•·.·´¯`·.·•The Tater Tots Family•·.·´¯`·.·•

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What beautiful pics!!! I saw a few of them in other threads, so I had to find your blog to see all of them. Such pretty bunnies!! I am so glad you took the time for your fur-babies to play in the snow even though it wasn't the best thing for you to do. The beautiful pics are worth a little time in thecold, and all of the wonderful memories Smores and Maybelle will have of their snowy adventure. :D

Thank you, I am really happy that you enjoyed the pictures. I had a lot of fun with them outside. I'm really happy that I got to share that moment with them. :)


Today, we decided to finally do what we've been discussing for months... We fenced off the one area where we have a hedge and made it bunny escape proof. After that, we let Maybelle out. She had the whole yard to herself. You wouldn't believe how hyper she got. I have never seen her so happy. She was running like crazy and binkying all over the place.

We left her out there for hours. She had multiple hiding places but more importantly, we left the shed door open some so she had access to her hutch as well. We were inside and supervising but we were not outside with her. The nice thing is we have a very large window in the kitchen from which I can see the whole yard so I could see her bouncing around easily. We also have the door on the side which gives access to the yard. Houdina made it her guard post. I placed a chair there so she could sit and watch Maybelle. She even shared the chair with Baloo. It was just as cute to watch them watching Maybelle as it was to watch Maybelle goof around.

This is by no means a permanent thing. We have no intention of leaving her out there that way regularly at this point. It was just a special playtime for her today. We have however decided that we would like to work the yard in a way that we could leave her out that way a lot more. I'm thinking of planting her her own herbs and making the tunnel system as well. I really hope to get it done this spring. After that, we will be able to let her out often and especially let her out when we are in the yard. She no longer needs to be in the playpen as she is too big to fit through anything :biggrin2:

You can tell that she really loves just being a rabbit though. Maybelle is by no means a bunny that enjoys being cuddled and baby talked. Lol. She just likes to do her own thing. I have no problem with that, I am just glad we could offer her more than what we had been giving her. :)

As for me, I had my second appointment with the doctor. The first thing he did was apologize to me and announce that he would not be my doctor as he will no longer be practicing there due to having other commitments elsewhere and not wanting to take over this practice when the main doctor retires. :(I was really quite disappointed to say the least. I was so so happy with this doctor. Ah well! He told me that he suggested someone and it looked like it worked out. If it did, he would refer me directly to him as he said he trusts him to give me proper treatment.

For my asthma, however, he is sending me directly to a specialist at the hospital. He wants me back on regular and intensive control visits until they can be sure that it is controled. He also wants me to have the nebulizer machine at home and significantly reduce the use of cortisonedue to everything else I already deal with. He has now put me on Spiriva long-term. I will have to redo my lung function tests and all but I really don't mind those things much.

Anyway, I have to call for the specialist sometime this week. I should have an appointment very quickly he said. I'm just really happy with the way things are organized here. I'm hoping the new doctor will be as nice and smart as this one. :)
My mother finally sent my goodie surprise box :biggrin2:I should have it by the end of next week! :pinkbouce:

Yesterday, we did more shopping :expressionlessI haaaaaaaaate shopping. I especially hate shopping here because they don't have stores like WalMart where you can just find almost everything you need. No, every store here has its focus basically. There are a few mixed stores but they have so little that it's hard to find. You know what is really hard to find??? Office supplies. Like when you need something specific. Calligraphy ink, Command strips, etc. :grumpy:Gah!

Anyway, we did find some things so we were able to put the lights up in the window. I was annoyed at first because we really couldn't figure how to put them up since I hadn't found the Command hook things. Jeff had the smart idea and suggested we simply use safety pins to hook up the lights by pinning them to the curtains. It worked out great! We also made a great find and found some adorable hanging snowflake lights for cheap! The lights here were almost all 15+ euros for about 1.5m and we have a 4m wide window. Anyway, we got one set of the snowflakes for 8 euros and I got basic transparent lights to add to the window and it turned out it was perfect because we got the whole window frame lighted :biggrin2:

I started building up the village yesterday but I was way too deaded. I decided I wouldn't be happy with it if I continued so I will be doing that today. I cannot wait! I so love Christmas :biggrin2:
Those pictures are all so great! I wish I lived closer because Smores and Giggles would definately be coming to live with me, haha

I need to see new Rolo pics ;) Does your family ever go visit you from Montreal or do you ever come home?

I really hope they get your asthma under control soon, must be so frustrating and scary. I love Christmas, too :D
Heya Brandy,

I'm very happy you enjoyed the pictures. Hehehe I will get Rolo pics just for you then ;) He's growing so quickly, I really should get more pictures!

