It's been a difficult few days. I'm not sure what is going on but something isn't quite right. Aside from the heart being too fast here and there and my blood pressure being low here and there (probably from my heart meds) I haven't really spotted anything that would explain. My glucose levels are good only occasional drops here and there but really nothing to worry much about. I'm not sure what it is. I'm terribly achy and way too tired for it to be normal. I keep falling asleep left and right, forgetting things, basically just living in a fog. It comes and goes though these past 2 days have been really bad since I overdid it in the front garden. Dizzy, head feels heavy, hands feel swollen though they aren't... I know I can be achy from the allergies to the bunnies since I pushed it and all the sneezing and coughing can cause it but it doesn't really explain the rest. Ah well :grumpy:
On a good note, I was quite productive on Monday and got the front garden done. It's still missing a few things but it's looking SOOOOOO much better. I'm thinking of adding some decorative grass (thanks to a member who mentioned it on here) and a temporary border made from stones I pulled out from the back. I'll have to take pictures. You should have seen me fighting with the huge lavendar plant. :expressionless Well, I managed to take it out in one piece but I'm not sure I can fit it anywhere if I keep it that size. I will probably just keep a small part of it.
The vegetable garden is doing well. I've had a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. I'm quite happy with it really. The cucumbers are growing terribly well! There were only a few when I originally planted them but now there are dozens of cucumbers coming and still more flowers. The tomatoes are doing really well also and the raspberry plants have been giving me my first raspberries. Jeff's mother also wants to give me gooseberries to plant. I had never tried them until last week and found them quite tasty. The herbs are growing like weeds, it's really quite nice.
Earlier this week, my mother messaged me. We hadn't spoken from a few days before I left Montreal. We got into a fight and she stopped talking to me. Didn't even get to say goodbye. It was nice to speak to her again. It's nice not to have that negative energy overhead. Things aren't solved really, we just keep sweeping things under the rug time and time again but I don't want to keep this up. It's just wasted energy and life is too short to stay angry. I'm happy here, I'm home. I just want to keep moving forward. It feels nice right now.
Last Thursday, I asked Jeff if we could go out during the weekend. We haven't really stopped since April with packing my apartment, getting here, shopping, moving into our home, shopping, cleaning, shopping, painting, shopping... I knew we could have gotten some more things done but I really felt like we could both use a break. I felt especially bad for Jeff because he took 2 weeks off from work in June but really had no time to rest. Not only that, but we've been shopping and doing things every weekend since and oftentimes in the evening as well when he gets home from work. I wanted to go out, enjoy the outdoors, enjoy his company, and just stop thinking of the house for that day so we decided to go to the zoo. By the way, there are so many zoos in this tiny country! :shock: Lol.
The zoo was great. It was the perfect day to do something outside since it was a beautiful day and it wasn't too hot. It wasn't very crowded either which is always a plus. I don't have much to say about it really. I loved the meerkats though! It was my first time seeing some. We really enjoyed this one orangutan as well. She had a baby and everyone was trying to see them but she had her back to us. At one point, she starts coming towards Jeff and I and veers off to the side and stops in front of this one woman. The orangutan grabbed this material bag that was in her enclosure and stuck her head inside then rested her head against the glass and peeked at us from under while munching hay. It was hilarious to see her peeking from under. At one point she grabbed the hay and stuck that on her head too.
That evening, after the zoo, Jeff and I went out to dinner. He first looked for restaurants online though and went through the menus to see if we wanted to try something specific. He checked the new restaurant by the lake but we found it pricey and a bit bland so it didn't really call out to us. He then spotted a nice greek place which seemed nice enough so we kept that one in mind. However, he checked the other new place by the lake and then said the one word that got all my attention: 'lobster'. What what??? Lobster? Here? 5 minutes away??? No way! We decided to go check it out and see if they really did have it and since it's literally 5 mins away we could easily go elsewhere if they didn't have any.
Let me tell you... The place was gorgeous. It's decorated cape-cod style, my style. It was really beautiful. I just sat there and took it all in. If I had a restaurant, that's exactly what I would want. It was so elegant, so charming - AND they had lobster. Not only did they have lobster but they also had a special: mussels! Woot woot! Anyway, I took the lobster (surprised?) and Jeff had the entre-côte. It was delicious. It was my first time having lobster without any garlic butter and it was great. It was served with a nice hollandaise sauce and melted cheese. The best thing was that they actually had deshelled it for me. Good thing too because I kept thinking of the first time I had lobster with Jeff and had splashed the wall... There was no wall this time, only other people sitting quite close, and this was a tad more chique a place to be doing such things. The only thing is they didn't give me any tools so eat the legs. They had opened up the main body and gotten the clamp meat out but not the legs - and there was meat in there! So picture this nice fancy place: everything is neatly placed, lots of white, fancy plating, fancy meals, wines etc. and then picture this one girl sitting there with a lobster leg sticking out of her mouth because she insists on eating all the meat that was paid for... Yep, that's me. Lol. Well, Jeff did ask if they had the proper forks but the waitress seemed confused and replied that the lobster was open already. At that point, I did decide to leave the legs alone and not look so silly

All in all it was a delicious meal (they do need to work on service a bit though) and I was thrilled to have seen the place. I hope to go back and get a table outside next time. How lovely it must be!
This website is the store site (we also shopped there) from where they got all the furniture and most of the supplies but they write about the restaurant and there are pictures at the bottom if you want to see: