•·.·´¯`·.·•The Tater Tots Family•·.·´¯`·.·•

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i'm glad the damaged shells are healing !

i like the look of natural rocks myself, i think it gives them some interesting obstacles to explore. even if falling is a hazard, they are in a good place to heal if they get injured :) maybe you can get some small statues to put in their habitat to liven up the place. (i bet you can find a bunny one somewhere ;) )

for the flies, have you tried using fly traps ? since it's outside in a shed, maybe you can hang up some of the tacky fly strips like they use at horse barns, or some other kind of sticky trap. i have some small traps in my house and my friend has some in her ferret room, they work wonders !
Hey Sebastian,

Yeah, I like the rocks myself... It's hard though because obviously these people must know more than me when it comes to snails, but at the same time, to be honest, I don't want to go overboard with them. I mean sure, I keep them, but I don't consider them as being the same as cats and rabbits... I think they are much safer there than in the wild really. For now, it will do. If I see I'm having snails with damages then I will know that the rocks can be a factor. Oh those with the damages (they had the damages when I found them) are really healing nicely. I think I could release them soon. They are really active at night so I can see them well then. The little ones are growing quite quickly!

The habitat isn't really done yet as I am still trying to figure what to do with it in terms of decoration. One thing I am trying to do though is use natural things, or recycled things like the flower pot for example... I'm not sure though, maybe in the future I'll change my mind. I do that a lot :p

As for the flies, yeah I've been considering the strips. They kind of gross me out really and I was hoping to find a more natural solution (I try not killing living things when they are outside as much as possible) but if they are going to be a nuisance and hazard to the bunnies then I will have to put them for sure.



Thanks! The allergies are a serious problem and it is pretty incredible how sick I can get quickly. I've ended up in the hospital in the past for it and I have to take some pretty heavy meds to get it under control once I reach a certain point. Jeff has been helping me out so much though, he's really great. I'm really happy that he let me use the shed for the bunnies. I was so concerned about having them outside... Of course, I'm still very nervous but it's a relief to know that they are even more sheltered in the shed. It's not heated but it really doesn't get very cold here. This is what I found on a site:
Almost each day clouds appear in the sky and the winters also experience foggy weather. The average temperature of Netherlands is about 2°C in the month of January. In July it is 19°C. The annual average temperature is 10°C approximately. The average rainfall in a year is 76.5cm which is pretty heavy. Therefore, it necessitates the wearing of rain wear throughout the year.

I remember being here last December and it really wasn't cold. It certainly was different from Montreal :p Even the summers aren't too hot which is lovely really. The main thing with weather here is the rain, from which they will be well protected from in the shed. I'll be getting some 'snuggle safe' or something or the sort to have on hand in case of an exceptional winter (it can occasionally dip to -15, -17 but it's really rare) but it should be okay.
The best thing? I have power in the shed so I can take my laptop there in the winter :p I'm planning on putting a chair in there or something and then I can sit and let the bunnies out while reading or so. I'm hoping I can do that but of course it will highly depend on my allergies. Because of that, I'm wondering if I want to board up the shed windows fully or not. Not closing them off would certainly help with air circulation but I am concerned about drafts. I still have to sort out some details :expressionless Lol.

It's been a difficult few days. I'm not sure what is going on but something isn't quite right. Aside from the heart being too fast here and there and my blood pressure being low here and there (probably from my heart meds) I haven't really spotted anything that would explain. My glucose levels are good only occasional drops here and there but really nothing to worry much about. I'm not sure what it is. I'm terribly achy and way too tired for it to be normal. I keep falling asleep left and right, forgetting things, basically just living in a fog. It comes and goes though these past 2 days have been really bad since I overdid it in the front garden. Dizzy, head feels heavy, hands feel swollen though they aren't... I know I can be achy from the allergies to the bunnies since I pushed it and all the sneezing and coughing can cause it but it doesn't really explain the rest. Ah well :grumpy:

On a good note, I was quite productive on Monday and got the front garden done. It's still missing a few things but it's looking SOOOOOO much better. I'm thinking of adding some decorative grass (thanks to a member who mentioned it on here) and a temporary border made from stones I pulled out from the back. I'll have to take pictures. You should have seen me fighting with the huge lavendar plant. :expressionless Well, I managed to take it out in one piece but I'm not sure I can fit it anywhere if I keep it that size. I will probably just keep a small part of it.

