•·.·´¯`·.·•The Tater Tots Family•·.·´¯`·.·•

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Hehe sorry guys. :pHis ears are my favorite part as well. So small and soft! I miss him, I haven't gone to see him in a few days...

All I can report is that Jeff says he nestles into the nest momma had made for him. Only thing is, he's too big for the nest :pI've seen him do it days ago and he was already a bit too big. Now I can only picture him with just his butt in. Lol.

As for me, I am sick. Very sick. Sorry for gory details but coughing up bloody mucous and not enough to say that it's finally coming out. :(I can barely swallow for how much my throat hurts. My head, my ears,my nose... All stuffed up, heavy, and ringing. Lol. My body aches like no tomorrow. This feels worse than the pneumonia episodes I've experienced only I am not wheezing nearly as much. That's the really good thing so far. Aside from being stuffed up, I am not wheezy so I don't need a hospital visit so far. Definitely bronchitis and sinusitis again.I cannot remember the last time I had a simple cold...

Back to bed I go. :(
Thanks Alicia :)

Still sick. Still cannot eat much other than soup, ice cream, and pudding, etc. Throat is bleeding less though but it is still very painful to swallow. It's official, i'm on antibiotics for my birthday. :grumpy:Ah well!

Rolo has grown A LOT. He no longer fits in the one hand at all. I have very little experience with sexing at such a young age but he does indeed seem to be a boy. Rolo bounces around happily exhausting momma. :)He's taken a liking to jumping on top of the nestbox, then jumping down and running whileattempting binkies. He's adorable. His fur is so soft and he's so fluffy. Gah! I don't see how I will let him go. Lol. Maybelle has more attitude than ever... She's quite the brat. Smores is very hyper and loves to run around and give you a hard time when you want him to go back. Giggles is her usual gentle and scaredself.

The piggies are doing very well. They are a bit bored so I will make them a maze out of the boxes we have as soon as I feel better. Jelly Bean calls me in the morning when I come down and he calls me for snack time. Really fun to have. So far, no allergies, no wheezing. Only thing that bugs a bit is having them in my neck sinceI get a bit itchy.

The cats are doing well. Baloo on the other hand simply cannot wait til I feel better. Both cats follow me around so if I am sleeping, they are sleeping. They know when I am not well and they have been very well behaved and quiet. Until Jeff gets home... Then, they get hyper. Baloo especially has a ton of energy so he cannot wait to see Jeff. He's usually in his fetch position even before Jeff has managed to take his shoes off. They play but it doesn't seem to be enough so Baloo has been acting up at night. Of course, I get pretty irritated but I also know that it's only because they are so quiet during the day. I'm not the one that told them not to move... Lol. It's quite cute to watch Baloo look out for Jeff though. He recognizes the sound of the car and zooms across the room to the door to greet him. He always whines quite a bit in the morning when Jeff leaves and then settles beside me. It's nice to have them curled up with me though. Houdina is especially clingy when I am not well. She follows me everywhere... She doesn't let me out of her sight. Lol.

The other day, Houdina did something quite funny. She was upstairs and Jeff and I were sitting in the living room when all of a sudden she starts crying out in a strange way. Of course, I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong and waited for her as she came down. Well, she got to the living room, carrying her collar in her mouth that I had taken off afew days earlier to allow her to scratch and groom, etc. (I always randomly take it off for a bit) Anyway, she just dropped it and looked at me and meowed. I got up, she got in position, and I put it on and then she happily left and tackled Baloo then ran up the stairs as he chased... We have strange cats... :lookaround

Oh, btw... it wasa special day on November 7th so...

[align=center]HAPPY BELATED 2ND GOTCHA DAY, BALOO!!!!!!!![/align]
[align=center]:big kiss:[/align]
Hi Nela, I just love reading your blog. Your pictures are some of the best i've seen on RO.

I feel so sad for you regarding your Bunny allergy. I can relate as I also have asthma, on numerous puffers too. However since I quit smoking almost 14 months ago my asthma isn't as bad. I do wear masks certain times of the year when handling hay.

