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:wave: Sebastien!

I think Smores and Giggles will hit is off when the time comes. I sooo cannot wait. I think Giggles would be a lot more confident with him around. Smores, well, he'd just be so hyper :p It's always tricky since it's hard to tell if two rabbits will bond. :confused2:

Haha, yeah I have to take the snail pictures. More hatched as well :biggrin2: They are all over the place. In fact, I'm quite overrun :p I think I will release some very soon.

I hate white. My old appartment was entirely white :expressionless White is... nothing. No personality, no warmth... Bleh. I really don't like it much at all. Not even in clothes really. We didn't get any white furniture either. :biggrin2: Painting may be simple but it's a lot of work too though. Lol. But yeah, I agree with you on how much it changes things. What colors do you have? I just love color! I was good though, I kept it to warm tones. If it were just me, I might have painted each room a different color of the rainbow, or even made a rainbow room and had funky decorations. Lol. :p The only place that might get a little bit funky will be Jeff's office because he has a lot of Star Wars collectibles that I would like to properly display. Might add some nice lighting and somewhat futuristic furniture or something. ;)

I saw your beetle by the way. What a nice color, too bad it will turn black :p It sucks that they don't live much longer than that though... Baaah to them!
[align=center]It's been a few days since I last posted and so much has been going on! Aye Aye! Hehehe. Because I was struggling with my dysautonomia, I haven't been able to keep up with the posts so I will have to post this in parts so I don't overwhelm you with pictures and text ;)[/align]
[align=center]First of all, the paint job was completed and it turned out beautiful. The desk and buffet were finally delivered and the house is really starting to come together now. I must admit, it was quite a shock to see the buffet in the kitchen... For a while, I thought it was entirely too big but now I realize it's just because there had been nothing there and it's really not that bad ;)Anyway, here are some pictures:[/align]
[align=center]Beforearea over doorpainted:[/align]
[align=center]This is what the living room looks like now:[/align]
[align=center]A closeup of the rug I loved so much...[/align]
[align=center]Of course, that's not the final look as we are still waiting for our couch. It will be coming next week and I can't wait! [/align]
[align=center]The other night, Jeff and I were sitting in the living room when we heard strange noises coming from the back... We went to peak and I spotted a cat and thought maybe the cat had been the source of the noise. However, as I was walking in the yard, I spotted movement at my feet. I quickly grabbed Jeff and told him we had company.[/align]
[align=center]We had 2 hedgehogs in the yard! Weee :biggrin2:One walked into the neighbor's yard but the other stayed. It even decided it wanted to sleep in the shed that night and I didn't have much of a choice but to let him sleep :pThe next day, I did some reading and decided that I would build a little hedgehog house and see if maybe onewill take up residence there in the future. Aside from this, I have decided I want to make the yard wildlife friendly and so I have been doing research and planting, landscaping, etc. That's also why my dysautonomia flared up and so I was knocked on my butt for a few days. I have yet to finish and between the rain and my being unwell, I'm really hoping I can get it done before winter! Lol. [/align]
[align=center]Anyway, I managed to get a few shots so here you are:[/align]
[align=center]Hmmm they are not working so I will have to fix those and post them in a few... :expressionless[/align]
[align=center]The other day, it was raining too much to take the bunnies out so I decided I would try and get some nice pictures of the cats instead. I think I got some pretty cute ones :biggrin2:Enjoy:[/align]
[align=center]Houdina after a playing session :p:[/align]
[align=center]Stopfollowing me!:[/align]
[align=center]Baloo plays so much 'fetch' so he's 100% muscle...:[/align]
[align=center]Looking adorable:[/align]
[align=center]Whatcha dooooing?:[/align]
[align=center]Baloo's gorgeous eyes (they are yellow and blue/gray):[/align]
[align=center]Baloo slurps as well:[/align]
[align=center]Baloo slurps some more:[/align]
[align=center]Baloo's gorgeous eyes again:[/align]
[align=center]The handsome boy is quite hard to photograph:[/align]
[align=center]Houdina looking great:[/align]
[align=center]Kitteh paws!:[/align]
[align=center]And some really adorable shots of Houdina:[/align]
[align=center]And for the awwww moment of the day:[/align]
[align=center]Awwwwww :inlove:[/align]
[align=center]Lady May And Her Loyal Slaves[/align]

[align=center]They have not come to worship me yet.[/align]

[align=center]What's taking them so long? I sort of miss them...[/align]

