•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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I'll PM you in a few. :)


I took a big hitrecently that left me quite heartbroken. All of you know I haven't the best relationship with my family but things are worse than I thought. I thought we were working on it but turns out my parents have pretty much said nothing but bad things about me and my siblings. Not only that but my father went and bought himself a muscle car. Remember how just last week or so I was posting about them playing the money card when it came to the cat? I'm not stupid you know. Anyway, I feel really really hurt. They told me they couldn't get their passports because of money. I mean, I don't expect them to spend thousands to come see me regularly. However, it would have been nice to know that if ever something happened to me, they would have had their passport to rush over. It's now clear that I would be on my own. I cannot even explain how sad that made me. My brother is starting to really feel the effects of everything as well. It makes me sad to know that he will have the same experience. It really hurts. I spent over a week crying. I'm thinking that I may need to cut the cords completely right now. Especially since they are only pretending to want this. I feel lost.

Jeff can't make up his mind about the dog so I gave up. I told him if ever one day he makes up his mind, he can let me know. At this point, I wouldn't want to have a dog that he might resent. I'm sad because I really long for the companionship, someone to go walk with, play with, etc. But it's not going to happen. At least not now. So I am diving into arts and trying to keep my head busy right now. I just cannot allow myself to keep thinking about everything around me.

Maybelle is still in the hutch. It drives me bonkers to see her there. We'll go pick up something to block off the hedge properly (we were using the playpen gates and bricks)so she cannot get out of our yard. The neighbors assured us that it was no problem and that the kids love seeing her but I would be mortified if she attacked one of their bunnies while it is out or even bit the kids while they try to pet her. Knowing her personality, I think it's just too much of a risk.

Rolo still has his litter corner in his nestbox. I think he is absolutely silly. I don't know what he has in mind but it doesn't seem to be working. However, I don't have the heart to tell him so I just giggle at his goofiness.

When Jeff's father was here with the family, a family member gave me a bouquet of flowers... They were on my night table and I kept telling myself I should throw them out... Well, last night, when I was going to bed, I spotted a caterpillar trying to eat a card from my best friend that I keep on my table. The weather is kind of chilly and spring is not exactly settled in yet so I wasn't sure I really wanted to put him out yet like Jeff suggested. He's beside me right now poking holes in a tomato I gave him. I set him up in the 'snail nursery' box I had. I knew that box would always come in handy. I've put some stuff in there and I'm going to go poke around to see what his needs are. I've also put in two snail friends... We'll see what happens. I have to find them all names now.

See what happens when you don't have a dog? :p

(I'll upload pics in a few)

Welcome home. :)I've been reading up on yours too but was too pooped to comment. Just catching up now. Hope all is well with you :)





You can see the wee guy on the tomato. One of the big snails is alive, the other is just a shell. The lil snail is happily munching away as we speak. :)
Sophie, I am so sorry to hear about your family :hug:

I know it really hurts, but remeber this is about them, not you. Some people are simply selfish and never grow up. I don't want to be mean, but it is frustrating when fertility is wasted on people who are incapable of being parents. In this case I'm glad it was though, because it gave us you. You are such a sweet, compassionate, and loving person. The world is a better place with you in it. Someday your parrents will see that, and if they don't it will be their loss.

I believe that family is what you define it to be. DNA or blood doesn't mean anything. Family is defined by actions and heart. My husband's fmaily accepted me with open arms as Jeff's family has done for you. There have been times when I was sick that they check in on me where my biological relatives are silent. The first year we had a real family Christmas with all the relatives and kids and dogs running around I cried. I had dreamed about sharing that kind of holiday since I was a kid. It's moments like that when you realise that just because they are not blood, doesn't make them any less family. Perhaps even more so since they love you by choice. :hug:

I'm glad you were able to save the catepiller. Perhaps you will find a cacoon in there one day. The little habitat is so lush they must be very happy.

Maybelle may not be happy with you, but it is temporary. She is much better off safe than letting something happen to her because she is so naughty. Once she is running around her yard again she will forget about it. Animals have a wonderful way of living in the present moment. :)
I agree with much of what Brandy said. You are one of the sweetest people on Earth. Thank goodness you are here. If your family is not willing to see that side of you, then it is their loss. Perhaps it is best to try to make contact with your siblings and try to maintain relations with them.

If you were my daughter, I would fly any place in the world to see you, especially when you needed me most. I don't have children of my own, so you know those words are meant from my heart because you are such a sweetie and it hurts me to hear about how much you cry over their meanness.

