
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. B

    Excessive amount of fur in hutch, help

    As you can tell by the images attached I found an incredible amount of fur in my rabbits hutch, this hutch was only cleaned out the day before so this is from 24 hours. I have found the odd bit of fur here and there before but never clumps and to the extent that it could fill a bag! Let me know...
  2. DmitriBunny

    Unusual Shedding?

    I have two bunnies, both Holland Lops, but one is a chestnut agouti and the other is white with some broken light brown patches. I've noticed when brushing their coats that my white rabbit sheds a lot more hair than my chestnut rabbit. Not huge visible patches, but I'll brush her and I get huge...
  3. harleswirl

    Rabbit nodule? Falling off? Help

    Hello!!! I'm Harley and I just made an account solely to ask about my 4 month old bunny Clover. She's healthy and was vaccinated a little while ago. Just an hour ago a perfect spot of fur on her nose just fell off! She shows no pain, is destroying my books and running rampant as usual! There's...
  4. Kathryn Yarnton

    Cat litter and bunnies, do they mix?

    So, I have two lovely cats, Garfield and Prism. But recently I picked up a rabbit, his names Omelette - we call him Ommy for short. Anyway, he wasn't litter trained when I got him, and so I have been encouraging him to use his litter box (shredded paper and timothy hay) but this morning when I...
  5. B

    Heatstroke? Nerve damage?

    Hello everyone, I am from Belgium and new to this forum but I am very worried about my rabbit Marie-Jeanne. So 5 days ago, the weather in Belgium was very hot (for this time of the year). It was 28 degrees celcius, about 82°F. So it was hot inside of the house so I decided to put her in her...
  6. Theodore Leonardo

    Is This Normal?

    Over the past week my 3 year old, neutered buck has suddenly started trying to hump me - just like he did before he was castrated. He tries to mount my arm (or leg), and when I stop him he throws a strop and starts stomping around. It's completely out of character for him, and even more so...
  7. I

    Lazy Bun or medical problem?

    So I have a bunny, I'm not too sure of his breed, he's a Californian mix of some sort. Anyways, the past couple of months I've noticed that he lets his bottom get very dirty. It is matted poop, and I have to carefully cut it off. It doesn't take very long for it to get matted back in. I have...
  8. AgentHop-kins

    My rabbit is obsessively pulling her fur out? Help

    I have two dwarf rabbits who are sisters. These are my first rabbits, so I’m still learning. I’ve had them for three years ( this year is the fourth year). Pan, who is the bigger of the who has this weird habbit of pulling her chest fur out ( right under her chin) She has been to the vet before...
  9. fiddlesticks

    Rabbit legs shaking when walking

    I’m really concerned about my dwarf lop, over the past couple of days I’ve noticed that his back legs have been shaking when he walks, this is unusual for him and it’s a considerable amount of shaking and trembling. After letting him outside in his run today, something he usually hops and jumps...