
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Floyd2019

    A good VENTING sesh about my carpet eating bunny. Possible advice needed if you have it

    I didn't know which forum to post this in because it fits almost all of them. Really i just need to vent! I have posted about my unneutered rabbit who has started chewing the carpet before and didn't get much advice. I talked to a behaviourist who said beitering probably won't help that...
  2. A

    Baby Rabbit Screaming

    I have five baby rabbits that are fourteen days old now, and while the mom was feeding them one of the babies started screaming so I took the mom away and checked all of them and they were all okay and moving fine. One baby opened their eyes for the first time at that moment too, so I’m not sure...
  3. Kat Lust

    Looking for Vets in Washington, US, That Also Have Vaccines For Rabbits

    Hello, I've been trying to find some vets to bring my bunnies to just for a wellness checkup, but I'm also trying to find a vet that has the vaccines for rabbits. I have called a bunch of places, most of which could do the checkup, but all of them said they didn't have the vaccines for rabbits...
  4. Kat Lust

    Should I Spay My Two Bunnies?

    Hi everyone, still a bit new and I was hoping for some advice. I have two buns and they are littermates, both female, and they are 3 months old. I know since they are female I don't have to worry about reproduction between them, but would you still recommend getting them spayed? I've heard that...
  5. Floyd2019

    Nervous about Neutering! Need advice

    So random question about neutering my male 8 month old rex/lionhead rabbit. He went through digestion and cecum disorders when he was younger and only just got back to a healthy state a few months ago. Now that he is healthy he has started eating my carpet and peeing on my bed, it's bad for his...
  6. Kat Lust

    Is it safe for bunnies to eat the brown shipping paper that comes with Amazon boxes?

    Hi, I'm new here and this is my first time posting. I've got two adorable Mini Lops, and I've only had them for a few weeks but they are my babies :3 my bunnies love chewing and digging and I've heard people say paper is a good way to keep them entertained in that regard, and I had recently...
  7. C

    Rescued Rabbits-2 Lops. Could use some advice.

    I just rescued 2 Holland Lop rabbits from someone who did NOT take care of them well. They lived in a crate that has probably never been cleaned. Boy is neutered. Girl has cataracts I think. I’ve been putting some eye wash in her eyes, and his too because they’re a bit gross. He has a scab in...
  8. A

    Help, rabbit babies not feeding !!

    June 1 my 5 month old rabbit had seven babies. She had made a nest in her cage, but I read that the nest should be somewhere clean and her cage was dirty so I moved them into a new nest in a clean cage for them. At first she would jump on them, but lately she just lays down near them and kind of...
  9. Floyd2019

    Ate a peice of an ancient "Caution, Hot" sticker.... ugh

    So my house is pretty bunny proof but my rabbit always finds something i had not noticed or deemed safe and uses it to cause me moments of great stress and anxiety. Today he went behind the old wood stove that I have desperately tried to bunny proof as best as i can (i can't block access). It...
  10. A

    Bunnies breathing fast

    I have three bunnies, two holland lops and a Netherland dwarf. The holland lops have a cage in their own room and I noticed that lately when they are sitting or laying down they are breathing really fast, almost like shaking a little bit. I know it’s normal when they are running around and...
  11. B

    Buying hay

    Hello! I've had my sweet boy, Ocean, for a year now of whom eats so much grass and the grass! Omg! It gets expensive! I currently buy him 10lbs bale online which lasts him 2 weeks but the chance that it's a good bale is such a gamble. Often I receive old, burnt, dry grass that would be cruel to...
  12. L


    My bunny has come up with this lump, it might be a spot? There is a little crusty bit. She seems fine and let me touch/have a look at it 20190524_075759 by Lderoz posted May 24, 2019 at 10:21 AM20190524_075826 by Lderoz posted May 24, 2019 at 10:21 AM
  13. A

    8 week old holland lop // Mucus with soft stool

    Just a week ago we took home an 8 week old holland lop. She's very reclusive and remains in the hideout we put for her in her pen practically all the time except to come out and eat for a bit or if we try to play with her and get her to socialize. The breeder we bought her from told us not to...
  14. Floyd2019


    Hi Floyd just learned how to brave the stairs literally YESTERDAY and this morning when i let him out he immediately whizzed up them all excited. I was like awe that's so cute and followed him up. I have 2 fights of stairs so he went back down 1 flight and was checking out my shoe rack. I...
  15. Floyd2019

    Teardrop shaped pellets? Photo attached!!

    My rabbit was sick for a long time so I would normally consider these very healthy poops compared to what his poops used to be not long ago. BUT i have read things that say teardrop poo isn't great? He eats tons of hay all day. They are all uniform in size as well ‍♀️ just wondering what...
  16. Floyd2019

    Question about Cecotropes!

    Hi all! So my bunny is an un neutered male, 7 months old. Ever since i got him he has struggled with diet issues and cecum disorders etc which is why he hasn't been neutered yet. He is finally healthy and on a well balanced diet of timothy hay and greens. I used to see cecotropes everywhere...
  17. BunnyLuv27

    Need Help with finding spay/neuter clinics. ( Los Angeles, California )

    As l said I live In Los Angeles, California and I need help finding spay/neuter clinics here as my 1 Y.O female rabbit seems to be getting aggresive and is chewing everything. She started getting like this around this month so I wanna get her spayed/neutered Asap. Also because she is around a...
  18. S

    Bunny anus Swollen

    I need help. I got home from working all night and realized that my bunny has a swollen anus. She was fine Yesterday but today she farting a lot and the poops she had while I was away are really small. The area is pink and radish and its really worring me. She seems completely fine besides that...
  19. Oogiebearbun

    Desperate senior bun mom

    Hi all, this is my first time posting on this site. I hope I am doing this correctly. I have a 10 year old Dutch female rabbit. These past 3 years have wracked up 15,000 dollars in vet bills due to health issues. First off I want to say, this is my first rabbit and I do not have any rabbit...
  20. WildThumper2010

    Excessive Drooling but NOT a teeth issue

    Hoping someone can help me with this issue...I have a 7 y/o male netherland dwarf mix. For the past few weeks he has had excessive drooling coming from the one side of his mouth. He’s also lost some weight and has been drinking more than usual. Otherwise his behavior is completely normal. The...