Dry up your tears, and be good to yourself. :)

{{{ sending tons o' hugs}}} :hug:


Lol they can move pretty quickly on such a smooth surface. It always makes me laugh when I 'lose' a snail. :p


Thank you very much for your kind words. You are right about defining family. Jeff's family has been wonderful and his mother always calls straight away if she knows I've been to the doctor's and comes if I am ill. She makes sure to call right away to show that she cares. I'm so used to their being another reason that I thought she was just curious until Jeff explained it. Makes sense now. Made me all fuzzy inside. Lol. :)

I'm so glad you found that yourself with your husband's family. I can understand why that Christmas must have been simply amazing. You are right, being loved by choice is something to cherish. I guess I just blame myself for turning my back on them because people say family is family and you'll only have one family. However, I can see so many ways that that is wrong.

I hope the caterpillar will be alright. :confused2:I don't really know what I am doing. Lol. :pThe snail is very happy though. It has slimed its way across the habitat. The lil snail is snoozing in the grass and the caterpillar is wrapped around a twig. I expect it would turn into a commonmoth if it makes it til then. I just hope they are comfy. Maybe I could release the caterpillar now but I don't know if it's the right time for it... Meh. I'm not worried about the snail though. I seem to have a good way with them. I just hope I don't end up with hundreds again. :pI like this snail. It's got a pretty pink tint to its shell. Maybe this is the one I will keep for the outdoor habitat as well. I've decided to keep one or two max this time :pWell, it starts off that way but before you know it you have dozens of tiny baby snails everywhere. Ah well.

As for Maybelle, it doesn't take too much to offend her really. Lol. I'll probably gosit in the yard with the laptop and let her run around while I keep an eye on her. I think this weekend we will go shop for the pets. We'll board off the hedge properly and maybe start building the piggy hotel... :)

Thank you again. :rose:


You made me blush with your comments. I am not sure I agree with everything but I do thank you for your kind words and encouragement. You'd make a wonderful mother. You'll be happy to know that I have snapped out of it and I am back to my bouncy self. They get me down at times but I make sure not to dwell on it longer than necessary. Sometimes I need those days to cry it out and be angry but then I'm okay. I have my family here and I have wonderful friends on here. I have more than I can ask for. Thank you for having been here and for making me smile. :rose:
Nela, thank you so much for your PM. I'm so sorry to hear about your family. You're my sweet friend and you deserve the best of the best of the best. You have Jeff, a wonderful guy who loves you and be there for you. It's hard to move on after what you have heard from your family, but this isn't about you. It's them. Don't be so hard on yourself, ok ? I love you and People on RO love you. We're family,right ? :)
I love the set up you've made for snails. It's really pretty. And hooray ! You saved the caterpillar.
Just heard news of a major quake in Japan. 8.9. They say many are injured and there was a tsunami. They are worried about a possible tsunami hitting New Zealand as well. Japan was already mourning the loss of many students in New Zealand and I believe they still have rescue teams in New Zealand helping the recovery effort. News is just coming in so it is all very sketchy still.

Please keep these people in your thoughts today...

I don't want to be a downer but things like this are such a powerfulreminder when it comes to cherishing loved ones. As for myself, when I sit here and whine, I feel foolish when I realize how much worse things could be...

My heart aches for them.
Love the story about Maybelle and Rolo! Who says bunny's don't have priorities!

Those are great pictures of the petting zoo's, it is great that those are available. Do they cost much to get in?

That is a terrible earthquake in Japan to say the least. Some of the news stations here were trying to play up the Tsunami that hit the west coast. It was a five foot wave that bumped some yachts together in a small California harbor, I mean really!

You have my sympathies about your family, sorry it is so rough on you.

Hehehe they certainly know what they want and don't want. They are so silly. :pBunny slavery never gets boring ;)

The petting zoos are free. Some are municipal so they are funded and some are private and run on donations. Volunteers look after the animals. When we were at the petting zoo some teenage girls were taking care of the buns and Jeff saw them getting a stamp for their work so they were probably doing it for school. :)
Personally, I think it's a good way to teach kids responsibility and it seems to work out nicely for the animals too. :biggrin:

Yeah the quake in Japan is really terrible. The tsunami is just devastating. I cannot imagine thousands of people in a municipality just being taken like that. It really gets to me. As for the yachts... No comment. Lol. I mean really... :rollseyes I feel the way you do.

Thank you for your visit and comments! :biggrin2:


A quick update...

