can you tell how big a bunn with be?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
, Nova Scotia, Canada
two weeks ago, I got a new baby rabbit. The lovely man I got her from had more rabbits than I could count in this huge run in his backyard. He said most were rescue bunnies and a few had been found in the wild, abandoned. I'm not sure if I believed him but I fell madly in love with one. He/She was the smallest.

Seeing that I have no idea at all, the age of this bun ( the man had no idea either) or the breed ( he didn't know, he told me he just gave them a safe space to live and be loved until they found good homes), I'm wondering how I can tell how large this bunny will be. Is there any way to know this?

the most you can do is look up the breed and get a rough estimate on how big they will get. i dont know if this is true, but i found that Dante had really looonnng ears when he was a baby, now they look normal, almost like he grew into them (almost like how puppies grow into their paws?? o_O). lol just a little tip, but as i said, i'm not sure that's how it works lol

assuming it's the bunny in ur pic, i'd say a Holland lop or french lop?? maybe mixed with something else, but i'm not good with guessing breeds. so that may be a good place to start...
the bunny i'm using as my prof pic is a lop :) but my second bun is the mystery bunny. I just posted pics of him/her. I wish I knew what sex it was too :( I looked but have no idea what a baby looks like.
A good vet can not only tell you the gender in a jiffy, and may be able to tell about how old the bunny is by looking at the teeth and other developmental landmarks. If Dante's not neutered, keep them separate until you get the new bun to the vet, just in case it's a female and old enough to breed. Bunnies can get pregnant as young as 3-4 months old, so you don't want to take chances!
lelanatty wrote:
Could you give us a picture of the new baby? We should be able to tell you what it is if we can see it.
While a pic will help, we can't determine gender necessarily, esp if the bun is too young. Breed makes a huge difference. If you can get a good pic, I would post it in the Rabbitry and see if anyone there knows, they may even be able to tell somewhat of an age.;)
PetoftheDay wrote:
A good vet can not only tell you the gender in a jiffy, and may be able to tell about how old the bunny is by looking at the teeth and other developmental landmarks. If Dante's not neutered, keep them separate until you get the new bun to the vet, just in case it's a female and old enough to breed. Bunnies can get pregnant as young as 3-4 months old, so you don't want to take chances!

lol not my bun, my bun was neutered a while ago (still hasnt forgiven me >.<) lol and we dont have ne other buns lol
well.. I took a good look at tahli last night and I think I see teeny fuzzy boy parts. at what age can you tell? two weeks ago, I couldn't make out any kind of anything so I'm thinking the appearance of fuzzy somethings ;) mean he's a boy.

Since I saw something there that I didn't see before, does that help in determining his age? I'm going to post another pic of him and my 4 year old daughter so that his size can be seen.

I am taking him to a vet for all of this but it has to wait until my next paycheck because my bunny funds went toward getting bunbun better :)


looks kinda like a lop mix to me even though his ears dont lop...and if hes balls just dropped recebtly you can expect 4-5 months

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