Thanks Alicia
Still sick. Still cannot eat much other than soup, ice cream, and pudding, etc. Throat is bleeding less though but it is still very painful to swallow. It's official, i'm on antibiotics for my birthday. :grumpy:Ah well!
Rolo has grown A LOT. He no longer fits in the one hand at all. I have very little experience with sexing at such a young age but he does indeed seem to be a boy. Rolo bounces around happily exhausting momma.

He's taken a liking to jumping on top of the nestbox, then jumping down and running whileattempting binkies. He's adorable. His fur is so soft and he's so fluffy. Gah! I don't see how I will let him go. Lol. Maybelle has more attitude than ever... She's quite the brat. Smores is very hyper and loves to run around and give you a hard time when you want him to go back. Giggles is her usual gentle and scaredself.
The piggies are doing very well. They are a bit bored so I will make them a maze out of the boxes we have as soon as I feel better. Jelly Bean calls me in the morning when I come down and he calls me for snack time. Really fun to have. So far, no allergies, no wheezing. Only thing that bugs a bit is having them in my neck sinceI get a bit itchy.
The cats are doing well. Baloo on the other hand simply cannot wait til I feel better. Both cats follow me around so if I am sleeping, they are sleeping. They know when I am not well and they have been very well behaved and quiet. Until Jeff gets home... Then, they get hyper. Baloo especially has a ton of energy so he cannot wait to see Jeff. He's usually in his fetch position even before Jeff has managed to take his shoes off. They play but it doesn't seem to be enough so Baloo has been acting up at night. Of course, I get pretty irritated but I also know that it's only because they are so quiet during the day. I'm not the one that told them not to move... Lol. It's quite cute to watch Baloo look out for Jeff though. He recognizes the sound of the car and zooms across the room to the door to greet him. He always whines quite a bit in the morning when Jeff leaves and then settles beside me. It's nice to have them curled up with me though. Houdina is especially clingy when I am not well. She follows me everywhere... She doesn't let me out of her sight. Lol.
The other day, Houdina did something quite funny. She was upstairs and Jeff and I were sitting in the living room when all of a sudden she starts crying out in a strange way. Of course, I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong and waited for her as she came down. Well, she got to the living room, carrying her collar in her mouth that I had taken off afew days earlier to allow her to scratch and groom, etc. (I always randomly take it off for a bit) Anyway, she just dropped it and looked at me and meowed. I got up, she got in position, and I put it on and then she happily left and tackled Baloo then ran up the stairs as he chased... We have strange cats... :lookaround
Oh, btw... it wasa special day on November 7th so...
[align=center]:big kiss:[/align]