
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. L

    Rabbit running circles around my feet, biting and ‘oinking’

    hi, my rabbits about six/seven months old, hasn’t been neutered, and he’s been running circles around my feet the last few days, something he’s never really done. he’s also making a noise that can only be described as an ‘oinking’ noise and he’s become more aggressive, usually he’s pretty...
  2. L

    Molting rabbit

    Hi! I’m new to owning a rabbit and this is the first time he’s moulted, so I just need some advice. My rabbit has quick thick fur and as he’s pulling it off he seems to be ingesting too much to the point where he can’t swallow but I can’t pull it all out of his mouth. I only realised when he...
  3. bunnypop

    my bunny has a gurgly tummy?

    whenever i listen to my bun's belly i can hear the soft gurgling, but today it was louder than usual. i could hear it when i was close to him, but not from a distance or anything even in a quiet room. he's still had an appetite for his hay and has been drinking his water, but i wanted to make...
  4. K

    Mucus in poop?!

    Hi! I look through my buns poop every night, and noticed some wetness on two pieces tonight, and i think it may have been mucus? He is eating and drinking still though, could this just be a passing thing from a new treat he had and i just make sure it doesn’t get worse or should I make a vet...
  5. S

    Hello my name is Oliver i want to introduce myself

    Hi i am Oliver bunny. What about me i am Vegan,i am carrot lover and i like to jump around. Here is my instagram please follow me Login • Instagram I have great cute photos. Thank you
  6. Lemony4

    Are the ingredients in this subscription box treat safe...

    I got my bun one of those bunny subscription treat/toy boxes for Christmas and these are the ingredients of one of treat bags: Pumpkin, ground oats, barley, potatoes, apple pomace, sunflower oil, molasses, cinnamon, vanilla, natural flavor I've never heard of potatoes being ok for rabbits...
  7. C

    Sick or tired?

    Hello, I have a rabbit that’s been lethargic but still eating hay when fresh hay is placed in the hay box and coming to us when we have a treat. She would only eat a bit though before going back to her spot to lay. Two days ago, I had introduced cucumbers (after reading that it’s safe). We’ve...
  8. Haru the Lionhead


    Guys how can mites or any other insects get to the rabbit? because i don't have any other pets in my house and i never touch other pets. she went to 3 different vets four times in the past 3 weeks and also she got her fur trimmed two weeks ago. last vet visit was on Sunday and she was okay till...
  9. Haru the Lionhead


    Guys help me! I woke up an hour ago and my bunny was sitting and when she saw me she fixed her position but she didn’t come to me. I left her thinking maybe she wants to sleep. After that I took her to my room, every time i move her cage she always gets excited and jumps around because she knows...
  10. Haru the Lionhead

    Hay fever

    Is it okay if i wash the hay and let it dry before feeding it to my bunny¿ she used to sneeze alot and when I started washing it the sneezing stopped but I didn’t know if it was safe or not.
  11. C

    Please help me! Could be GI stasis?

    Recently i got my bunny. He’s two months old. today he’s been awfully tired and didn’t do much. He started grinding his teeth. He also produced a lot of cecothropes (very smelly) He’s still eating fine. I need help.
  12. C

    Bunny has these specks on his fur

    The vet doesn’t know what they are and frankly he’s been useless. He did not administer revolution or advantage as he came to the conclusion it’s not fleas or fur mites. These bugs don’t move it looks like but I picked one up as small as they seem and they were moving! You can barely notice them...
  13. Lemony4

    Wet matted fur around one side of mouth

    Hi all, so I took one of my rabbits to the vet yesterday to get her teeth checked. The last couple days I've noticed that around one side of her mouth and chin she has perpetual wetness and it's causing her fur to mat. I brushed it out a few times and even cut a bit but it's still just very wet...
  14. cosmoluna

    Best Digestive Support Suplement?

    Hi everyone! For the past few days my buns have both randomly had very small droppings and don’t want to eat much early in the mornings. They eat hay and fresh veggies in the afternoon and evening perfectly fine, and are drinking water. They also act very normal and have been more active...
  15. P

    Please, I need help. Should I euthanize my poor baby

    Good evening everyone. I am currently crying the Niagara falls as I am having a horrible decision to make, allowing my 4 years old baby bunny to go to binky heaven or not. He had E. Cuniculi from birth which I tried treating, had several GI stasis to cure but recently, he has lost some weight...
  16. Allen Wrider

    Please help!!! What's the best way to get rid of sludge?

    My husband, unbeknownst to me, brought home a flake of alfalfa hay and promptly over-mixed it into the rabbits' Timothy hay bin about a week and a half ago. He's been feeding them lately, because of my demanding work schedule, and when I went to clean their boxes and living quarters today, I...
  17. P

    Bunny has a dirty mouth

    Hello everyone, I’m new here but I’m not coming alone, I’m coming with my lovely toy bunny named Patchouli but here is the deal. I recently brought him to the vet and had to force feed him because of a GI stasis. Ever since I had to force feed him his chin and the sides of his mouth have gotten...
  18. LillieCharliee

    Can I help my bunny recover from Paralysis (Parasite)?

    Hey! I'm new here, happy to join the community! :D So, my little lady Charlie caught a parasite last week and now suffers from hind-leg-paralysis. She's being treated for it and so far it's only gotten better so hopefully the parasite will be gone soon! She obviously has a hard time walking...
  19. T

    Hard bumps on rabbits back

    Hi I’m new to this site and I needed some help as I can’t find anything online about what my bunny has. My little girl is 8 weeks and I noticed she has quite a few hard bumps on her back that are under her skin. It like bone but it’s very sharp and I know it’s not her bones. There are two or...
  20. Miffythebun

    Bald spots please help:(

    Hey guys, My poor Wookiee has had these bald patches for 3/4 weeks now and they seem to be growing bigger- I would have normally taken him to the vets but I haven’t been able to due to being on lockdown and having to self isolate. A vet looked at it early on and said to bring him back as she was...