•·.·´¯`·.·•The Tater Tots Family•·.·´¯`·.·•

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Today is the day and I'm feeling... Happy! I''m calm. I feel very much at peace right now. I know that I still have much to do but for now, this is a big accomplishment for me. :)

I'm trying to get a video of Madam playing outside. Yes, I call Maybelle 'Madam'. It seems to suit her... Lol. The brat gave me the run around yesterday again. She knows when I want to bring her in so she gets really feisty. I'm scared to lose my fingers :p

Anyway, I'll be letting her out in a few. :)
Oops... Put her out and it started hailing... She was not very happy... :embarrassed:It's okay, she ran back in the shed. Lol. It's finished now so she is running around :)
So.. Yesterday wasnt too bad a day. I had a few moments bu t it was mostly okay...

Maybelle spent the day outside again. She had a lot of fun as usual... The neighbor man was out at the same time, cleaning his rabbit's hutch while i fought with Madam. I was scolding her cause she kept running away and growling... She ran into the shed and you'd think it was easierr to catch her there right? bah not so much. Anywy, I was still arguing with her adn I am not sure if it was the 'Maybelle don't eat Smores!' or the 'Maybelle stop eating my bike!'that got my neighbor's attention but he started laughing soo much! :expressionless:grumpy:Lol. I'm being bossed around by my rabbit! >_<

So anyway, i said I wanted to take back my life. So yesterday, the college called me to set up a meeting about my integration again. I will go Monday. I think I will go back. Evenings this time, not days. Only twice a week. I think it'd be good for my socilizing. I would continue my sellf-study course as well but also do evenings. We will see. I have to talk to my coordinator.

My goodie box is on its way. It clearred customs an hopefully i will have it tomorow. I cant wait!

I had a bad hypo episode today. Woke with migraine but turn s out it was my sugar. I took some meds for my head thingking thats what it was so head is ok, just fuzzy. Can barely move though, so heavy. Was shaking so badly! But its ok now, just very very tired. Benn in and out, in and out pf sleep all day. I hate that.I had stuffto do... Sigh. Well tomorrow is another day.

We are going to the Christmas fair on sunday I think. I thought to invite jeffs family so we will all go together. I will get pictures :biggrin:I cant wait. Hope it will be nice. Ok so that is my update. Talk soon :biggrin2:

ps: yay ali :biggrin2:i cant wait to get it!

edit: sorry too many typos


[align=center]On Saturday, Jeff and I went shopping for our Christmas tree. I was really excited of course but I was also a little nervous as I don't know real trees since I've never had a realone myself. [/align]

[align=center]Anyway, it went amazingly well. We passed a few sections of trees that we found less than desireable and came to a section of nice larger trees. I loved one in particular buuuuut it wouldn't have fit in the house :pWe looked on the other side and found one we really liked so we just decided to grab it and go rather than searching more. Basically, we had picked our tree in less than 10 minutes. :biggrin:[/align]

[align=center]Unfortunately for Jeff, he thought we'd get the tree and be home early and then just rest buuuuuuuuut we ended up needing the tree stand, the rug for under it, a tree skirt, etc. Hehehe we ended up coming home in the evening and with lots of extra things :p[/align]

[align=center]So the first thing is that the tree was a little bit too tall for the house. Lol. We tilted it upwards and bumped the ceiling, then looked at each other and laughed. Luckily, it wasn't by much so Jeff just snipped off the top.[/align]

[align=center]Then came the fun...[/align]

[align=center]Jeff had installed the tree in the stand but of course, being the woman that I am, I didn't like that it was not perfectly straight. Sooo being the smart cookie that I am, I decided to try and straighten it myself. Well anyway, I managed to lose the nut... It had fallen under the tree stump in the pot... I realized how dumb that was and Jeff just stood there shaking his head. We tried to get it out with a magnetic screwdriver but failed so Jeff loosened the tree so we could lift it and retrieve the nut. Next thing we knew, Jeff was lying on the floor, UNDER the tree. I might not have held it enough... :embarrassed:Oopsies? The worst thing is I was laughing so hard while he was lying there. I knew he wasn't hurt and I couldn't stop laughing at how clueless I was. Poor guy. It doesn't help that, for a brief moment, I thought to run for my camera... :p[/align]

