling one of my SP Giant rabbit cages.

Gosh darnit :grumpy.
Yeah....I think I am going to have to pass on the 2 baby bunnies. rabbits are not something I absolutely love and don't want to work with (darn naughties), LOL (weird to say, eh?).
#2....I don't need to go through more spay/neuter surgeries (or spend the money).
#3....I'm already helping the other lady with her 2 year old neutered bunny.

I certainly don't need a million rabbits in my house, LOL.


One thing I have been thinking of is finding Marlin a bondmate. I'm not dead set on the idea, just thinking about it. The lady in town who does therapy rabbit work has a Mini Lop foster who is already neutered....he's partially blind and he's deaf. I am thinking about asking her to do a date with him and Marlin, so I can see how Marlin would react with another rabbit besides all of my bunnies (who hes been used to for years now).
So, I just got back from the lady's house a bit ago. She lives pretty far out in the "country" (middle of the desert with some grass, LOL), but she has a wonderful house with an awesome bunny set up! The bunny she is trying to rehome is soooo sweet! He reminds me of my Molly....very stubborn, yet charming. Anyway....she rescued him from a home where he wasn't being taken care of - he was left in a poo filled hutch outside an appartment complex in Phoenix (where it reaches 110+ degrees F). She has had him for a few months and did try to do some bonding between him and her other rabbit, but it hasn't worked out.

The buns live in a little "sun room" off of her living room and they have HUGE windows that look out over the mountains...I'm jealous of the rabbit's awesome view!! Her one little bunny, named Charlotte, is a 2 year old spayed blue Netherland Dwarf and she has free run of the entire house when she is home and gets put away into a large xpen at night. The bunnies even get to go outside through the patio door out into a play yard when the lady (Donna) is outside doing yard work or just relaxing! Man....those are some spoiled rabbits.

I thought I'd be maybe walking into a home where the bunnies were just "bunnies", but NOPE! Little Charlotte the ND is a charmer....she will let you hold her and even loves to lick your arms and hands. She made me really want a ND, but I know not all ND's are probably like her, LOL!

Anyway...Donna thinks she has found a good home with an older couple, but they need to come over to her house tomorrow to see if they are allergic to the bunny because the wife is allergic to cats and dogs. I sure hope she isn't, as they sound like they'd be a great home for that little bun!

I told Donna about some other rabbit people that I know in town and told her that sometimes they have bunny picnic meet-ups or just get together in a park whenever people are free....and she is interested in attending some of that stuff!

Wow....what an awesome lady Donna was and such a good bun mom to her sweet bunnies. The reason why she can't keep the boy bun is because she tried bonding and it didn't work, plus she has "Valley Fever" illness (not sure what that is) and its hard to keep up with 2 seperate bunnies. Plus, her & her husband (police officer) travel down to Phoenix (2.5 hours away) every other weekend to see their kids & grandkids, so taking 2 buns with them is hard. She just packs up Charlotte the ND and takes her with them as she's a good bun and doesn't chew on anything. What a cool little bunny to just pack up and tag-a-long...she's like 1 pound, LOL!

I feel like sharing pictures of Marlin when he was a wee one....






At Peg's (TinysMom) house when we stayed with her for a few weeks a few years ago :)...



With his little friend, Drew (RIP sweetie <3)


How about some leeeettle baby Brodoh?!









I don't have any baby pictures of Morgan because he was almost 6 months old when he came to me from Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue in Cali, but I do have this picture of him taken around the time I got him. He's pictured with his bother, Mallory, who lives with Zin (GoinbacktoCali) in Texas...

Oh, and I also have this picture of Schnoogs taken around the time I got him....

Aaaand no baby pictures of Molly, since she was about 6 months old when she came to me last November :p. I should ask her old owner if she has baby pictures of her, though!!
Cute baby pictures! I wish I had baby pictures of my bunnies - but I got them all when they where older. I have one baby picture of Barnaby that his old owners gave me, but none of the other two.

