We've been back from the vet's for a bit but just finally able to get on to update as we had to go get food and meds for me. Bleh.
It cost us a whopping 33.50 euros. (sarcasm) That's including the meds too! Woohoo! I expected it to be much more!
The vet visit went really well actually. The vet was super gentle and sweet but best of all, she seemed to know what she was doing. Unfortunately, we don't have any answers as to what the cause is. She palpated him, checked his ears, eyes, nose, temperature, etc. She didn't feel anything at all when she palpated him. Which was both good and bad. She had expected to feel at least a few poops but then again, maybe he had just gone since he had sprayed.
She did agree that things seemed to be a off. There has to be a reason why he isn't eating and drinking as much. Peeing so little is not normal either. All of us bunny owners know how much rabbits pee and poop right? Lol. So anyway, she decided to play it safe and gave us a painkiller/anti-inflammatory drug in the same family as metacam to treat him with for 5 days. She said it shouldn't affect him in any negative way and not giving it to him might be more harmful than actually giving him some. I asked. Lol. I don't like medicating without knowing the cause but in this situation, I understand the reasoning.
She was concerned about possible sludge and stones but felt nothing so for now we are going to treat him with the med and monitor him very closely. (Yay for me :expressionlessI am sooooooo medicated right now to look after him lol) If there is no change, or if he gets worse, we'll take him back in and she will do an ultrasound to see if she can spot anything. Meanwhile, she also gave us what we need to take a urine sample so we can get that analyzed as well if need be.
Aside from me saying that he hasn't pee'd and that he isn't acting quite like himself, she wouldn't have known something was wrong. She commented that he looked really good. Smores spent the visit charming her... She still gave him the med. LOL. Fail

If there is one thing I have learned through all this, it is that as much as Smores is a very easy-going andalways happy bunny, he makes a terrible patient. He hates being forcefed and getting meds. Ah well, tough.
He's defintiely not going anywhere until he is all better. We prefer to limit his stress and I would rather look after him until then as well. Sandra has been very understanding so I am quite relieved. Of course, I can understand that the kids might be wanting to have him home so I also feel a bit bad about the timing but these are not things I can control. I keep telling Jeff that Smores is faking so he can stay with us.
It makes sense... Last night, we had him on Jeff while we were playing on the playstation and the little bugger would start digging at the towel and wanting to jump off Jeff but as soon as I would move to put him back, he would settle down and close his eyes as if he had never budged in the first place.
Then we go to take him to the vet's and he sprays the whole bathroom wall...
He's a brat.
My brat.