Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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I paid $400 for Kit on a pet contract, from an awesome breeder :) I'm all for rescue too, but I don't mind people buying from responsible breeders. It's when people support back yard breeders and puppy mills that I have a problem with it.

My parents use to have a cocker spaniel that my mom insisted on always grooming herself, and I swear that poor dogs whole life was just a series of horribly bad hair cuts. When I use to visit them from college I would always offer to groom her, because then she would actually look semi normal until my mom groomed her again. Except for that my mom always insisted that I left her mohawk. ;)
BUNNIES :biggrin:!













Kitty pictures next :)...
This is Spartan (always known as "Spootie") - my precious baby, my little tubby tummy rattie, my heart rat, the rat who never should have left me....what a great rat he was. Spoots was a rat who understood you and the rat I'd go to when I was sad and needing a "pick up".

I got Spoots from a locally owned pet store who doesn't really treat their rats very well, they are more like feeders to them. I had always wanted a rex rat and when I saw him all scared in the tank I knew he had to be mine. The first night I had Spoots he was very scared and I really thought he was going to die - he was breathing heavy and lethargic. It was estimated that Spoots was a year old already when I got him. I had him neutered and he lived happily with his "brother", Leo. I later added Louie and Ralphie into the mix (they passed on), then Spice (passed on) & her babies (boys were neutered).

God I miss my Spootie....when he died, most of my love for rats died...I just can't connect with rats the way I could when he was alive :(. Spootie died at the ripe very old age of 3.5 years. His heart was failing him and I knew he needed to be helped to the bridge. He passed away at the end of October of last year.










Today I got off of groom school an hour early, so I had an hour to kill before I had to go and pick up Ryan. I decided to go look around the local mom & pop pet store around the corner from my school. Ugh...bad idea, its a bad idea every single freakin' time but yet I still go in there (never buy anything, its way too expensive).

I looked at the small animals, like usual, and knew it was a mistake as soon as I looked into the "large rats $9.99" tank. Ugh....staring back at me as a beautiful rex rat. I immediately had a flash back to the day about 3 years ago when I got Spootie (shared his pictures up a few posts in here). I had never seen a rex rat before in person before Spootie....then here again was another one that looked just like Spoots in a way....same eyes, same bone structure, same size as Spoots was at first. This little boy was a pretty charcole color with blonde flecks through the charcole color....he was a blazed rat. I knew from the second I saw him I was going to have to bring him home.

Ugh....I got the lady and she was all like "Don't buy the big ones, they aren't socialized and they are older". I told her I didn't care...a rattie is a rattie. She went on to say how unfriendly and bascially a piece of crap the "large rats" were. She wouldn't let me hold the big guy because "he's not friendly and he will jump out of your hands". So, I stuck my hand in the tank and he came right up to me and LICKED ME ON THE FINGER!! The dumb lady still kept going on about how crappy the large rats were.

I told her I'd have to think about bringing him home and I'd come get her if I wanted him.

Bleh...I stood around for 20 minutes talking myself out of it because I just don't want to keep rats as pets anymore after my four 16 month old boys pass away....I was just done with the heart ache and saddness of loosing such an awesome pet so "young".

The lady came back to check on me (probably because I was taking so long) and I told her I'd have to pass even though I really wanted him...She said "Thats probably for the better...the big ones are just snake food anyway and you'd be better off with a smaller one because it will be friendlier".

Ugh....there I go....walking out of the door with tears in my eyes because I had to leave such a gorgeous rat behind that reminded me so much of my Spootie...only to end up as dinner for some snake. I can only hope he isn't fed live, but at the same time I don't think a whack to "stun" is much better.

butsy wrote:
ohhhh, so sorry !!. but you probably did the best thing .. you have soooo many pets to love and take care of
Nah, its not the number of pets in my house (everyone has their limits), but its the fact that I am dead set on taking a break from rats after my current 4 boys pass away.


I got some cute pictures of Jenson tonight! Man, my MIL's cat and my dog are driving Ryan and us both nuts tonight. The cat keeps trying to eat Jenson's rabbit pellets, then went after the container of mouse food I was mixing up for Dexter. Sammy won't stop trying to eat all the kitty's new "catnip body pillows" and was eating Jenson's salad.

Ryan and I are 2 seconds away from giving away the cats and dog and just keeping Jenson. JUST KIDDING......but stress-free would a life of ONLY 5 bunnies be (and of course my mouse, as he's awesome)? Ehhhhh....we won't know that life ever, LOL. I will always have at least 1 cat and 1 dog besides rabbits. We plan to get a Pom (these poms are 5-6lbs) this fall/winter...but after that we aren't adding anymore dogs or cats. We will have 3 kitties, 2 little dogs, and 4 bunnies :). I think thats enough as we want to have a kid in about 4-5 years. I can't say I won't ever have any fosters of any other furry species, though! Oh...and we definitely want to have a "mini farm" of rescued goats and mini horses, but thats quite a few years away (years after we move to PA!).