The vegetable garden is doing well. I've had a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden. I'm quite happy with it really. The cucumbers are growing terribly well! There were only a few when I originally planted them but now there are dozens of cucumbers coming and still more flowers. The tomatoes are doing really well also and the raspberry plants have been giving me my first raspberries. Jeff's mother also wants to give me gooseberries to plant. I had never tried them until last week and found them quite tasty. The herbs are growing like weeds, it's really quite nice.

Earlier this week, my mother messaged me. We hadn't spoken from a few days before I left Montreal. We got into a fight and she stopped talking to me. Didn't even get to say goodbye. It was nice to speak to her again. It's nice not to have that negative energy overhead. Things aren't solved really, we just keep sweeping things under the rug time and time again but I don't want to keep this up. It's just wasted energy and life is too short to stay angry. I'm happy here, I'm home. I just want to keep moving forward. It feels nice right now.

Last Thursday, I asked Jeff if we could go out during the weekend. We haven't really stopped since April with packing my apartment, getting here, shopping, moving into our home, shopping, cleaning, shopping, painting, shopping... I knew we could have gotten some more things done but I really felt like we could both use a break. I felt especially bad for Jeff because he took 2 weeks off from work in June but really had no time to rest. Not only that, but we've been shopping and doing things every weekend since and oftentimes in the evening as well when he gets home from work. I wanted to go out, enjoy the outdoors, enjoy his company, and just stop thinking of the house for that day so we decided to go to the zoo. By the way, there are so many zoos in this tiny country! :shock: Lol.

The zoo was great. It was the perfect day to do something outside since it was a beautiful day and it wasn't too hot. It wasn't very crowded either which is always a plus. I don't have much to say about it really. I loved the meerkats though! It was my first time seeing some. We really enjoyed this one orangutan as well. She had a baby and everyone was trying to see them but she had her back to us. At one point, she starts coming towards Jeff and I and veers off to the side and stops in front of this one woman. The orangutan grabbed this material bag that was in her enclosure and stuck her head inside then rested her head against the glass and peeked at us from under while munching hay. It was hilarious to see her peeking from under. At one point she grabbed the hay and stuck that on her head too. :p

That evening, after the zoo, Jeff and I went out to dinner. He first looked for restaurants online though and went through the menus to see if we wanted to try something specific. He checked the new restaurant by the lake but we found it pricey and a bit bland so it didn't really call out to us. He then spotted a nice greek place which seemed nice enough so we kept that one in mind. However, he checked the other new place by the lake and then said the one word that got all my attention: 'lobster'. What what??? Lobster? Here? 5 minutes away??? No way! We decided to go check it out and see if they really did have it and since it's literally 5 mins away we could easily go elsewhere if they didn't have any.

Let me tell you... The place was gorgeous. It's decorated cape-cod style, my style. It was really beautiful. I just sat there and took it all in. If I had a restaurant, that's exactly what I would want. It was so elegant, so charming - AND they had lobster. Not only did they have lobster but they also had a special: mussels! Woot woot! Anyway, I took the lobster (surprised?) and Jeff had the entre-côte. It was delicious. It was my first time having lobster without any garlic butter and it was great. It was served with a nice hollandaise sauce and melted cheese. The best thing was that they actually had deshelled it for me. Good thing too because I kept thinking of the first time I had lobster with Jeff and had splashed the wall... There was no wall this time, only other people sitting quite close, and this was a tad more chique a place to be doing such things. The only thing is they didn't give me any tools so eat the legs. They had opened up the main body and gotten the clamp meat out but not the legs - and there was meat in there! So picture this nice fancy place: everything is neatly placed, lots of white, fancy plating, fancy meals, wines etc. and then picture this one girl sitting there with a lobster leg sticking out of her mouth because she insists on eating all the meat that was paid for... Yep, that's me. Lol. Well, Jeff did ask if they had the proper forks but the waitress seemed confused and replied that the lobster was open already. At that point, I did decide to leave the legs alone and not look so silly :p All in all it was a delicious meal (they do need to work on service a bit though) and I was thrilled to have seen the place. I hope to go back and get a table outside next time. How lovely it must be!

This website is the store site (we also shopped there) from where they got all the furniture and most of the supplies but they write about the restaurant and there are pictures at the bottom if you want to see:

[align=center]Laptops Make You Crazy
Me: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this stupid laptop isn't working!!! It keeps freezing and lagging and not doing what I want it to do! It's not wooooorkiiiing!!!!