[align=center]Ah, I hear them! Quick let me get in the 'grumpy' pose.[/align]


[align=center]No, hoomin, I do not want your offerings! You have offended me by coming here and expecting me to allow you to touch me again![/align]

[align=center]HMPH! There, take the butt. That's what you deserve hoomin![/align]

[align=center]PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT! I demand you release me at once or I will... I will...[/align]

[align=center]KICK you! Yeah! Take that![/align]


[align=center]Oh. You are letting me play? Oh. That's why you picked me up? [/align]

[align=center]I see. [/align]

[align=center]Well, warn me next time.[/align]

[align=center]I see you have laid out all my toys before me. That is good hoomin... Good. You are learning.[/align]

[align=center]Now, go fetch me some fresh hay![/align]


[align=center]Maybelle DID enjoy her time out very much, despite what she might say...[/align]

[align=center]I have proof ;)[/align]

[align=center]Who goes there?[/align]


[align=center]Oh no, not YOU! Please make her go away...[/align]


[align=center]Hmmm, so you brought the camera to see the fabulous me and show me off you say?[/align]


[align=center]You had better post ONLY the good ones, OR ELSE...[/align]


[align=center]See how nicely shaped I am?[/align]


[align=center]How about my other side?[/align]


[align=center]And and see how pretty I sit? (If you look closely, you can see that she is mocking us :p)[/align]


[align=center]I like to accessorize as well...[/align]


[align=center]How about a nice shot of my face?[/align]


[align=center]Hmm no, I don't like that. How about this instead? Oh yeah, much better. Look at my gorgeous eyes...[/align]


[align=center]Okay, getting tired now...[/align]


[align=center]When I put my head down like this, that usually gets you to worship me...[/align]


[align=center]Come on, pet me![/align]


[align=center]Ah yeah, that is nice... *Soft tooth grinding*[/align]


[align=center]Hey, where are you going???[/align]

hmm let's see...my mother and i painted the kitchen a deep eggplant purple, and then the room next to that is a really deep, dark red, and the living room is a light mossy green...the bathroom downstairs is...lilac ? we were originally wanting to put in black wood floors to match the red and purple, but went with a reddish color because we didn't think the black would sell well when my mother decides to sell the house. which is a shame, because the black floors would have looked smashing. i was in the middle of painting the garage a light blue-gray when i left, i'm sure my mother will have me finishing that when i go home haha.

japan is so boring, all the houses have the same color scheme, white walls and light wood floors and trim. the walls here are fabric-like, so it's impossible to paint them. i don't think a single person here has their walls painted !

yeah it's a shame about mushy-kun turning black, but i have my eye set on some other beetles, and one kind of them is a yellow-green color. there is a huge beetle store in a place called odaiba here, and i am dieing to go.

speaking of bugs...i JUST caught a gokiburi (cockroach) in my house...curse living in an old house on the ground floor !
[align=center]Hey Sebastian![/align]
[align=center]That sucks that you can't paint... Maybe you can pin up some fabric to make it come to life a bit more? Not sure if you could find anything cheap but always worth a shot.[/align]
[align=center]I'll be expecting lots of pictures of any future beetles in your blog ;)Lol. So... When are you going to that store? :pAre they expensive? I don't remember if I asked... Lol![/align]
[align=center]I released 6 snails some days ago but I am considering releasing them all. I have to modify the 'tank' because it's holding water. I was thinking of drilling a hole into it at the bottom. I'm just not sure if it will work or not. Not sure what I will do really. They don't look too thrilled right now.I've been trying to take picures of the lil ones but it's been so dark with all the rain![/align]
[align=center]Oh, in a previous post, I mentionned going to the zoo and I hadtaken some pictures for you. I'll post them here along with a few other nice pictures. :biggrin2:[/align]
[align=center]Apple Snails! ;)[/align]
[align=center]Do you see it?:[/align]
[align=center]And my favorite:[/align]
that is actually not a bad idea ! when i go home in a month to visit my mother, i will go to the fabric store with her and see if i can't find something that would look good hanging on the wall. maybe i'll get red velvet and make my little shack a palace LOL.

well i might go in the next couple of weeks, it depends on how busy i am, and how much money i have ! the beetles go for all sorts of prices, since people breed them, and a well bred beetle can go for anywhere from 5,000en to over 10,000en (roughly 50-100$ !). mushy-kun was cheap because he was from a pet store, but my next beetle will likely be either a breeding pair or i will buy larvae to hatch. beetle breeding here is really serious business !