Well, I've only been here since May so I haven't been gone very long. However, my visits if any will most likely be quite rare. I used to live 10 minutes away from my family but we sometimes went for months without seeing each other. To be honest, Ididn'tfeela difference when I moved here. I do very much miss my best friend though. I must go back to Montreal though as I have to get my sugar shack fix at some point :pI would also love to visit the maritimes at one point or another. Maybe have a vacation in PEI someday. :)

As for my asthma, it's quite annoying really. It is a bit nerve-wracking when the attacksstartso violently and suddenly but to be honest, I've gotten used to them ever since I've gotten bunnies. I do have to be careful because I have much less warning than I did before but I am sure things will fall back into place shortly. My asthma was going perfectly well before being sick since I only really ever had attacks when seeing the buns. Having a nebulizer machine at home will certainly make a big difference as well. :)

Talk to you soon! (Look back soon for Rolo pics) ;)
[align=center]Okies so I had a very very quick few minutes to take some less than great pics. I'm sorry but I had to get out of there asap :(These are the few pics I did come up with though (now you can really see how big he is!):

Momma and baby in the box I used to reduce movement temporarily for picture taking lol...



[align=center]Peek-a-boo Rolo bun:[/align]


[align=center]So, does he look like momma??? LOL. Giggles needs her nails trimmed as soon as I can. I had noticed it a bit ago but I didn't want to stress her more with being preggers and all. She's due now though but I cannot go back in there for a bit. Hope to get it done in a few days :)[/align]

You were fast! Lol :biggrin:I'm glad you like him. I think he's quite cute myself. Hehehe. I'll get you some better pictures when I can :biggrin2:
Hehehe Ali! She is, isn't she? I think she loves being a mom. I hope she will have enjoyed this time immensely because that was definitely her last time being a mom! :p


So, I did some discussing with Sandra, Jeff's sister. We have decided on how to proceed with the buns. They will be taking Smores very soon and they will deal with his neuter. This works out for the best because they will be keeping the bunnies inside for the winter. Because of this, it will be much better for Smores as they can keep a closer eye on him as he recovers. Also, it will give him plenty of time to settle into his new home. Later, when Giggles is completely done weaning the 'lil' one, they will take her home and introduce her into Smores' cage as this is what is suggested. I think it works out better for everyone involved. :)

I have not finished the village. I really need to get working on that lol. Today is a good day. I'm feeling good aside from the wheezing so I figured I would start getting some cooking done and test some menu ideas I had for our Christmas buffet. I'm going to let Maybelle out first so she can enjoy the yard. I'll be in the kitchen for hours so it will be easy to supervise. :)She'll be very happy. Well, she will be once I set her down. She so hates being touched... :p

Off to work I go!
I probably have a bruised butt cheek now thanks to Maybelle... LOL. I opened her hutch door and she didn't wait for me to pick her up this time... she just ran right past me, binkied and then ran back into the shed. As I was leaving the shed, she tried to run THROUGH me and I ended up slipping on the black ice and landing on my butt. She binkied away like a fool... :grumpy:I swear, sometimes.... :p

Anyway, I was back in the kitchen while Madam proceeded to running and binkying like a looney.I spotted the big orange cat up on the fence watching her so I made my way to the door, ready to intervene but waiting to see what would happen. Maybelle saw him and let's just say, she was not impressed. Meanwhile, Houdina and I were on our toes, just waiting for the chance to run in. The cat, however, was not going to pick a fight with this rabbit. Nah uh. She made her way to the bottom of the fence on which he was perched and he moved backwards, a bit scared and lost his balance and jumped off into the alley and ran.

Maybelle went back to binkying and eating green onions...

Warning: This is a highly sentimental post. I have left out as much detail as I could as to not making it so harsh.You may not want to read it. I am writing it for me, because it needs to come out somehow...


December 9th, 2005.

That's the day the world around me as I knew crumbled to pieces. That's the day that I lost myself. It's also the day that I was snapped out of my childhood. Five years ago might seem like a long time, but not to me. It feels like yesterday.

A manwas behind me, too close, too fast. I could feel him behind me as I stepped off the bus.It was late at night. I was alone. I was on a dead-end street. All because my mother got in my face about my rent being late. She didn't care that I had not had my paycheque. She did not care that we had a snowstorm and that the deliveries at the store hadn't come. She wanted 'rent'. Now I walked there, terrified, knowing I was in trouble. I knew. I remember clutching my brand new ipod tightly in my hand, thinkingI would be so madif I would lose such a gift from my boyfriend (at the time) who had gone through the trouble ofengraving it for me. It never even occurred to me that it wasn't the ipod he wanted...