Jeff: I'll look into it.

Few minutes later...

Me: Hurry up and come home with your laptop before you come home to a crime scene.

Jeff: Okay, on my way.

Later when Jeff is home and checking the laptop...

Me: Is it working?

Jeff: Yeah.

Me: Why is it working?!

Jeff: Well, it seems okay.

Me: *thinking of what makes it screw up* Try the games, it always lags with the games.

Jeff: Okay.

Me:*Hears game sounds* Is it still working?!

Jeff: Yep.

Me: *Huffs* Yeah well try the Tetris, it hates Tetris.

Jeff: Okay then.

Me: *Hears Tetris sounds* What the heck?! You're still playing?!

Jeff: Yeah, it works okay.

Me: No, it doesn't!!! I tried ALL day to play and it lagged so badly I couldn't play!!!

Jeff: Mmm, maybe but it's working.

Me: Arghhhhhhh! *Stomps off* Just forget it, forget it! Stupid laptop!!!

The next morning (this morning)...

Me: *Looks at laptop* You and I will have a little chat later.

Jeff: Well I did notice the screen doesn't shut off so it stays hot... Maybe I will open it up and check.

Few seconds later while Jeff is about to get up to leave:

Laptop: Blue screen of death.

Me: AH HA!!!! HAHAHAHAHA *does the happy dance because it croaked while Jeff was there* SEE I TOLD YOU!!!! I'm NOT crazy!!!

Jeff: Just because you were right about the laptop doesn't mean you aren't crazy ;0)


Jeff - 1
Laptop - 1
Sophie - 0
So while Giggles is enjoying her turn in the playpen and having a blast with spraying, pooping everywhere, and stinking up the place so that it's hard for me to breathe, I thought I would post pics Smores and Maybelle having enjoyed their turns as well. :p

Maybelle went out first...

Enjoying the hay I put in the playpen:


[/align][align=center]Not sure she was too thrilled with me when she saw me pull out the camera:[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]Nope, definitely not thrilled:[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]Just before giving me the butt:[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]annnnd finally a nice shot of her here:[/align][align=center]


Smores was hyper as can be... Lol :p

[align=center] 'If I could juuuuuuuuuuuuuust reach that ooone leeeaf!' :

[/align][align=center]'Hello, what are you?'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'Mmm this is good hay!'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'Hi mum! Got any more food?'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]A lovely bunny closeup:[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'I'm not eating too much hay! There's no such thing!'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'More please!'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'Thank you Big Kahuna Bunneh for all this lovely hay'[/align][align=center]

[/align][align=center]'Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! It's just hay!'[/align][align=center]

Today was a good day for our Giggle tot... She actually played today! She didn't need Smores beside her to come alive. I could also move about without her dashing from fear though she still gets nervous when I stick my hand near her. If I put my hand nearby though, she does come to smell it. :) Anyway, I took a lot of pictures of her - not because she is a favorite, but because there is something special about watching a bunny grow out of its shell. :)















This one is dark but if you look closely you can see the sweetness in her eyes...


And my favorite - though not as sharp as I wish - :


[/align][align=left]I have some videos of them as well but my laptop isn't working very well so I won't upload them right now. I hope to upload them soon :) Oh I do have a cute video of Baloo though :[/align][align=center] [/align][align=left]
Nela your Bunnies are so Beautiful.

My goodness you take great pictures. I will have to come back daily to get my fix of your bunnes.

Thank you Susan! It makes me very happy to know that you enjoy them. Thanks for enjoying the pictures! I try hard to 'capture the moments' so I am very happy with this camera. Still learning how to use it though... Hehehe. :)
Today wasn't such a good day...

I woke up this morning and as usual, I turned on the laptop to read mails and such. Except this morning was a bit different as the first I learned was that my friend passed away last night. We had never met in person but we've chatted a lot and she was always messaging me on Facebook and vice versa. I met her when I was about 14 years old, making it about 10 years of 'distant' friendship. She passed away in her sleep thankfully so I find some comfort in that. It was unexpected though, and just that previous afternoon she had commented on posts of mine and all. I feel sorry that I didn't talk to her more yesterday. That makes me really sad...

Aside from that, the vet visit really wasn't very convincing. It's really not the type of visit I want, especially since a lot of these things are a first experience for me. We will have to look for another vet to do the spays. Hopefully, this visit won't have any negative impacts on the bunnies.