ahh aquarium shots ! i absolutely love the ocean...i used to live about a 3 hour drive from the monterey bay aquarium, and i'd go all the time and just spend the whole day. even if i'd seen every exhibit hundreds of times, i still never got bored. my dream one day is to get really rich and build a giant saltwater fishtank to surround a room in my house..
[align=center]Thanks guys. I am glad someone can enjoy the pictures. I enjoy taking them but I still have no clue how to use a real proper camera. I do have one I can play with and I think I might do that very soon so you can be expecting lots of pictures in the future. Lol. :biggrin:


A few days ago I had a discussion with a very good friend of mine. I voiced my concerns about the bunnies and my allergies. Basically, part of me felt like a terrible bunny mom because I do not have nearly as much contact with them as I would wish. The other part of me does realize that to some extent, they could be much worse off elsewhere. They are well-provided for and they are loved even if I cannot handle them too much. Anyway, with all that, it made me want to find ways to have more contact with them.

I set up the playpen in the livingroom with a nice blue tarp and decided to bring in Smores (who has been sulking a bit since he misses us) and Giggles (who just loves being near Smores). Of course, Maybelle threw a fitwhen she saw me take the others inside.I took her inside the following day, so she was much happier.

I am very happy to say that I was able to have them in the livingroom the entire day without reacting so badly. I was quitesurprised actually at how well it went. However, if I do it several days in a row, then it does affect me so I have to do it a bit sporadically and open the windows when I do. It is a big step forward though and I am very happy about it.

I think the best news so far though has to be about Giggles. When I first got my girl, she was thin thin and looked so frail. Now, she's put on some weight and she's looking great. She even has a small dewlap!!! I'm so thrilled... I can't explain how elated I was to see how good she's looking. She's still very shy and scares easily but once she realizes it's me, she settles and lets me pet her and she tooth purrs. I'm hoping that, eventually, she will be less timid.

I got a few cute shots so here you go :biggrin:

First, some cute Smores pics:








Some cute pics of the want-to-be lovers :p:




Annnd Giggles (take note of the little dewlap:p):



[align=center]and Maybelle coming up...[/align]










[align=center]Did you notice this picture?[/align]
[align=center]Lol :p[/align]
[align=center]Nothing really really exciting to report but here is a breakdown of things...

On Friday, our TV dressoir finally came and now the livingroom is pretty much complete. We still have to get lamps and decorations but all the main stuff is taken care of. :biggrin2:

On Saturday, we went shopping for clothes. I was extremely nervous about it. See, I'm overweight and short and trying to shop in the land of the tall and skinny. Lol. It's also hard because the dutch style is quite different from the style back in Montreal so I'm really not used to it. I warned Jeff that I'd probably end up sobbing, threaten to break up with him, and then stuff my face with ice cream... Hehehe. However, it went surprisingly well. :confused2:We walked into one store and bought 3-4 items from there. Then we walked into another and bought quite a few pieces from there as well. So that's basically how it went. Shoes, on the other hand, were impossible to find. The funny thing is I actually got two tunic/dress/jumper things that are to be worn with tights or leggings. I am quite surprised really since I haven't worn anything like that in years. I'm hoping I'll be confident enough to wear them well. If so, I must admit they are really comfy and nice looking.

Yesterday, we went to the petting zoo. I was quite surprised at the way the animals were housed and found it quite nice to be honest. Of course, being a petting zoo means that there is a lot of comings and goings, but I guess it could have been much worse. The animals looked good and lots of them had been abandoned. I absolutely loved the bunnies and guinea pigs. :biggrin2:I asked Jeff for guinea pigs. Lol. I've wanted guinea pigs for a long time. I don't know that I will get any but it sure was nice to play with some again.

Here are some of my favorite pictures:

I would have run off with this bunny if I could:




My favorite piggy:


A teddy bunny:


A gorgeous bunny in a color I have never seen before:


An adorable piggy:


Wee a funny chicken:


More in the next post...
Annnnd farm animals:

[align=center]This guy kept following me and 'cooing':[/align]
[align=center]More animals:[/align]
[align=center]Still more to come...[/align]
[align=center]And my favorite picture:[/align]
I rarely ever like pictures of me but I got my hair done today and I just loved it so I wanted to share... We have a big family reunion on Saturday so I want to look presentable :)