That lady's little ND sounds amazing. ND's are actually my favorite rabbit breed. I'll probably get another one someday, but haven't been able to yet after Zeus passed away.
I enjoyed reading your whole blog today, Amy...while I was trying to keep my mind from boggling at work between updates to what I'm working on. LOL

I was thinking about your top cage, and it reminded me of when I had Elf's cage up on the desk in my son's room. I made a little habitrail type attachment to the side for her to get up and down on her own. Didn't know if it would be something you'd like to create or not, but here are some photos: :biggrin:





I'm glad you like the baby pictures, guys :biggrin:. I FB messaged Molly's old owner and she said she might have pictures of Molly on her phone when Molls was a wee one!!

Minda....that cage is really cool! I'm not sure my bunnies would get the hang of something like that, though, hehe.


Molly is going to get punted like a football if she doesn't stop chewing up the carpet in the bunny room! Not really, but I say that because she is very "football shaped" :p. It really doesn't matter that she is chewing up the carpet because we are replacing it with wood floors this fall/winter (Ryan's mom is paying since its her house)....but its just annoying to walk into the bun room and see carpet shreds all over!! She doesn't just dig it up, she pees on it in that spot, too. I can't cage her because I can't cage Morgan, so I just don't have a choice. She's been digging up the part over by their "play corner", so I put down a little door mat there for her to dig at instead. I had tried putting down cardboard sheets and phone books, but I think thats what caused her to be "dig happy".

Anyway....tonight I plan to take the couch out of the bun room. I really like it in there because its something to sit on and makes the room more "cozy", but I rarely sit on it (usually just go sit on the floor) and it's become "the cat couch", so it needs to go. I think its a smart idea because it will give Molls and Morgs more room to run around in there :). I REALLY want to get one of those cardboard mazes, but I just don't have $40 to blow on a heap of I might try to make a nice looking cardboard box castle until I start making money grooming, then I can blow some money on new stuff for the buns. Shipping is insanely expensive, so I figure I need to make an order worth it. Or...we could always drive down to The Bunny Basics store in Scottsdale, AZ once we get a new car! later of the bun room, when I remove the couch ;).
Good luck moving the couch!

Those mazes are so cool, but I agree, they're expensive considering they are just cardboard that my bunnies will just chew up anyways. Especially when I can make them cardboard forts for free.

Sorry Molly's attacking the carpet. I've never kept my bunnies in a room with carpet before. Their room has a couple of area rugs in it, since Barnaby won't run on the slippery floor, but luckily my crew has always left those rugs alone.
Chelle...I just like the mazes because I can't make one that looks so neat & "clean", LOL! And arrrg....I found another spot where Molly has started digging up the carpet!

Anyway....groom school pictures :). I did this Shih Tzu named "Suki" completely by myself today!! Sorry about her mouth being open...Shih Tzu's never close their mouth when being groomed :grumpy...




AFTER (yes, her owners like that dumb hair-do thing on her head :p):



Aaaand bunny room pictures! Morgan and Molly have a lot more space now since they are free range in there :)....





No one likes my groom pictures or the new bunny room :p?

Well, today I got Morgan and Molly a new bed - I couldn't pass it up because it was only $8 on sale at PetSmart and matched the bunny room perfectly. I just hope they sleep in it ;)...


Morgan, being adorable :halo...


Quilbo :)...



Tibi :D...


I think I might set up a pen out on the front porch and bring Marlin & Brody out there to play and also use that as some bonding time for them. I also want to take advantage of them being outside and try to get Brody brushed out. He's molting and its terrible! Pictures to come ;).
Suki looks so much better after you groomed her! The hair bow is adorable. :hearts

I envy the bunny room, it's so organized and I love all the colors. Spoiled buns!
Thanks Erika & Kat :biggrin:. Once our room mate who lives in the master bedroom in the back of the house moves out this fall, then I'm turning that into the bunny room! Let me explain....