I am so happy for you regarding your new man Jeff. What a Gem you got, honestly he sounds like the most wonderful man. Does he have a nice Uncle for me? LOL

Your bunnies are so adorable, I so wish you didn't have an allergy to them, as you are such a wonderful Bunny Mom. I'm sure they all know it too.

Take care of your self. We'll chat soon.


Thankies. Slowly getting there but at least I am a bit more functional than I was. Lol. I was hyper on Saturday cause I wanted to go Christmas shopping. I was so deaded after that though. Feeling okay today so I will start my studies. :)How are you holding up?


Your comments always put a huge smile on my face. I'm so happy that you enjoy the blog and pictures. The allergies suck big time, it's very frustrating. I will definitely not be owning multiple bunnies in the future. I have rekindled my love of guine pigs and if things work out, then I will focus more on them. I absolutely love the bunnies we have so I am just trying to enjoy the time I have with them. I honestly don't think I'm much of a good bunny mom at all anymore really, but I do try.

Haha, yes Jeff is a great find indeed. I'm glad you agree. I really am thankful for having met him and I couldn't imagine finding better to be honest. I know that the future is always uncertain so I live in the present and I enjoy each moment I have with him. LOL I will have to ask about the uncle :pYou might have to learn dutch though. You up for it? Seriously, already 14 months you quit? CONGRATS! That's quite an accomplishment!


Thanks. I am getting there. My throat isn't bleeding anymore. I think the ulcer is gone. That definitely feels better! Lol about Rolo! Everyone wants to bunnynap him. Heck, I want to bunnynap him from his momma too! :pIt takes a lot of willpower not to bring him inside to let him explore andbounce around. Not risking it now with the temperature difference and all though. :)


Who wants more pictures? :biggrin:
[align=center]Not great quality since it was really dark and rainy but wanted to share anyway:expressionless[/align]
[align=center]A bit blurry but I had to share... Momma is never far away. Aren't they adorable together?[/align]
[align=center]Getting bigger and bigger each day:[/align]
[align=center]Nibbling the hay:[/align]
[align=center]Adorable as always:[/align]
[align=center]A quick pic of Daddy:[/align]
[align=center]And a quick pic of Momma:[/align]
[align=center]:big kiss:[/align]
[align=center]Ps: Maybelle was too grumpy for pictures :rollseyes:p[/align]
Oh a sweet bunny family. :) How are you, Nela ? I hope you feel better and better. Little cutie baby will cure you with her cuteness. :) Giggles is an amazing mom :) never leave her baby out of side. And yeah ! The baby grows so fast ! :shock:
Hey Vircia, it's nice to hear from you. How are you doing? I am okies. Getting better. It's my birthday on Wednesday so I am hoping to be a lot better bythen since the family wants to come over. I hate having company when I am not well. I feel like I am letting people down then you know?

Haha yes, Rolo sure is cute. He's got quite the attitude though. LOL. He's too hyper, he hates being slowed down by being handled and petted. :pGiggles is the perfect Momma. I really didn't expect her to do as well as she did nor be so attached. I had a foster doe once that had a litter and she was not nearly the same. Of course, she did have 6 though so she was way more exhausted and annoyed. Giggles seems perfectly happy to be a mom. I'm glad because I sure would have felt even more guilty if she didn't want the baby herself. Lol.

So far, there's been no word on Rolo being adopted. They know he is available and if they want him, they can take him home. If they don't take him, I'm not pushing to let him leave. I think it's kind of sweet to have the family together, even if they can't be housed together in the future. I guess part of me hopes that he gets adopted as he'll probably have more space and contact since I am so allergic. That would save me having to debate it :pBut anyway, for now, I am just enjoying him. :)

