
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. T

    Rabbit toe possibly swollen

    My rabbit has got a swollen toe he isn't limping but lifts his hand while standing and licks his hand some times is this a severe problem or can it be home cured Also,currently all the vets around me are closed
  2. A

    Weird poop before cecotropes

    Hello, My rabbit is 4.5 months old. Here are pictures: one poop is normal and appears all the time, the second one appears only right before cecotropes. She produces like 5-6 this weird black moist poops and then she eats cecotropes. These poops look like they are mixed fecal and cecal poop...
  3. M

    Help! Baby bunnies dying

    I have two New Zealand rabbits and the mom just gave birth 12 days ago to 3 beautiful babies. Just yesterday my favorite one opened his eyes. That morning they were nursing and it was so strong. By the afternoon it couldn't even sit on its feet and was too weak to nurse and by night it was dead...
  4. Breezekoz

    G.I STASIS??!!

    Hello everyone, My rex bunny isn't acting himself. He did not come to his dish for dinner time, and I can't get him to eat anything. Even his favorite treats. He is normally very active and loves attention. He is just laying in one spot with his head low. I pet him but he isn't really...
  5. D


    I have a 6 year old male dutch rabbit. He is usually very calm and likes to play but since 2 days ago he has been sitting in his cage all day and not being his usual self. This morning he peed inside his cage which is new since he usually uses his litterbox. He has also been making very soft...
  6. A

    Problems with rabbit's poop

    I've noticed that my 4 months old bunny makes weird poop and it is not cecotropes. Here are two photos of 2 poops: one normal and the second one is bigger, darker, more wet and smells bad. She makes these weird ones rarely, but everyday. What are they? I gave her poop to the vet to look through...
  7. lola the lionhead

    Scabs & bald patches

    my female bunny is about a year old and lives with her brother (both neutered about 3 months ago) and i’ve recently noticed a few scabs/sores on her. the first was quite large, spreading from the bottom of her neck/top of her shoulder, down to the top of her leg, and seemed to appear quite...
  8. K

    Road Trip With Bunny?

    Hey Everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on traveling with a bunny? My boyfriend and I are planning a trip to New York in about two weeks and it's about a ten hour drive. I really want to take my rabbit with us but I'm also hesitant. I don't really have anyone who I'd trust to...
  9. WildThumper2010

    Head tilt or a stroke?

    So I wanna preface this my saying I’m taking my little guy into a bunny vet later this afternoon...but I’d like to get some perspective from other rabbit owners. I have an 8 year old dwarf mix, and just the last day or so I’ve noticed is head is kind of tilting to one side and it looks like...
  10. Zeddy

    Sore hocks, advice please!

    Hey there! It seems my 2 year old, male, Netherland dwarf bun, has developed a case of sore hocks? His hocks are red, and has mild calluses as well. Though nothing seems infected, and no open sores either. He doesn't seem affected by it though, he's still as happy as he's always been. Thing...
  11. elentari

    Scary Moment Last Night/Early Morning

    So I thought I'd share my Great Big Terrifying Ordeal that I had with my bunny earlier, in the hopes that if someone is going through the same thing they can find this post and figure out if the situation is similar or where to go from there, if it's not. Information and awareness ya know...
  12. bellathebouncingbun

    Bunny ate my hair!

    My bun Bella was left out last night in my bedroom because she wanted to sleep on my bed. This happens a lot and sometimes she’ll sit and “groom” my face and nibble at my baby hairs....... but last night went a bit too far I woke up with a massive chunk of my hair gone! She’s managed to chew...
  13. Z

    Blisters on Rabbits mouth?

    Hello everyone My rabbit recently was tAken to the vet for these weird blisters in her mouth. They told me that she has a infection? So gave mr meds. Well two roynds later And the blisters are back and worse than ever. They are still telling me its a infection and to continue medication however...
  14. nataly

    Spayed Female 2 y.o. started peeing outside litterbox

    She used to be very good, NEVER peeing outside the litterbox. She has a larger-than-litterbox size container where I give her hay on one side and sometimes she does her business there on the other end, but usually she even jumps to the litterbox to pee. Recently, I was rearranging the layout...
  15. rocket'smommy

    Culture Help- Please Hey Guys, I recently took Pablo to his vet. He has been battling a case of the snuffles for some time now. They had him on Probiocin and Baytril for a month or so. I noticed it was still not getting better. I finally sent out a nasal culture and the results came back...
  16. B

    Bunny suddenly lethargic

    So I first got my rabbit about a week ago and from the very beginning she’s been very active, especially once the clock hits 7:30 pm. Since I had her I was feeding her a diet of timothy hay and pellets, however, I wasn’t sure if she was too young to start introducing veg (she’s 3 months) but...
  17. elentari

    Pimple/Cyst Like Bump Under Rabbit's Eyes.

    So my rabbit has these two little bumps a few centimetres under both her eyes, and I don't know if they're new, or I just somehow never noticed them before and they're natural for rabbits to have. Anyway, they feel relatively similar in size/same placement, they're kind of like semi hard bumps...
  18. Marsbar

    rabbit penis tip is grey and flat ?

    Hi guys, just wondering if this is normal or not. I'm currently trying to bond two neutered males (pop and kal) and it seems to be going really well. I never let them hump each others faces, but they are allowed to hump the right way round. so far there's been a lot of grooming and love from...
  19. Liz S

    Help! Bunny is on medication but still isn't eating or drinking on his own.

    I took my rabbit to the vet yesterday after noticing that he had not eaten or drank anything, he had some sort of infection. They gave me antibiotics and also some stuff to get his gut moving, I can't remember the name of it. The vet also gave him his first dose of both the antibiotics and some...
  20. Lois south

    Rabbit diet help!

    Hi guys I have no idea if I'm feeding my rabbit correctly. I have read a lot online and sometimes sources don't agree. I went to my vet and they literally said they know nothing about rabbit nutrition (they are incredibly trash and I'm currently looking for a new vet). He is 4 month old mini lop...