My MIL needed extra money a year ago and had this whole 3 bedroom house all to herself, so she decided to rent out the master bedroom in the back of the house (its tucked back behind the kitchen down its own little "entry way"). She equipped the master closet with a little kitchen set up (mini fridge, coffee maker, toaster, microwave) and there is a full bathroom back there. The master bedroom also has locking sliding glass doors and its own entry way (just walk down a little path from the side yard and out the gate), so its a perfect set up for someone to live back there.

Well, the guy she rented it to is someone who Ryan and I haven't met before (and we've lived here 5 months already - my MIL moved to WI and we are renting the house from her). Anyway...the guy is a nursing student who is in his late 50's and he's rather weird. Like....we will come home and be outside unloading groceries and if he is coming home at the same time, then we will drive up the street pass the house and return home later when we aren't outside. We think he's just super anti social or something.

Sometimes he will call Ryan's mom when it's 3am in WI to complain to her that we have the television up too loud (in the living room on the other side of the house), so she calls us and tells us to turn it down. Or...just the other day we had incense burning (like usual) and he called her to tell her that he's tired of his clothes smelling like "patchouli" ("hippie smell"), when we aren't even burning anything that smells remotely close to that! So....he's kind of a pain in our butt and will occassionally call my MIL and complain about dumb little things.

He moved in when my MIL lived here...she's alone and quiet. He new we were moving in and chose to stay living here. We are a 21 year old married couple who IS loud (hellooooo....I'm a new yorker :p) and we have friends over sometimes, burn incense, watch movies on the suround sound every weekend, etc. What does he expect? This isn't a darn apartment building with thick walls...this is a house with "house walls"!!

In case you were wondering...he never comes into our living areas. It all sounds weird, I know....but he's insanely quiet (we may hear his toilet flush or him turn on the water in the bathroom, but thats it) and we never hear from him unless he calls Ryan's mom to complain about some dumb thing. Its kind of like we just live in a 2 bedroom the master bedroom doesn't exist, LOL.

Anyway....Ryan's mom gets some sort of monthly retirement check every month starting in October, so we are planning on kicking the room mate out! At that point, Ryan's mom won't need his $500 (which basically pays for the taxes and utilities on this house, since she owns it)....and we will still pay our normal $650 (including utilities) to live here in the entire house!

At that point...we can turn the master bedroom into a HUGE bunny room (like 2.5 times the size of their current one). There will be the master closet (I am thinking PLAY CLOSET!!!) and then a bathroom ( room, LOL). Also, since there is sliding glass doors that lead out onto a little wood patio deck, I plan to fence that off (with a roof) so that the bunnies and kitties can go out there to get some fresh air!!!!

Needless to say....I want October to be here soon :p. I guess I shouldn't be too awfully excited since its not permanent....we are moving to PA in 2 years, but it will be super cool for the time being.

aaaaand to top off the mini-rant, I will post a picture of a weird moth that I found outside on the side of the house by the front door. He is almost a pearly lime/pastel green color!!


I'm just now catching up on your blog (I haven't received updates) - I love the bunny room - sure do wish you could come here and help me set up the bunny barn when we do it - so it could be practical AND pretty.

I love the pictures of the dogs you groom - it seems so funny to remember you when you were here - not overly fond of cats - and how you have cats - and you groom dogs. The next thing I know - Ryan will get a pet frog! (Just kidding).

I need to keep checking to see when your blog is updated....
Thanks, Peg! Gosh I wish I could come and help you get up the bunny fun would that be?! I really want to come visit you again before I move to PA. Maybe we can plan something where Alicia can fly out too (if you are comfortable with that!)?

I know its weird that I am a cat lover, hehe. I guess the fosters (from a friend) that I had for a little while made me want a cat....and Mitzi! How is Mitzi, by the way?

And I LOVE to groom. Gosh, I can't even express how much I love grooming. I want to tell everyone who loves dogs to become a groomer....its the best life decision I have made yet (besides marrying Ryan, even though he's been a turd in the past and sometimes still irritates me, LOL).