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My Mam always makes Christmas dinner :) We'll be having spuds, roast spuds, turkey, ham, carrots and gravy as usual and for dessert we normally have things like profritorolls (sp). Getting hungry thinking about it :) xx
That sounds lovely, Grace :biggrin2:Christmas is so fun. I am not sure what we will be doing but we will definitely be busy. I know Jeff's father will be coming down from France in December or January. He'll be seeing the house for the first time. I think I will make fondue when he comes. :)

[align=left]I let the piggies out on the floor before yesterday. I really do not do it often but I intend to do it more in the future. It was great fun to watch them explore. It was pretty hilarious when the cats got involved. The guinea pigs were very interested in Baloo but he kept hopping backwards and then lying flat to watch them. When they saw Houdina, they ran to her and then played 'follow the leader'. Lol. It was so funny! First Houdina, then Jelly Bean, followed by Twizzler, and Baloo following at the end. They reminded me of mama duck with her babies. :biggrin2:I wish I would have caught it on camera. After that, the piggies walked into the bathroom and they must have enjoyed the echo because they got really vocal, making various sounds, listening, and making more. Hehehe. [/align]
[align=left]Anyway, I'm back in bed. Whatever crap I got last a few weeks ago is back. :(I had my doubts because I kept getting very tired, the sore throat would come and go, and yesterday the cough got more persistent and annoying. This morning I woke up looking, feeling, and sounding like crap. Instant grumpiness. What I am more concerned about is the difficulty breathing. I really hope this passes soon. :expressionless[/align]
Thank you Vircia :hug2:

I'm too sick today so off to the doctor's we will go. Whoopdeedoo... NOT. :grumpy:It will be my first experience with the health system here in Holland. I really hope it will be a good one. I am going to see the family doctor so I think he's good since they all go there. I pity him if he asks my history. LOL. That will be a long visit :expressionlessI really hope I won't need x-rays. That would mean having to go to the hospital as well. I just want meds. Just knock me out and wake me up when it's over... Lol.
That's pretty much a good representation of me at the moment. Lol. Grumpy as can be and wanting my bed.
:singing: " Don't worry "
:singing: " Be happy "
:whistling " duuuu du du dudu du du dudududu "
:whistling " du du dudududu"

:baghead I'm singing a song for you, can you tell ? lol

Sending lots of hugs for you feeling better.
Lol Vircia :pThankies. Really sick though :(

Jeff took me to the doctor's today. I must say, I love the system. It's SO different from Montreal. I actually saw the doctor that works with and for Jeff's family doctor so not his actual doctor. I loved him though. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he asked about the meds I am on. LOL. So before we even got to what was making me sick, he explained how things work here and he wants to see me next Friday (he only works on Friday) to evaluate my asthma and set up an emergency plan. It's awesome because anything he writes in my file can be accessed directly by the hospital if needed. The other advantage is that if Ihave a severe problem,I can call the outnumber and get inhalotherapy treatments without actually having to pass through the ER. If I would respond well to 2 treatments, then he could send me home with control meds. If not, then I would get referred to the ER. However, he can do spirometry tests, etc without me having to take an appointment at the hospital. The other good thing is that he understood right away why I am on the heart meds. That's always a good thing. It gets so irritating when they do not know about IST and cannot understand the use of the med. He also understood right away that I needed to be monitored intensely (as I was being in Montreal) so he will have everything setup. Phew!

The other good thing is, I had no appointment and all Jeff did was call and the receptionist told him which time was best. All we had to do was wait for him to finish up with his other patient. He's also very closeby.

The bad thing is he's a man. Lol. It will take some getting used to. The other thing is that he only works on Fridays but I can see the other doctor if there is a problem.

Right now, I am on cortisone and Spiriva (a COPD med) to treat what is going on. Hewill re-evaluate on Friday and if needed, he'll push for more treatment. It's also very nice that I didn't need to explain how much I prefer nebulizer meds to powder form. Hehehe. They are much easier to take when you are short of breath. He told me about the new Spiriva nebulizer and figured I'd prefer it so that's what I got.

I am soooooo relieved that we didn't go for nothing. I was almost scared he would laugh and say I have a flu and to just tough it out. It's happened beforeand then I ended up in the hospital the next day with pneumonia because the stupid doctor wouldn't even bother listening to my chest. Lol. He was really sweet and speaks english really well. He heard how wheezy I was so he wants to get it under control fast. Thank goodness I went and didn't wait this time. :)

The bad thing is, I cannot go anyyyyyywhere near the rabbits until my treatment is over. :(I'm being very careful with the guinea pigs and litterboxes as well. I hate this but what must be done shall be done.

Hopefully things will be better by Friday. :)Off to rest now...
Feeling absolutely terrible... It's a horrible way to start the day when you wake up completely unable to breathe and choking... :(I am basically throwing up mucous. I know, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW right? How do you think I feel? :expressionlessHoping this clears up ASAP. If tonight is as bad, I'll probably just give in and head off to the hospital for intensive treatments. At least those should knock me out. :expressionlessPoor Jeff has to deal with my grouchiness :(.

I got very upset yesterday. The bunnies' cages were downright filthy :(Jeff hadn't cleaned the litterbox corners out this time. I'm not mad at him, he does plenty already. Justvery frustrating for me, not being able to do it.I was really concerned about the cold and them being in damp surroundings... I went on a rampage and cleaned them all out. At that point I basically wanted to rehome them all. They shouldn't be living in such conditions. I have calmed down since though. It's not always like that. Things just escaped us this time. The cages are clean now. That will be monitored more closely for sure. I used the mask and that did help a bit. Of course I was seeing stars but that's also because I am so sick. Hopefully, next time will be better.

