I lost my sweet Mattimeo to gs some years ago, so when my six year old mini-rex neutered boy stopped eating and sat rigidly grinding his teeth I shot to the vet like a rocket! Four weeks ( and a lot of cisapride, subdermal saline and Critical Care tube feeding) later, Shasta is hopping about, eaing his food and, best of all, grooming and loving his wife Immy, who has been very upset during his illness.
Has anyone had a bunny have a bad eprisode of gs and come all the way back? Should I expect disaster to strike? Everytime I come downstairs in the morning I prepare myself for what I will find - will it be two bunny faces pressed excitedly against the pen bars, waiting for breakfast, or just one. It's very stressful.
Shasta goes to the vet today for another check. He has been off cisapride since Sunday morning and this is his first day without Critical Care, so we'll see how his weight has held up, and whether there is still beautiful music coming from the bunny digestive system
Has anyone had a bunny have a bad eprisode of gs and come all the way back? Should I expect disaster to strike? Everytime I come downstairs in the morning I prepare myself for what I will find - will it be two bunny faces pressed excitedly against the pen bars, waiting for breakfast, or just one. It's very stressful.
Shasta goes to the vet today for another check. He has been off cisapride since Sunday morning and this is his first day without Critical Care, so we'll see how his weight has held up, and whether there is still beautiful music coming from the bunny digestive system