[align=center]Then came the christmas lights... Oh dear! In Canada, lights are so much easier to work with. I mean, the lights are on one straight wire and you can plug multiple sets into each other right? Not in Europe. No, in Europe the sets cannot be interconnected and instead of being straight, the two end meet at the connection so you end up with a loop/circle of lights. I suck at grasping the concept of looped lights :pHours later, I was cursing at the lights and ready to throw them out the window. Lol. Jeff had to step in but first we had to untangle the MASSIVE tangle that the 3 sets of lights had gotten themselves into. Yes, the lights did it. I had nothing to do with that...Anyway, Jeff ended up putting the lights in. :biggrin2:Hehehe. We got the tree all set up after that and it looks cute. Phew![/align]

[align=center]Yesterday, we went to the Christmas Fair in Lisse. It wasn't all that special but what was nice is that we went as a family so we had his mother with us as well as his sister and her family. The kids had a lot of fun skating and we got hot chocolate incute mugs in a shape of a boot. :biggrin:I really enjoyed snuggling with Jeff by the fire. We'll probably put something in the yard when we landscape it since I love fire so much...[/align]

[align=center]Today I will be getting my goodie box from my family. It was delivered on Saturday but I missed it... BAAAAAAH! So now I am sitting here... Waiting. I dare not leave the couchin case I don't hear the bell...[/align]

I'm sat here, just staring at this for a while now:

See, I had started opening it until I informed Jeff of its arrival and he told me I was not allowed to open it without him. Lol. He told me just in time too because I had already removed the tape and was just about to dig in... *Sigh* Why mustI love him so? I'd have opened my boxie already by now... :pAh well, just 4 more hours to wait... :grumpy:
Ohhhh there's no way I could wait to open it, LOL
I've already opened all my Christmas presents and have them all rewrapped so nobody knows any different, hahahaha

ONG I was laughing so hard reading about you guys putting up your tree, too funny!
:shock:Brandy shame on you! LOL. You're soo naughty!!! :biggrin:I am having such a hard time waiting though... :pI have to remind myself that it's the nice thing to do... Lol! I'm glad you had a laugh at our adventures. Hehehe. I can really do stupid things sometimes :pHis mother REALLY laughed at us. Hehehe. She just HAD to make sure I told his sister too.

Aaaaw good times :biggrin2:

2.5 hours left...:lookaround
So, do we get to see a pic of Jeff under the tree, or not? I hope he wasn't too mad with you for laughing so much. Not that you end up with a lump of coal from him under the tree Christmas morning... ;)

Hmmmm.... awfully big box..... can't shake it, huh? Maybe a little tap with the foot to determine it's weight.... No one is watching.... :lookaroundI won't tell anyone either. ;)

Lol MyHeart, no I didn't take the picture :pThe thought crossed my mind but with him just lying there I thought it was not very appropriate to leave the tree on top of him... :biggrin2:We were both laughing but he did want the tree off him hehehe.

I did shake the box... Just a little. :lookaroundLol. I heard rattling but that's about it. Well, I knew there should be skittles in there so I assumed that what it was.

It was oooh so hard because I was ironing when Jeff got home and I knew that if I stopped ironing then I wouldn't continue it so I made myself finish the ironing before opening my box :expressionlessHehehe.

Anyway, I FINALLY got to open the box!

In the box was:

- skittles

- some christmas ornaments

- a PINK necklace/earring set

- a box of golden cake mix (my fav and haven't found any here)

- cards (4 - some for my bday and some for christmas)

- Slippers with pompoms on them:biggrin2:

- a pj

- a top and sorta vest thing that goes over it

- A scarf for Jeff

- gloves for Jeff

and our favorite:

- a very hilarious singing snowman for the bathroom

I will post pictures tomorrow :biggrin2:
LOL I'm with Brandy. I totally would have opened it and then re-wrapped it. None of that waiting nonsense...LOL I'm all about instant gratification!