We went shopping a bit today and now we're both pooped. We were supposed to go do groceries as well, but Jeff was way too pooped so I told him we'll just order. We'll go tomorrow for the rest. We did get some things for the garden though, including a small tree. Jeff bought the bunnies another playpen to enlarge the current one or have two runs. I'm really happy with that. We also found some rabbit food which was MUCH cheaper than the one we have now. There was only a 1% difference in the fibre so this one has 18% instead of the 19% in the one we were previously feeding but I think that should suffice. The price difference is really big and though I do not like to put a price on them, where we can save, we can use on other things such as vet care, fresh foods or toys. Plus, it's a large quantity so we don't have to go out as often. Seems this will be a positive change. Now we just have to hope that they will like it...
We had a very nice day here. This morning, the painter came to start working on the mainfloor. I'm really happy that Jeff hired a painter because it was way too hard for me to do on my own! The guy is a friend of a friends and he's really nice. I'm really happy that we decided to change the ceiling color from white to cream. I think it makes the place much warmer. :biggrin:

Anyway, because of the work inside, I thought it would be nice to spend the day outside with the bunnies. Jeff bought the buns another playpen so we could hook them together and make a big one :biggrin: I decided to let Smores and Giggles out since they get along and won't bite each other through the fence. Maybelle has a run so she has quite a bit of space to herself, and I intend to take her out tomorrow. Well the bunnies spent almost the entire day in their playpen. I'm sitting outside as I type this, waiting for the BBQ to be ready and the buns are enjoying themselves :) I want to state that today was the first time I actually saw Giggles binky and run around as much as she did. She had binkied and played a bit the other day, but it's not comparable. She seems so much happier and carefree when Smores is nearby... They spent a lot of time grooming each other through the fence and I am really looking forward to being able to bond them properly. I think Smores' testicles have started descending a bit so maybe he will be ready for neutering in a bit. That would be great since it would allow me to look for a better vet for the spay and also let her settle in better. It was really something to see them together though. Annnnywhoooo I got some cute pictures to share!


















[align=left]I also got some cute videos that are uploading as we speak. I will post those as soon as they are done uploading.

On another note, I have my first snail hatchlings!!!! Yep yep I have a ton of tiny baby snails. They are soooo cute! I will take pictures and video of those after dinner if it's not too dark out. I hope you've enjoyed the pictures!
Video! :biggrin2: (Btw, the stones in the background... I removed them from the front garden because we didn't like them and we didn't know what to do with them so I piled them there. I just stuck the flower pots in there to make it look neater :p)

Smores and Giggles enjoying themselves:

I'm having technical difficulties with the others so I will have to upload once that gets resolved BUT I did get nice shots of Maybelle so I will upload those now :biggrin2:

OMG Nela I'm in LOVE with all your Bunnies. Your pictures and videos are wonderful. I especially LOVE this picture.


Looking forward to more pictures & stories.

Thanks Susan! I find it cute how they are in the same position on that photo :biggrin2: I can't wait to try to bond them, I think they will be happy together. Well, they won't be like your Wilbur and Jackie but hey, I don't think anyone will have a pair just like yours :p Darn! Lol.

**Snail Update**

I found quite a few babies and some eggs were and/or are about to hatch as well so I put them in my 'baby tank' so they have more adapted space. I also put in a larger snail that seems to be have some issues with his shell. It might be from a lack of calcium so it might help it to be in there since I will be crushing the egg shells and sprinkling it over the food. Hopefully it will be okay. Not sure what the issue is really so I will have to do some research.
Okies so I am waiting for the painter and I am a little bit bored... Lol. I'm excited because today, the color is going up. Slightly nervous because today, the color is going up. :p It's pretty much our first time decorating and it can be a little bit intimidating at times. The color here is a powder blue and it's really more suitable for a baby room. We're going with a darker, more grayish blue now so it will be quite interesting to see the results. *Crossing everything that can be crossed and hoping that the color will be nice*

Yesterday, we got our rug:biggrin2: Have I mentioned this rug before? I'm not sure... Anyway, I hate rugs/carpet etc. I really do and I especially love the easiness of the laminate floors so I didn't want to put anything on top right? Well, while we were furniture shopping, we came across this one rug... It looked like pebbles! It was so original, we couldn't help but notice it. Then I touched it... Ahhh so sooooft. Right away I could picture myself walking barefoot in the winter. Then I pictured us opening presents during Christmas... This rug had something. Something artistic, cozy, soft... Though we walked away from it that day, it stayed on our mind and we kept bringing it up, even looking for it discretely while shopping. Eventually, we returned to the store and caved. We were getting a rug. Now we have it! I cannot wait to see what it will look like in the room :biggrin2:

