Ok so the previous post was something I had wanted topost the other day but I simply didn't have the heart to post it here. Anyway,I realize it's a bit of a downer so I will post some more positive things here...
First, the piggies. I got the guinea pigs knowing all too well that I will no longer have rabbits in the future. Part ofthe reason why I got themwas to rekindle my long lost love for them and to test out my body's response to them. I knew that there would be a risk of the same thing happening with the guinea pigs as it's happened with the rabbits but it's something that only time will tell.
So far though, things have been much much better than expected, both physically and emotionally. I had always always loved guinea pigs and had them for many many years though sporadically and never for long since my father was so severely allergic. He's landed himself in ICU over guinea pigs because he loved them so much. See the family resemblance?

Over the years, my father was constantly making him sick by trying to find a new way to keep them and my heart was always breaking when it came time to rehome them. My mother finally put her foot down and it was forbidden to bring a guinea pig into the house after the millionth time or so. That's how I turned to rabbits. Does anyone else see the irony here?
Anyway, back on track. I have been responding amazingly well to the guinea pigs so far. Granted, it's only been a few weeks but one can hope right? In the past, I never reacted to guinea pigs. I did have one with Wiggles back in the day and reacted badly but now I think it might have been more a reaction to Wiggles since she was not spayed andit probably made her even more hormonal. (I react to any animal much worse whencertain hormones are secreted.My cats are an example of that. I never react to my cats unless they are very stressed)Of course, the hay issue is still present but I can handle that easily. Other than minor allergies, it's nothing I'm concerned about.I've been monitoring my peakflow and so far the only time my levels are loweris when it's taken right after handling the hay.
The guinea pigs themselves have been wonderful. Twizzler is a bit feisty and requires a bit of working with. Of course, in my mind that is a good thing. I have no problem with putting in the time and effort to win him over. I have seen lots of improvement already and I am very happy with it. I do not expect him to be like Jelly Bean but that is what makes them different. Jelly Bean is a riot. He's quite friendly already and everyday he calls out to me. If I talk to him from the living room (he's in a separate room off the living room) he replies. Yep yep, he already recognizes my footsteps, voice, and smell. He also responds to sounds on tv and, of course, he recognizes the sound of plastic bags.
The other thing that has been fun has been their interaction with the cats. Now, before anyone freaks please understand that Houdina has been raised with smaller animals from a very young age and has motherly instincts with them. Baloo, he's too hmm not sure the word.... We'll say 'indifferent' but that's not what he is.. Lol. It's like he has no instincts when it comes to certain things. He's a bit looney really...

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that the guinea pigs live in an open 'cage'. we have some chairs beside their cage which the cats like to sit on so they can watch the guinea pigs.
However, quite frequently, Houdina likes to sit WITH them. Yes, my cat actually climbs into the box and sits with them and plays with the hay while they munch on it. I think it's pretty safe to say that she's harmless because the guinea pigs don't even flinch.Of course, I am always nearby but deep inside I know nothing would happen. She even sidesteps to make sure she doesn't step on anything they might be in. Lol. My main issue is the fact that she's taken to drinking water from the bowl when one of the piggies is drinking. (My cats are big on mimicking) Of course, I'm not too thrilled about that. I change the water immediately and bring her to hers but really she just does what the piggies are doing. This will be resolved as soon as the water bottle is put back in. Luckily, those bottles annnoy her. Lol.
We put in some temporary boxes in for the piggies with holes in them so they can play/hide/chase each other. They often play 'peek-a-boo' with Houdina. You'd think they were actually running back in because they are scared but I swear, the other day, Houdina wasn't playing much so Jelly bean went right up to her, and dashed back. Lol. Then the game resumed. Houdina is the same cat that shared lettuce with the bunnies and allowed Ariella to sleep on top of her. The guinea pigs don't object when she licks them either. I'm the one who does. Lol. The only other issue I have when she sits with them is that I really hadn't considered the cat when calculating cage space. Lol. Really though, I keep a good eye on them. I'm more worried about Twizzler getting annoyed at them pawing at their hay more than anything though.
On Saturday, Jeff started assembling the base for the guinea pigs. After taking everything into account, we decided to make the base itself in MDF and tiling it to make it more resitant. At first, I had only thought of tiling the floor but it made more sense to tile it around the inside as well. The fun thing is that we already had tiles because the sellers left us the spares. Jeff did buy new ones to do the sides because we didn't have enough and he wanted to get a specific size to match the others and fit perfectly. I'm really proud of what he made really even if it's rather simple looking at the moment. The base measures 120cm by 60cm. It's not huge but we plan on giving them another level to play on so it's enough for the two of them. I'm really looking forward to making the buildings as well. Jeff went all out and bought some tools for it. We were missing some glue for the tiles so the base was finished on Sunday and the piggies have been in it since. It's so much neater than the playpen setup! I'm especially grateful that Jeff even offered to make them anything since he had said no piggies. Lol. He's enjoying them though :biggrin2:
Will post pics of the temporary setup in a few.