No official decision has been made at this point but we have spoken with Jeff's sister and told her that she can have Smores and Giggles. I would never consider splitting them up. It's both or none.
It's been a very difficult decision to make. My initial thought was not to let anybun go but then I really had to sit and think things through, and remember what has happened in the past. I have mentionned a few times how Smores looked down, how he loves people and wants to be around people. I think that is the hardest, seeing him sad. I really had to put the bunnies first this time. They are a great family for animals, they love them as much as we do. 'They are already prepared for vet care and everything.
I wouldn't rehome the bunnies right now if it weren't for thishaving been broughtup. I was not thinking of rehoming anybun at all unless I ended up in the hospital. However, my asthma has been getting more and more severe, making it harder to see them and enjoy them. Like Ali said, what if soemthing does happen, but then Jeff's sister got other bunnies because I wouldn't let them go and have to rehome ours in a stranger's house?
Jeff loves Smores. I wasn't sure what he would think either but when we discussed he said, "I would trust my sister with anything I value, she's my sister." That really made sense to me. Smores would love the attention that is for sure. Giggles will be happy as long as she is with Smores... My biggestissue is the amount of time that they spend alone, and in their hutch. It doesn't bother me nearly as much when it comes to Maybelle. Don't get me wrong, I love Maybelle but she is more independent. She demands attention but at the same time she doesn't long for it and after her 5 mins of petting, she cannot wait to get rid of you and get back to her activities. That's her personality and as long as she has her needs covered, she is happy. She'd definitely be thrilled with more space though, just as I would love to give her more. Smores, on the other hand, LOVESattention. He will start binkyingasyou walk in. He head flicks when you speak to him... He pushes his hutch door open andmakes a run for it, binkying away happily as you try to catch him. I hate putting him back in and watching him, paws on the door, withsad eyes.
It's hard and it hurts. It hurts to be faced with this. It hurts to have failed yet again. I definitely don't want multiples after these. I may keep one bunny in the future, but that's it. I do not want to deal with this anymore. I don't want to love bunnies and not be able to offer them a high quality life. I don't want to lose anymore. I am done with trying. I have now accepted the fact that I will never have rabbits the way I wished.
Smores and Giggles are not yet adopted. They are thinking about it carefully. Part of me hopes they will take them, and a tiny part of me hopes they won't. That's the selfish part of me though. However, if they do get adopted by her family, they will be happy and we will be able to see them a lot. It's literally 10 minutes away on foot. If they would be living with Jeff's sister and her family, that would also allow us to provide more for Maybelle and Rolo whom we'd be keeping. Maybelle would get the double hutch to herself and Rolo would get hers for now. Later, we would probably build a better one. Having only 2 rather than 4 would reduce the smell as well and maybe give me a few more minutes with them before reacting. Cost never mattered but they definitely would get more space and it would be easier to juggle their run time as well...
If they stay, we will make it work. We will keep up with what we have been doing and find ways to make things work. They may not have the best of the best, but they ARE loved and they are safe. We will find some way. When wetook them on, we made a committment to them. We promised to keep them safe and loved. I will not hand them over to just anyone without fighting for them that is for sure. However, if they have a shot at having better, who am I tostop them?
Either way, I hopeI am doing the right thing for all the bunnies involved... It's so hard to know ifI am though.
We will see what happens...