
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Helen Thomas

    How much pellets should my rabbit be getting?

    I have a 3 1/2 year old mini lop (Ramsey). I feed him the standard mixture of hay, leafy greens & pellets, however I am confused by the amount of pellets I should be giving him. Currently he is being fed Burgess Excel Nature's Blend pellets, the back of the packet recommends feeding a 2-2.3 kg...
  2. C

    Overdose on ringworm (itraconazole) medicine?

    Hi, This morning I accidentally gave my rabbit an overdose in ringworm medicine. After I gave him the medicine he still seemed to be acting fine, and didn't seem to have any symptoms (yet). I'm hoping he'll stay hydrated and drink lots of water so the powder will absorb in his system. I'll also...
  3. Hoptimist

    Young Bunny Acting Lethargic, Need for Concern?

    Hi! I'm a new bunny mom of a 3 month old little girl named Bean. I've had her for about 2 weeks. Since I've had her Bean is constantly following my feet, devouring any food put in front of her, and if I walk into her play area she'll always run right up to me. For some reason starting yesterday...
  4. Teagan

    Help on Enrofloxacin Dosage!!!

    We have a holland lop, about 2.3 lbs, who's suffering from an inner ear infection, balance issues, appetite issues and tilt head. We took him to the emergency vet a couple weeks back and they prescribed Enrofloxacin, twice a day. But the emergency vet instructed us to give 1.0ML for every dose...
  5. M

    Flakes in rabbit ears

    hi I’ve recently been having trouble with my rabbis ears, they’ve became flaky and his hair is starting to come out in clumps. It is definitely not ear mites as he has been checked, just his skin is too dry.The vet gave me some foam to rub into his ears yet it’s not really stopped it at all. I’m...
  6. Tinto

    Room temperature

    I was told to pay attentiom to room temperature especially during the winter. I was using a small heating lamp during the night (since we don’t have central heating where I live) before, but my bunny still prefers the window side, which for me personally is unpleasantly cold. Should I worry...
  7. D

    Food help!!

    Anybodu know any good websites for rabbit food and toys that ship fast and are affordable??
  8. L

    What is this spot on my bunny’s top right ear?

    Image by LandonTheBunny posted Nov 28, 2018 at 11:21 AM I checked the inside of my bunny’s ear and nothing seems to be off.
  9. Image


    Found this on my bunny this morning, what is it?
  10. R

    Yellow in buns ear

    Hey, I recently got a baby bunny. He is 9 weeks old now and I've had him for only a week and a half. Four days ago I took him to a vet for a casual preliminary check up. She was nice but said she doesn't know a lot about bunnies, gave him a basic clear bill of health and let me know about a vet...
  11. stmaple

    Daily Critical Care for bunny with reoccuring stasis issues

    Hello! My bunny Maple first had GI stasis at the end of July. After recovering, his health was back to normal. Over the past month, he's had 3-4 episodes where he's stopped eating and acted very lethargic for a few hours at a time. I've taken him to the vet twice with little answers as to why...
  12. Jacob & Romeo

    Rabbits humping?

    I have two male rabbits (a dutch and a dwarf lop without lopped ears (?) ). They’re eight months old and they’re the closest pair ever. They basically act like a married couple until recently. Romeo has been humping Jacob endlessly at least every 5 minutes when they’re out the hutch and Jacob...
  13. lola the lionhead

    loud breathing

    my bunny breathes really loud. every breath is almost like a squeak/ kind of grunt or some kind of really loud wheezing? she used to do it occasionally but lately it has got much worse. when i stroke just above her nose and she breathes in, it’s almost like bones crunching too. this may be...
  14. ILikeBigBuns

    Bunny eating less than usual

    Hello! My bun is about 5-6 months old. Around 3-4lbs. In the morning I give him romaine hearts and in the evening a 1/2 cup pellets. He has always loved romaine and would chow down the moment I filled his bowl. The past few days he has been eating less and less of it. It used to be gone before...
  15. lola the lionhead

    Rabbit not cleaning herself?

    ive had my bunny lola for around 6 months, she’s two years old now. when i first got her she kept clean all the time and peed/pooped in a corner of her cage. lately she’s not been cleaning her bum. she cleans her face and body when she is out of her cage (we let her out around 6 hours a day)...
  16. C

    GI Stasis??? Help please!

    Hello, I have around a year old mini lop rabbit called Teddy. Today at around 3pm (so 13 hours ago), I noticed him laying in his litter box with his head rested on the side of it which he never does. I kept an eye on him and around 8pm (5 hours later) noticed he hadnt pooped, drunk at all or...
  17. S

    She was just fine an hour ago;;; HELP I NEED TO ACT FAST!!

    I have two bunnies, Snow and Bear; Female and Male respectively. When I came home from work, both of them were active and lively like always. I bought new hay(carefresh) and gave them more since they finished the last of the hay when I returned. I let them out before I headed back upstairs. I...
  18. uesrnamet

    Angelina passed away

    This year our bunny died. she was called Angelina. She had an abscess on her mouth which we were having treated by a vet. On her last visit, he did tests and said she was okay, but that we should clean her abscess with a solution every day. A day or two later, she stopped eating. We were...
  19. S

    Something is up with my bunny! Please help!

    This has never happened before and not sure why it looks like this now. She is almost 2 years old. It looks like the slit between her nose and mouth is opening up. Since this started happening I have seen it close back to normal but she keeps looking like this. Is this normal? Or is this...
  20. S

    Something looks weird on bunny’s nose! Please help!

    This has never happened before and not sure why it looks like this now. She is almost 2 years old. It looks like the slit between her nose and mouth is opening up. Since this started happening I have seen it close back to normal but she keeps looking like this. Is this normal? Or is this...