We also got more plant this weekend... We came home with a tree as well. It's a 'Red Robbin' tree and it won't be very big, only 2m tall but it's a nice tree and birds seem to like it. The whole purpose of the tree is to make the yard look more alive and try to make it more welcoming to animals. Jeff's sister has a hedgehog in her yard and I think it's so much fun to have wildlife there where you can see it. I'm not expecting one to come to ours, but I can't help but wish one did :p Anyway, aside from the tree I got some grasses. I got this spiral plant thing that was just too funky to pass up. I really have to take a picture! I will take a picture of the front garden as well. Oh, the hydrangeas aren't doing as well as I'd have hoped. They need a lot a lot of water and I think they might be getting a tad too much sun. Well, I remembered seeing these glass ornamental tube things that people could fill with water and stick in their plants to keep them watered. The water goes down gradually... Anyway, I took a regular small narrow bottle and stuck it in the middle of the hydrangeas and covered it pretty well. I'm hoping it might work though I reckon it's not exactly the same since the flowers aren't in a flower pot and the area requires more water since it is much bigger... Ah well, in any case, it's an easy way to keep it watered :p

I better go for now but I will come post pictures later! :biggrin2:
[align=left]Thanks Dave! I am glad I can capture her eye color on camera. I really love her eyes. :biggrin2:

[align=left]Soooo the color is up and I LOVE it! It's always daunting when it's your first time painting a real home. Lol. I never got around to painting my apartment back in Montreal with the exception of the entrance but that was just a small area. Anyway, it's costing quite a bit since I couldn't paint it myself and I really want Jeff to be happy with it so I am relieved that the color came out so nice. Today, the final coat is going up. We will also *attempt* to paint the areas over the doors. Those areas really bother me because it makes it look like the door goes up all the way to the ceiling so I am hoping that by doing this, we will have actual doors once again. The tricky thing is that it's not wall, it's like board? It's a different texture to paint and therefore may require a different type of paint as well as metal paint for the metal frame... We're just really hoping it will look like the wall! If it doesn't work, it might be one nice mess to fix. So, part of me wants to say 'Ok, let's play it safe and not take the risk,' while the other part of me is thinking 'Oh but if it DOES work, what a huge difference it will make!'

Dun dun dun...

Anywho, picture time!
[align=center] Before shots (some of these are pictures from the sellers):




Ceiling and kitchen area done (instead of being white, it is now a more off-white/creamy color):




The wall here used to be blue but we had that painted in cream like the rest of the kitchen so that made the radiator blend in instead of stand out and also makes the kitchen appear wider:


First color coat up (it's a tad sombre since it is pourring):






The painter added his own personal touch so we could tease Jeff while he was at work since I sent him the picture (you can clearly see the different colors here - the light being the old color):


[/align][align=left]The colors to accent will be: black, cream, and green (plants and flowers) The main furniture is cream cape-cod style. The couch is a blue/gray with silver threading and the sample looked really nice with the paint sample so I am hoping it will look as good in real. The couch should be delivered either the 27th or 30th. Our rug is mainly shades of cream and gray. My only concern right now are these two seats we bought which are more of a dark tan color... If they are a problem, we'll consider our options but hopefully they'll fit in somehow. Oh! Jeff also ordered these beanbag seats to sit in while we play playstation... We like to sit close to the TV when we play so we thought they'd be fun. They sure were comfy!!! He found them online at half the price we saw them at at the store :biggrin2:
Now that the room will be painted, we can bring our furniture that is on standby at the warehouse as well! I can't wait because my secretaire is one of them!!!

[/align][align=center]The secretaire (my absolute favorite piece in the house):


The buffet:




And the TV piece:


[/align][align=left]I can't wait til it's all dooone!

i love the picture of s'mores and giggles poking their faces through the fence holes, they will surely make an adorable bunny couple. i always wish i could have found a male bunny to bond with shushu so i could have a pair.

of course you know i want snail pictures ! ;)

i like the new color much better than white, i can't stand white walled houses ! maybe it's because my mother and i painted every room in our house different colors haha. painting rooms is always exciting i think, it completely changes the feel of the house and it's such a simple thing to do.