Glad you got it though! Sounds like a fun box!
*Sigh* Woke up with a nasty headache this morning but it's gone now. Woohoo! I'm sitting in bed, in PJs, eating golden grahams, with music in my ears... Oh how I love the simple things in life...:biggrin2:

Smores is leaving this week. Bah. I've accepted it though. It's hard, but it's for the best. Sandra and her husband purchased a large cage and playpen for them. I think it's wonderful... She's been reading up a lot so I am very happy with her having them. :)

I have an appointment with my coordinator at the college tomorrow. It seems I will be going back for my inburgering there and do evenings, twice a week. Much less annoying than right smack in the middle of the day, 4 days a week. We just have to get things sorted out because Jeff is going to university and he might not be able to drive me some days. The college has a strict attendance policy so it all depends on whether or not we can figure that out. I think they will understand though.

Anyway, as promised here are the pictures of the goodies from my surprise box:

[align=center]My yearly pj (for years, my mother has gifted us with a pj and slippers because that's what we all love so it's become a sort of tradition) and slippers. It's a legging with a tunic style top:[/align]


[align=center]A top and errr 'vest' to go over it - from my grandmother:[/align]


[align=center]Scarf and gloves for Jeff:[/align]


[align=center]Decorations from my aunt and uncle:[/align]


[align=center]Cards, Golden Grahams, the tin contains my skittles, and my fav cake (golden):[/align]


[align=center]Skittles!!! Originals and Tropical :biggrin2::[/align]


[align=center]The best cake:[/align]


[align=center]THe necklace and earring set:[/align]


[align=center]A closeup so you can see the sparklies:[/align]


[align=center]And a cute little charm:[/align]

Oi! Maybelle and Smores have had quite the time in the past few days... :expressionlessMaybelle has been free-roam in the yard during the day and free-roam in the shed at night... It seems she found the bag of sand I had forgotten about and happily proceeded to shredding it to bits. There is sand EVERYWHERE :shock:Lol! Seems she had lots of fun digging in it... Not only that but she found a cardboard box and destroyed it. There are only random bits of cardboard here and there... I had put areally big handful of hay in her hutch but it seems she prefered it spread all over the shed floor. We put her litterbox outside her hutch but she flipped it over and wentright BESIDEit. She's also chewed Smore's hutch to the pointwhere if allowed, she'd probably keep at it until she couldget to him.To add to it, Maybelle and Smores have been having a spraying contest so now half the shed is covered in urine :expressionlessBoth bunnies are also wearing the lovely scent of urine. :rollseyesDivabelle? No longer white... Lol. Whyyyyyy did I get a white bunny in the first place?

Smores is now inside so I can bathe him and clip his nails before he goes. I expect he'll bein his new homeby this weekend so I want him to be nice and fresh so the children can cuddle him. I'm a little concerned because he hasn't pee'd or pooped since last evening so I am keeping an eye on him, ready with the first aid kit.

We woke up to snow this morning :biggrin:In fact, it's still snowing! It's gorgeous out so I decided to go play with Maybelle. Well ok... no so much play with her as watch her give me sidewards glances of disapprovement. Anyway, I made her a snowman. I figured she'd enjoy beating him up... :pI ended up making a snowbunny as well. I think only my rabbit friends will truly appreciate it.

Here are some pics from today:

[align=center]The view from the house:[/align]






[align=center]Jeff's car... Working from home has its advantages :p:[/align]


[align=center]The yard:[/align]


[align=center]More in the next...[/align]

[align=center]Snowman version 1 (before his head exploded from under pressure :p):[/align]
[align=center]With a hat:[/align]
[align=center]Snowman 2:[/align]
[align=center]Snowbunny :biggrin2:What's a bunny without poop?:[/align]
[align=center]DivaBelle, disapproving of my artwork:[/align]
[align=center]"Freeze! This is a holdup! Give me all your edibles and no one will get hurt!" (inspired by that well-known cartoon circulating on the net):[/align]
[align=center]Oh and a picture of what the tree looks like now, with Houdina's participation (she messed up the snow skirt and tried to stick her straw in the tree):[/align]