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  1. AngelnSnuffy

    Shaving a rabbit?

    Snuff peed all over his butt too not long ago. I put him in the bathroom sink and rinsed his bottom. Drained water, resoaked, wrap in towel. Poor thing. That's what I did w/ Snuff, now he's fine, even hair on his tail is growing back, so in my experience, it wasn't a uti.:D I have to say that...
  2. AngelnSnuffy

    Nose bleed every night?

    Run a humidifier in the room u sleep in. Also, the saline solution will help, or u can dap a qtip in vasiline and line your nose, that is also recommended by drs.;)
  3. AngelnSnuffy

    How do you water your rabbit?

    I have a crock attached to cage. Works great.;)
  4. AngelnSnuffy

    Putting Weight on a Skinny Bunny

    MAXX55 wrote: They take a poo sample, it's pretty easy for them to determine.
  5. AngelnSnuffy

    does anybody deal with child support ):

    Yeah, I mean, it has to be in writing from the court, otherwise he isn't entitled to any visitation. Doesn't matter if he's paying or not. If it's not in writing from a court, he's entitled to nothing. That's how it is here anyway.
  6. AngelnSnuffy

    can you tell how big a bunn with be?

    lelanatty wrote: While a pic will help, we can't determine gender necessarily, esp if the bun is too young. Breed makes a huge difference. If you can get a good pic, I would post it in the Rabbitry and see if anyone there knows, they may even be able to tell somewhat of an age.;)
  7. AngelnSnuffy

    Rare Rabbit Breeder?

    For future reference, you should post in the Rabbitry, you'd get more responses there, I'm sure.;) If I'd seen this before I would've moved it to the Rabbitry and let u know. Since after the fact, you did get answers, it shall stay. Just sayin. The Rabbitry is a great place to post breeder qs;).
  8. AngelnSnuffy

    Bun wont chew

    Honestly? You dont need them to munch/chew on those things. Just their hay and pellets are good enough. A good thing to do though? Is have two different hays available, because all the different kinds of hay wear down the teeth differently.;) Like normal Timothy, but mix in some Bermuda Grass...
  9. AngelnSnuffy

    one of my buns just screamed!

    Flash I will also say that it is a sound you never want to hear again. My experience w/ it was not a bun in pain, but a bun in distress. I had my first bun on a leash outside on the driveway. He got a food caught and started flopping around in the driveway and screaming.:shock: That's why I...
  10. AngelnSnuffy

    Bunny nails

    Flick wrote: I don't recommend any newbie try doing it like that. I can't even do that. I have to hold the paw I'm going to clip and hold each nail out.
  11. AngelnSnuffy

    Eating human cereal

    Everybun will have their weekness as will the bun owner:P. Every bun I've had loves french fries. Now, Mr Snuff is the king. He will eat some oatmeal pie.:wink Little bits at a time are ok. (Depending on the buns health of course.)
  12. AngelnSnuffy


    I've always heard to use vinegar to clean up pee spots. Sometimes it works for the behavior, sometimes it doesn't and you then have to figure out what else...:P
  13. AngelnSnuffy

    Injured Wild Rabbit with Wryneck (RIP)

    Just for future ref, there was a wild bun w/ what I thought was wryneck too. I called so much as the fire department and everyone I talked to said they'd just put the bun down...:? I'd sought out Rehabbers too.:expressionless
  14. AngelnSnuffy

    gastric stasis recovery

    mattimeo wrote: Want to give u a welcome to the forum!:D You can also try feeding different kinds of hay, esp if they aren't big hay eaters. Orchard Grass if a fav here as opposed to Timothy.;) But, that is key, making sure they are drinking and eating the hay, esp during a shed or...
  15. AngelnSnuffy

    rabbit shedding? is this normal

    AndersonsRabbits wrote: It does accumulate there. I also get off where it is most accumulated first, then work around that. You want to get the most hair off that u can, poor things. Sometimes they are even in bad moods from molting. Snuff was just yesterday, today he's better. You'll see days...
  16. AngelnSnuffy

    Rabbit always flipping and dumping her litterbox :(

    Oh My Darlin Rabbitry wrote: I was just going to say the exact same thing, Crystal. (Funny, another Crystal, haha:P.) I had to do the same w/ my first bun, he always dumped the box over. This worked pretty well, they can still try by lifting it, but nothing much comes out.;) Depending on...
  17. AngelnSnuffy

    Roxy is biting

    So, she isn't spayed yet Marie? If not, that could have alot to do w/ it. Seeing u as her care taker would be why she is doing this to you alone. Not much u can do for now, besides give her toys to take out her aggressions on, limit picking her up if you do. Will you be getting her spayed soon...
  18. AngelnSnuffy

    Old Fashioned Oats

    Hope u are switching slowly on the pellets. You shouldn't just feed a different pellet as it will cause stomach upset to the bun and produce diahearra. Oxobw Bunny Basics T is what I and many of us here in Us feed. It's a great pellet.:) Let us know if you need help to switch foods, it must be...
  19. AngelnSnuffy

    post spay: holding leg up, poopy butt, not eating/drinking much (RIP)

    Just seeing this now. I am so very sorry for the loss of this very sweet baby girl.:( RIP Tabitha :rainbow::pink iris:
  20. AngelnSnuffy

    Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

    Believe it or not, hubby wanted to know about Yofi:biggrin:. So, I just read your latest and he thinks its funny! Hee. He thinks u should write too, as do I.:D Those pics are just great!!:P Please, give nose rubs and kisses to The Boy and Anna too from us!;)