As I hit that wall, Iwas hit with reality. I was engulfed with shock and disbelief. I couldn't scream. I couldn't even make sense of what was happening. For that brief moment, my mind went blank. I've never known fear to be so overpowering. I thought of my Wiggles. How much she needed me, how much I needed her. I remember thinking now I knew what it was to be a prey... I snapped out of it. I fought back. I got lucky... His drug abuse worked in my favor.

I remember the 911 operator's voice. I remember her staying on the line as I ran... I remember the sirens, the lights...Shaking so badly I couldn't unlock the door. Falling to the floor. Everyone running over to me. The detectives, sipping their coffee as I talked. I remember looking over my shoulder to see my little brother and little sister sitting there, wide-eyedon the couch listening to everything. So I lied. They didn't need to know. No one needed to know all the details.

Maybe that's what has me holding on. The guilt. Maybe it's knowing that I am responsible in part because I was too proud... I didn't know there had been others. I didn't know I was the only one who got a look at his face. I didn't know I was the only one who pursued it. I should have owed it to the other girls, to myself... It was too late.

I fell asleep with Wiggles in my arms. No one could ever know how much that bunny meant to me. She was all I had.

The next morning, I walked out the door and headed to work as usual but I did one thing before I left. I told my mother not to worry, she would have her stupid money when I got back. It was the single, most hateful thing I have said to this day. She stood there, watching, speechless.But she never once apologized. She never once came with me. She wasn't there. I was like a child, sobbing inside, screaming for my mother. But she was not there.

I remember going back to work.My head in such a fog. My eyes burned from crying. Everyone seemed to know. Even strangers seemed to know.I remember my boss showing up at work to help me. It's all as clear as it was that day. I remember having to meet the detective. I was alone. Having to relive it as I filled a written declaration. Alone. I remember seeing his picture andneeding to throw up. I remember the look in the detective's eyes when I showed up to court alone. I remember the concern... He was to plead. He'd be let off easy. The prosecutor, the detective, fighting to have him registered...

He got a tap on the fingers. Welcome to Canada. I felt like my country had failed me, and I had failed myself as well as the others. The one good thing? I didn't have to testify.Our eyes lockedwhile he was led out, the officer pushing him towards the door when he saw him looking my way.

Life went back to normal. Or so I thought. My resentment towards my parents and mother grew and grew as much as I tried to keep things peaceful. I moved out quickly. I couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore. I was okay. I assured the detective I was fine. I refused the victim's aid. I worked, worked, and worked some more.

I had nightmares. I turned against myself. I lost my grip. I was full of anger. I couldn't handle people at all. I lived like a hermit. Surrounded myself with the rabbits. I soon became engulfed with social anxiety. I couldn't stand having people around me. I couldn't stand the contact. I couldn't stand the stupidities. I was so angry.

After some time, I made my way back to work.

My client was killed at my bus stop two weeks after I started working. Another client was held up at gun point shortly after. My stalker was back. I fell apart. Every one around me was a potential danger. I went back to my doctor. I finally admitted that I was not okay anymore and that I probably had never been. She gave me medication. I started it but quickly decided medication would not solve the issue. I found my own way.

I did it all alone.

Then came Jeff. He gave me a strength I hadn't had. He gave me something to look forward to. I wasn't alone anymore. He doesn't even realizehow much he has changed my life. I decided I wanted control of my life back.

I still fail. I still have anger issues. I still have terrible social anxiety. I get terribly defensive at the slightest threat. I snap. I bite. I bark. I fight it. Everyday.

I will not give up.

I didn't then, and I will not now.

Wiggles wouldn't have allowed it anyway :hearts
Oh no no don't cry :(:hug2:I just wish such stupidities would stop... I so wish I could instantly bounce back and not hold a grudge against my mother. I try hard but I fail. :expressionless

On a lighter note...

I just provoked myself into an asthma attack after waging war on an earwig :rollseyes

I went into the kitchen to do my dishes only to find a creepy earwig swimming in my water and trying to crawl up the sides of the sink. :yuckI HATE those things!!! Well, normally I would smack it with a hammer (you need something big to kill those things you know) but I feared for the sink. I did the next best thing and sprayed it lotswith some strong oven product I had under the sink... It deaded within seconds. Phew!

But now I can't breathe :p


Told you I had anger issues... Lol. Just Kidding! :p