does anybody deal with child support ):

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Wow did not know that Zin Shena needs to let daddy see the kids then her lawyer told her other wise.

The state should have looked into that situation further also. I feel sorry for you and your ex.
Ugh.. I KNOW..
His ex wife is dead though now..

I still have your stuff..ima message you on facebook.
Most times if a parent is absent from a young child they will not give over nights right away for the fact the absentee parent is a stranger. Usually it will be some kind of supervised visitation starting off slow and working from there as long as the formerly absentee parent does what is requested it might progress to over nights but not for a while.
I have 2 children and every time he talks to me he complains that the state wants him to pay child support even though he isn't working. He hasn't ever paid and is over 5k in rears and supposed to be paying $220 a month for 2 children and since he hasn't paid they finally suspended his license this past month.
He also threatens to take me to court to take custody from me but it would never happen since he's been so absent in their lives and he has no basis to take me to court either but he threatens me about 2x a week to do. 2 yrs later and he has never done more then threaten. Most times they threaten just to scare you and freak you out. You can call any attnery in your area and get at least a free consultation usually if you want more sound advice and cannot find some legal help.
i was a child agency kid and unless he can prove to be a good host he cant take her in even on weekends. he needs to have transport and has to have a house that is clean and has a second bedroom just for her and he has to have the right amount of each food group and so on. you can ask for those things as compensation. yes he avoided you in the beginning, but there is little you can do to get rid of him now if he don't want to be gone. he will have to have supervised visiting and such cause of his past. and try to save all e-mails he sends you and show them to the person. you can also get a restraining order if you tell him to leave you alone. which will stop him from coming near you, your family, and especially your child. you will have to be or feel threatened by him, which personally i would if he kept messaging me and stuff telling you what he will and wont do when it comes to your child. my aunt did it. she went through the same thing you are, and she got a restraining order saying the x hubby was in jail and it intimidates her and she messaged him saying to leave her and her kids alone and he messaged back saying he would not, and she got the order just like that.
Yeah, I mean, it has to be in writing from the court, otherwise he isn't entitled to any visitation. Doesn't matter if he's paying or not. If it's not in writing from a court, he's entitled to nothing. That's how it is here anyway.

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