Anyway...onto the pictures!









I am switching Jenson over to Purina Fibre3 from Purina show, due to the amount of protien levels in the Show formula. He drinks a TON of water (not that thats a bad thing at all) and his pee stinks more then my other bunnies (maybe its because hes "changing" from being neutered?), but I did read that higher protien diets lead to drinking a ton of water and the kidneys have to work I'm switching him to see how he does on Fibre3. I actually really like it, so far....and I only just bought a bag tonight. I got a 50lbs bag for $17 and it smells better, is way more fresh, and isn't dusty at that to Oxbow!!! I have 2 50lbs bags of Oxbow 15/23 and Oxbow BBT, and they are half dust - its gross, half of the 1/4th cup I give to my buns is I might switch all my guys over to Fibre3 if I like what it does for Jenson!
Cute pictures. I love of the of the dog eating out of the rabbit's dish - my dog does that all the time too!

So sorry to hear about the rat - poor thing. Maybe someone else will buy it for a pet. I can't believe they where selling a rex rattie as a feeder, I've never even seen a rex rat in real life - I think they are pretty rare around here.
Thanks, Chelle. This pet store ALWAYS has wonderful colored rats that all usually go as feeders. I've seen the "rarer" pet store colors there along with the "rarer" pet store markings - as in usually you don't see possum faces, blazes, dalamation, masked, etc in pet stores and colors such as the charcoal, mink, dove, chocolate, etc. They get their stock from a feeder breeder 2.5 hours away (in Phoenix).

Bleh...yeah, I can only hope he goes to a good pet home. All I can think about is his kissy little curly fuzzy rattie the day I saw my Spootie.


Anyway...I am meeting tomorrow in the next town over with the lady who has the 2 year old neutered male bunny who she needs to rehome due to her medical issues. She still has no bites on him and needs to rehome him ASAP. So, I am going to go check him out and give her a care sheet to give to his new owners when she rehomes him. We might discuss me taking him in and fostering him while her and I try to find a good home for him (will probably need to be less picky in this situation, since I already have 1 foster and this will make 6 rabbits in my house).

I posted about him on the 26th of April on the page before this one, but here is his picture again...
3kf3m93p55T25U55S4a4o05e9c03cbbf11fe3.jpg I am just feeling rather "depressed".

* I've been missing Spootie (my heart rat) and then I walk into a pet store and had to turn down a rat who looked JUST like him.

* Today I had to groom a Humane Society dog that was matted, but he was the happiest dog EVER. He was a Poodle/Aussie mix and was the kind of dog I would have loved to have had, but I have a house full of bunnies! I should be happy since a family waited at the Humane Society for 4 hours today while "Fritz" was at the shop being that means he was probably adopted when he returned back there. Its a bittersweet thing...grooming shelter dogs.

* THEN today the lady that I get my kitty from walked into the shop today and had a flyer to give us to hang up.....a person in her family has to rehome their 1.5 year old female Pomeranian because they are allergic. This girl is 6lbs and chocolate/tan/cream colored....a GORGEOUS Pom! She's already spayed, has all shots, and is microchipped. They are asking a $300 rehoming fee...which is a steal for such a quality Pom like she is. I'm upset because Ryan and I both want a Pom, but we weren't expecting to get one until this fall/winter....and now here is a lovely Pom that we could have, but yet $300 isn't something we have to spend on a dog right now. If this Pom was being rehomed a month from now, then we'd be able to show interest in her.

I mean, waiting another 6 months won't kill us, but this little girl is a good deal since we are probably going to be paying $700 (plus pay for it to be altered & shots) for a pet quality Pom from the lady at the shop. She did loose her entire litter last fall, so I'm worried about her possibly losing another litter (Poms are delicate dogs)....then it will be sad since the pups died and we'd have been waiting months to bring home a little fluff ball. Arg...I'm getting ahead of myself :rollseyes. I guess I just really like the Pom girl being rehomed and I haven't even met her! You can just "know" when you see a picture of an animal.

* I decided to go to the store to get peanut butter brownie mix and coat them with chocolate frosting because I wanted to surprise Ryan with a treat for when we got home from work (he's working 12 hours today). I get home and realized I freaking forgot to get eggs, so now I can't even make him the brownies. I was also going to pick up the house and do the massive pile of dishes that is spilling out of the sink and over onto the counter top....but now I am just too bummed to even do that.

* Theeeeen to top it off I have Brody who really wants to come out to play and also Jenson (the foster) who wants to come out to run around the house...but I just don't feel up to it. Lops are so naughty and I know Jenson will get into things and Brody is going to pee all over the rabbit room carpet, and I just don't want to deal with it right now