How is Kimi doing?
:) Oh I'm glad to hear that you're getting better, Nela. And please don't think so much ok ? :) It's great that your family will go seeing you ! Surrounding by people who love and care about you, I think it helps a lot ! :) Rolo has sweety look from his mom and a lots of personality from his daddy,ha ? :D What a cute little boy. I know no matter someone will adopt him or he will stay with you, either way he will have a happiest life. :) Rolo is a lucky guy, having you taking care of him. What else a bun would ask for more ? :D
Thanks for asking. Kimi's doing fine. Her wound is barely visible now, her fur is growing over it. Also the scale from the wound on her next (a side effect from Antibiotics) fell out this morning. So she has a naked skin there, bald ! :D Soon the hair will grow, I hope :) She's a bit annoyed of me now coz she wanted to bite off carpet but I kept blcoking her way. Now she's laying down in her cage with a face " :brat: I'll wait until you'll go cleaning, momma ! ". hahaha, she's a little tricky smart girl ;)
Take care, Nela.
Haha sounds like she's feeling a lot better :pI always find those bald patches funny. Hehehe. Glad to hear that all is well :biggrin2:

Actually, I am very excited about my birthday this year for a few reasons...

My mother has decided to send me a box for my birthday, filled with mixed goodies. My grandmother has also decided to pitch in. Now, of course, I am curious about what I will find, but this box has a much deeper meaning. My mother and I had a big falling out a few days before I left... It had been coming for years really. Sadly, I moved to the Netherlands without being able to say goodbye to most of my family. I think that is the worst experience I have had. We didn't speak for months. My mother and I started speaking a few months ago but it's still a bit awkward. It's been really hard, having moved here that way. I know I will never have that mother-daughter relationship I always hoped for, but this is a nice moment. To know that they haven't forgotten me this time, to know that they are making something for me, from them. It's a good feeling. :biggrin:

My family, on Jeff's side, doesn't even have to think about being here on Wednesday. They just automatically know they are here on Wednesday. Not only that, but just the fact that they knew it was my birthday (it's not Jeff that reminded them)... Jeff had even taken the day off from work to be here. He has to go to school though so he won't make it til the evening but isn't it sweet that he thought to do it?

For years, I was always made to feel guilty on my birthday. It always revolved around money. My father was always wanting me to go out with friends, do something fun. However, someone else always made sure I knew exactly how much of a financial burden it was to the family if I accepted my father's idea. It always ended up in some big stupid fight and I always ended up alone doing nothing but crying (though we did have supper together, and I got to choose the meal so not entirely nothing). Two years ago I had the most horrible birthday ever and even bawled my eyes out when I ran away from home (my own home too!) to go to a restaurant for a piece of cake, only to be served a mouldy piece. Lol. It was not my year. :rollseyesLast year was much better though. My co-workers threw me such a nice and sweet birthday... Jeff came down shortly after and then we had dinner at the restaurant with my family. This year, this year is the first year that it comes together so naturally though... My birthday is only on Wednesday but I've already gotten more than I could have asked for. :heartsOh, and I have decided to make my own cake. It will be yummy :biggrin2:

Oh and Vircia, telling me not to think too much is like telling me not to breathe. LOL. I just can't help it... :baghead
Okay so I have been thinking and decided to try going about it like this instead...

I have Christmas cards I want to send out to people from on here. However, I didn't want to PM anyone for their address because I didn't want to put anyone on the spot in case they didn't feel comfy with giving their address. So... If anyone wants their card, please PM me your adress so I can send it to you. If you prefer, I can send you an ecard if you give me your email. If you don't want to sendeither addressthrough here, I can PM you my email addy where you can send it. :)

This way, I don't put anyone on the spot and you can still get your card if you want it :p
No wonder Jeff turned off to be a good one, his family sound really nice! :)The goody box is a really cool idea, my Mam and my Nana always get one together for my Aunty Erin's birthday too. She's always moving around different countries. They send her all the Irish food she loves that you can't get in the states (where she is most of the time) and she loves it! All her brother's and sister's put stuff in too. I'd love to get a goody box myself, I'd be pure excited lol!

Rolo is such a cutie! Little cratur. I wouldn't be able to let him go :) I hope your birthday turns out the best yet on Wednesday, I'm sure it will!