Thanks! Thank you for reading our blog as well :biggrin2:
[align=center]Twizzler and Jelly Bean (pictures of Jelly Bean still to come) are getting along great. They are both very active and very vocal (which I absolutely love). I'm still not reacting to them though I do get a little bit of an allergic reaction when handling the hay but that is bearable.[/align]
[align=center]Houdina and Baloo justlove watching them.It's quite funny to watch Baloo actually. He's always been very intimidated when it comes to the bunnies but he was definitely curious about the guinea pigs. He's adorable really. If I set them on a blanket, he will come up slowlyand then lie down on the blanket in front of them and watch. When they squeak or munch, he gently (and I mean very gently) pats them. Almost like if he is scared to touch them. Twizzler usually crawls between the blanket layers so Baloo sticks his nose inside to watch him so I often see a headless cat with his butt sticking out from under the blanket. Hehehe. Houdina is a gentle soul and she is very motherly so I have seen her licking them gently but mostly she just likes to watch.[/align]
[align=center]I thought maybe the cats would stress the piggies out but they've taken to them really really well. We let the pigs out on the floor the other day and the cats were about and they would actually go see the cats. They pass right by them without flinching. They even sit and munch happily.[/align]
[align=center]It's been wonderful to watch Twizzler and Jelly Bean snuggle. Jelly Bean is much less skittish (? spelling looks odd) than Twizzler and that seems to have affected Twizzler in the sense that now Twizzler fears us less. They still have a bit to go but I think it's going great since they've only been here a few days.[/align]
[align=center]Jeff has decided that he wants to build them their 'cage' himself. He showed me a brief design and we came up with a ton of ideas. This will be a major project and we are hoping to turn it into a sort of hobby for ourselves at the same time. I simply cannot wait to get started. Let me tell you, Twizzler and Jelly Bean will be awful spoilt! [/align]
[align=center]The funny thing isI snuck Twizzler into the house. Lol. I'm glad Jeff was okay with it and even more happy that he got me Jelly Bean. :biggrin:It is so unbelievablywonderful to have someone as cool with the pets as Jeff... I absolutely love how gentle he is with them and also how considerate he is. [/align]
[align=center]Sooooooooo I spent quite a bit of time working on my dutch with Jeff. It's been a bit tough because I cannot seem to accept having an accent. I MUST have it bang on. I MUST learn it NOW. Lol. Some sounds are extremely subtle and hard for me to hear. I simply cannot figure out the difference between the 'v' and 'w'. Lol. I'm doing pretty well with the little 'rules' I know so I am happy about that. My writing is going very well so that makes me quite happy.[/align]
[align=center]Now if only I could get the pronounciation bang on

Jeff thinks it's strange that I have an english accent rather than a french accent since french is my mother tongue. Lol. Ah well :expressionlessI'm a bit less stressed when it comes to it now. I guess I have to accept that it may take some time for me to grow into the perfect pronounciation. I'll just have to swallow that misplaced pride once again :wink[/align]
[align=center]Dealing with the social anxiety has been pretty rough. I do not want to go back on medication so I am just errr keeping on? (I know there isa better way to say that lol) Finding myself back in a school environment has been rough to say the least. Everytime I walk into a school environment, memories come flooding back and I feel a good pang in my heart and maybe a bit of resentment. However, the could-have-been's might not be better than the now. I am very happy here with Jeff. I think it's a life lesson I still need to remind myself of sometimes. [/align]
[align=center]I'm working hard at not allowing my stress to comeout as aggression. I think that is the most important thing I need to work on right now. I used to handle stress differently and I hope to go back to that. It's a lot of personal work and having to take a sincere look at myself but I intend to be the person I want to be.[/align]
[align=center]Hopefully this will be a very good 'growing' experience for me.

For now, I'm off because I don't want to be late for school