On the other hand, they are doing well. The rabbits themselves are clean. I checked them overand nothing wrong with the exception ofslightly yellow paws. I will not wash them with this cold though. Not even worth the risk I think.The good thing is that they all use their litterbox corner to perfection, with the exception of Smores, who thinks it's hilarious to empty his litterbox and use a corner directly on the hutch floor. His litterbox is always completely empty... I wonder if he sleeps in it? Anyway, he does all his business in a corner as well so at least the rest of the cage is clean. Giggles still makes a carpet in her hutch using bedding and hay. I have never seen a bunny so neat. Really... It's pretty funny to open the hutch to find the hutch floor all neatly covered in this 'carpet'. She's such a doll. Maybelle, well she's always had impeccable litter manners. Always in her litterbox. I have since moved hers to the bottom of the hutch and filled her 'bedroom'with hay so she can burrow in it. All the others have also received a large amount of hay to burrow in. Rolo just stays tucked comfortably in his nestbox. Actually, momma snuggles with him in there as well. I'm glad they both fit in there. Hehehe. :)

Jeff is on the phone with his sister... Maybe I will have an update in a few minutes. I think she is taking Smores and Giggles...
Smores and Giggles are adopted. Smores will probably be neutered while he is still here so he can start healing while we keep Giggles since Rolo is not weaned yet. I know it's a good thing. I couldn't help bursting into tears though. Gosh I will miss them so much. I know they won't be far away, but it's just not the same you know... I'll have to make that disconnection now, knowing they aren't mine anymore. It's hard, very hard. It's for the best, I just have to keep reminding myself of it.

Yesterday, when Jeff confirmed the bunnies leaving, I burst into tears and while I was still crying I looked at him and said "I'm gonna need a bigger cake (comfort food)..." He thought that was really funny.

I'm feeling worse today. I think I'm going to call it quits and head off to the hospital tonight. Breathing is painful and I am choking too much. I'm worried it could get worse and that would be a very bad thing. I don't wanna, but yagotta do what yagotta do...

On a cuter note...

I could not sleep yesterday but I was surrounded by love. Jeff fell asleep holding my hand, Baloo was curled up between my knees and using my leg as a pillow (as he always does) and Houdina was curled up by my head, sharing my pillow. Well, at least she started off by sharing... At some point I ended up with her pawpressed to my cheek then ended up with herbutt in my face and later on she had the whole pillow to herself. She was mighty adorable though. I spent the night watching the 3 of them sleep.

They bring me such comfort... :hearts
I was stuck in bed, bored and decided to mess around with my friend and wish him 'Merry Christmas'... A few seconds later, Jeff informed me that it was snowing!!! :biggrin2:Now, don't get me wrong, I am in no way less sick than I was and if anything, this only confirmed that I must go to the hospital. Lol. However, it's snowing and it doesn't happen often in Holland.

How could I not seize the oppurtunity and let the buns experience their first snow??? Sadly, I didn't allow Giggles or Rolo out but I did let Smores and Diva May play.:)I got pictures and videos. The videos still need uploading though so here are a few pictures:

[align=center]Ummmm mum? Is that snow??? I thought you said there was no snow here??? :expressionless[/align]


[align=center]That REALLY looks like snow to me, mum![/align]


[align=center]The view across the street...[/align]


[align=center]The water is covered in snow. I wonder what the ducks think... :p[/align]


[align=center]Smores was out first... [/align]


[align=center]He binkied like a fool seconds after he was let out. There is nothing that does not amuse this bunny. Gosh I will miss him...[/align]


[align=center]Then came Maybelle... This is what she thought:[/align]


[align=center]She walked around, investigating...[/align]


[align=center]Poked at it...[/align]


[align=center]Again showed me what she thought...[/align]


[align=center]Looked around some more:[/align]


[align=center]Head flicked while she thought I was not looking...[/align]


[align=center]Ran away when I tried to catch her...[/align]


[align=center]Then got cozy...[/align]


[align=center]and cozier...[/align]


[align=center]The flop told me how she REALLY felt about the snow ;):[/align]


[align=center]'Little' (she's big!) Maybelle approves of something at last![/align]


[align=center]Back on her feet:[/align]


[align=center]Maybelle shows that belly flopping and then pushing the snow with front paws is the way to play with snow:[/align]


[align=center]Maybelle, the ever so diva-ish bun![/align]


[align=center]Disapproving of me holding her and wanting to bring her in:[/align]


[align=center]Some randoms around the house:[/align]





Not my brightest idea but I took the bunnies out again today for a bit. It was snowing lightly and not really cold so I thought they would enjoy it. Smores had much fun making me chase after him and run around in circles... That's quite something when your asthma is acting up and it's cold outside. Lol. I saw stars for quite a while. Lil bugger that he is... :biggrin2:At least he had fun. When I finally caught him, I walked over to the shed and he knew he was really going in so he put up a fight andwhen I momentarily lost mygrip on him hekicked me right in the face.:pThat ought to teach me right? I guess playtime was too short for his liking :rollseyes

Anyway, I got some much nicer pictures so I thought I would share my favorites... (Also have a video of Smores and I playing 'catch the bunny' which I will upload after this...)
























Btw... Rolo is now bigger than Giggles :expressionlessLol.