Thank you, I am really happy that you enjoyed the pictures. I had a lot of fun with them outside. I'm really happy that I got to share that moment with them.
Today, we decided to finally do what we've been discussing for months... We fenced off the one area where we have a hedge and made it bunny escape proof. After that, we let Maybelle out. She had the whole yard to herself. You wouldn't believe how hyper she got. I have never seen her so happy. She was running like crazy and binkying all over the place.
We left her out there for hours. She had multiple hiding places but more importantly, we left the shed door open some so she had access to her hutch as well. We were inside and supervising but we were not outside with her. The nice thing is we have a very large window in the kitchen from which I can see the whole yard so I could see her bouncing around easily. We also have the door on the side which gives access to the yard. Houdina made it her guard post. I placed a chair there so she could sit and watch Maybelle. She even shared the chair with Baloo. It was just as cute to watch them watching Maybelle as it was to watch Maybelle goof around.
This is by no means a permanent thing. We have no intention of leaving her out there that way regularly at this point. It was just a special playtime for her today. We have however decided that we would like to work the yard in a way that we could leave her out that way a lot more. I'm thinking of planting her her own herbs and making the tunnel system as well. I really hope to get it done this spring. After that, we will be able to let her out often and especially let her out when we are in the yard. She no longer needs to be in the playpen as she is too big to fit through anything :biggrin2:
You can tell that she really loves just being a rabbit though. Maybelle is by no means a bunny that enjoys being cuddled and baby talked. Lol. She just likes to do her own thing. I have no problem with that, I am just glad we could offer her more than what we had been giving her.
As for me, I had my second appointment with the doctor. The first thing he did was apologize to me and announce that he would not be my doctor as he will no longer be practicing there due to having other commitments elsewhere and not wanting to take over this practice when the main doctor retires.

I was really quite disappointed to say the least. I was so so happy with this doctor. Ah well! He told me that he suggested someone and it looked like it worked out. If it did, he would refer me directly to him as he said he trusts him to give me proper treatment.
For my asthma, however, he is sending me directly to a specialist at the hospital. He wants me back on regular and intensive control visits until they can be sure that it is controled. He also wants me to have the nebulizer machine at home and significantly reduce the use of cortisonedue to everything else I already deal with. He has now put me on Spiriva long-term. I will have to redo my lung function tests and all but I really don't mind those things much.
Anyway, I have to call for the specialist sometime this week. I should have an appointment very quickly he said. I'm just really happy with the way things are organized here. I'm hoping the new doctor will be as nice and smart as this one.