Lol thanks everyone. I just wish I was a better writer. I'm not very good at expressing things right
Alright soooo what's new... Hmmm... *Thinks for a few*
Oh right. Last weekend was the family reunion. All of Jeff's family (maternal side only for this one) reunites once a year and spends a weekend at a lodge. It was my first time going and meeting most of the family. There were about 65 people and I had met about 20 so that still left a lot of people to meet! Lol. I was very nervous about it and it proved to be a bit much for me all at once. I don't do too well at social gatherings and this was... Well, intense.
Everyone kept asking me questions about speaking dutch and when I will learn it and then they'd spend the rest of the time giving suggestions on how to learn it etc. To make matters worse, people kept asking me about work and if I was working, when I would, what I would do, etc. I just got here in May and with the house and all, there really hasn't been much time for much else. I have to do the 'Inburgering' which is dutch integration so I figured just give me a chance to start. *Sigh* I know they all meant nothing by it and were just looking for conversation but it was a little bit much.
They had fun activities though. We had a very long walk in the woods that was sort of a scavenger hunt as well. They had some people doing performances at the annual 'family talent show' andI must say they were quite entertaining. They also played games and we even got prizes. :biggrin2:Unfortunately, I missed most of the long awaited campfire as I had a migraine from the stress and turned in early.
It didn't help that his aunt tried to get me to dance in front of everyone and that made me panic. I do NOT dance. In fact, I am very uptight (?) in the sense that I do not do things in front of people, especially people I do not know well. I mean, I can sing, but I refuse to sing around people in general. Anyway, I came across as being a bit of a pooper. They were all very lovely people though! Lol.
I FINALLY had the long awaited meeting about the 'Inburgering' at the school. Of course, the stress of attending courses at a college on my own, toppled with the weekend's stress caused me to crack at the slightest 'bump'. It turns out that I didn't get the hours I wanted for the course and it's more often a week then previously thought. Because I didn't get the morning hours, Jeff will not be able to drive me there as planned and now I find myself having to walk to and back from school. It's a good 2-2.5km away so it's not too bad if my health stays as is. We're only 7 in the group so it is a bit smaller than hoped for as well. I hope to meet interesting people and maybe even make a friend or two. Oh, and I start on Monday. :expressionlessOf course, the coordinator kept going on and on about the exams and how I should think of which other course I want to do out of the 3 options: study, start your own company, or work integration. After this weekend, all I felt was my head swirling with a million questions that even I don't have the answers too. I ended up crying from all the stress and now I am totally humiliated for having cried in front of the coordinator. Nice first impression right? :rollseyes
I also noticed that Smores is looking sad. He's not as cheerful and bouncy as usual. I think he's depressed about being outside. He was probably an indoor bunny when he was born and seems to not have taken well to the transition. That just breaks my heart. I decided to take him in and spend more time with him. He perked up right away. I'm considering taking up rabbit hopping with him so that we can do things together outside and keep him stimulated and entertained. I think that might work... I want to put him with Giggles so badly but at the same time I am terrified of having him neutered. I love him terribly.
Today, I went out to do a massive hutch cleaning as Maybelle's hutch was absolutely filthy. I had no idea it was that bad. I knew I hadn't kept up with it the way I'd like but man oh man... She poops more than Smores and Giggles put together!!! :shock:I couldn't believe just how much she pooped. Anyway, it's all clean now and scrubbed down. She was a bit dirty and with all the flies in the shed I wanted to bathe her and get a good look at her to be sure she doesn't have anything on her. I expected to feel like i was trying to bathe a crocodile but she was surprisingly good. She was really annoyed at her paws being wet though. Lol. I refuse to let the hutch get that dirty again. I don't care how sick it makes me, it will be done. If I cannot, then I will make sure to find someone who can. Bleh. It was eye-opening.
On another note, Giggles is adorable. Her hutch is very neat and tidy. I only put litter (a cotton litter)in the litter corner and nowhere else in the hutch. Giggles absolutely refuses to use it and dumps it out and spreads it neatly around the hutch floor. She combines it with hay and then pats it done. She has effectively 'carpeted' her hutch. It's quite funny really.Ah well, whatever makes her happy... Lol.
Right now Maybelle is in the playpen drying off. She's telling me to post the pictures and get back to my housework so I think I will do just that... lol