Jeff and I spent the weekend working on our project for the guinea pigs. I am very very excited about it. Jeff gave me a very generic design and I tweaked it and gave it a theme. I redesigned an area yesterday as well and I think it will be awesome! We have one building built. I got to play with the jigsaw and I am confident enough (and good at it- woohoo!) to cut up things on my own since it has a nice protective guard. I hope to have it all done soon. :biggrin:

We've mentioned building something for the cats and bunnies as well so maybe we will be doing that in the future too. :) The expensive part is the tools so now that we have the tools, projects are relatively cheap.

My caterpillar went up in the coolness factor. It was bright green when I found it but yesterday, I found it on a dried flower and it was now the colors of the flower. I hadn't realized caterpillars could do that. Lol. :p

Maybelle is back to her humming self. She's free-range in the shed but unfortunately, we haven't let her out into the yard because of the hedge. I'm still trying to figure out how to properly secure that since she's found a way through despite having the fence there. She longs to be outside.

We bought berry shoots (?) and will plant them in the hopes that we will have berry bushes. I know we got 4 kinds but I cannot remember what we got. Lol. We should be looking into contacting the landscaper very soon :)

I have school tonight. We have a test next week and I am so not ready. Bleh. My teacher leaves in April too... I'll miss her. She's a very good teacher.

Oh, I got my hair cut and colored on Saturday. I couldn't stand to look at myself anymore. I decided to change the style a bit and ended up with a much shorter style but it's nice enough and it will grow back quickly. At least it looks much healthier now. :)

That's about it for now. :biggrin:

Lol not a picture of my hair (sorryAli :p) but I have a picture of the design for the project we are currently working on...

[align=left]I decided to give it a medieval theme for our first build. So far, things are going very well. We have the largest section built -though it does require some assembly still. I came up with the idea of the tower on the left... Right now, we are trying to figure out the angles for the ramps because we want to make the tower accessible to them so they can peek out the top. The tower separate from the main design is going to contain the water bottle so we will make the top of the tower removable to access their bottle. We are using plexiglass to make the ramps/buildings safe. Anyway, there will probably be some tweaks here and there but this is the main idea for this one. [/align]
[align=left]I cannot wait until it is done :biggrin:[/align]
Where's the moat and the moat monsters? If they are going to be piggie-knights in shining armour, won't they need monsters to fight off?

Cool design by the way... :p

Lol thank you. I am glad you like the design. Jeff's pretty skilled when it comes to building things so that is definitely a bonus. I could probably figure out basic things and I know I can build things but i suck at the calculations. LOL. If it weren't for Jeff, I'd still be trying to figure out how to make the castle border even. I mean the border that looks like this:


You have to figure that out so it looks right and you have the right amount of blocks for the pattern to work... Lol. As for design, our two heads work well together. Jeff can draw 3d much better than I can (though the drawing here is mine but I used his example as a guide to make it look 3d)so I can more easily visualize it once I see it drawn and then change it to what I prefer :p

We'll see how the painting will go. :expressionlessHehehe.

As for hair... Hmm I make no promises but I will see if I can muster up the confidence for a picture. :)


I'll be sure to post plenty of pics when it's done. I just hope they will enjoy it as much as I hope they will.:)


LOL. The moat isn't there because you are actually seeing the courtyard rather than the front. The moat would be behind the gate in the middle as that is where the drawbridge would be. I had thought of it but figured it would be more interesting to do the courtyard since they would have more ins and outs whereas, if we did the other way around, the logical thing would have been solid walls.

As for the monsters, LOL. I hadn't wanted to say it yet but yes they will be there :pI'm not telling where or how though. :biggrin2:

Quoi? Je ne comprends pas. :p


I just enjoyed a nice big yummy greek salad for lunch. Not only that, but the cheeky man that is my boyfriend surprised me by buying me a game I like. I had kept telling him 'not now' when he'd have it in his hands but I guess he decided to get it online without me knowing so I couldn't say no.It was addressed to me though, not him even though he paid for it.I think it has to do with me mentioning how unbelievably luckyI was to have suchgoodfriends and how people were wanting to send things. I mentioned that getting mail adressed to me heregave me warm fuzzies as it makes me feel like people think of me and I really live here and belong here. Hehehe. Sweet isn't he?
Hey Soph,

I need more pictures of Maybelle :biggrin2:she's going to look so pretty laying on her PINK Blankie.:biggrin2::biggrin2:

We need pictures of your haircut.:privateeyes:ph34r2:scared:

Have you found a "Long Lost Cousin, Brother, Uncle" of Jeff's yet?:biggrin::rollseyes:big wink::bouquet::big kiss::rofl::blushan::pleaseplease::purpletongue:bow
