Injured Wild Rabbit with Wryneck (RIP)

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New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Reaction score
North Carolina, , USA
Greetings - :)

I'm new to this forum (but I am the owner of a happy, rescued white male rabbit: Bun-bun). I'm here seeking advice for the care of a small adult wild rabbit that I found injured in the road. His injuries appeared minor - he tried to run from me several times, but he couldn't really run right, so I caught him without much trouble. Over the next couple of days, he developed a pronounced head tilt - which I have learned this evening (by browsing the web) is not uncommon and can be caused by head trauma or stroke. As far as I can tell, this is really the only thing wrong with him. He seems to be eating and drinking, which is great!

My question - maybe silly, but - is there any sort of neck brace thatI can get (or make) to support the poor little bunny's head while he gets better?He looks so very pathetic like that! :(He doesn't seem uncomfortable really, though.He appears to love to be petted too - surprising for a wild rabbit.He would jump away from me at first and try to get away, but he really couldn't. He's calmed down tremendously in just a few days (we found him on Tuesday). Anyway - if anyone has any advice, that would be lovely.

Oh - I don't know if this is a boy or a girl (haven't checked yet), but I think I'm gonna call him/her Sassy. I was gonna let "him" go when he got better, but I don't think we'll be doing that now.

Thanks! - AmyB

Hi Amy

I know that you are attempting to be helpful to this rabbit but this is not something that you should be taking on; it is not even legal to attempt to rehabilitate or keep wildlife without a license.

Ihave provided a list of rehabbers in your state (Randy Atkinson in Rocky Mount is amoderator on this forum )

Please contact a rehabber . Anything that you would attempt to do can be done better by a professional.

but I do understand that youhave only good intentions

Good Luck and let us know what happens;)...

Wry neck due to trauma will need some anti-inflammatory medication and expert care. I encourage you to find a licensed rehabber, or emergency vet. If you could get the bunny to Randy that would be awesome.

This is his rescue's website
Just for future ref, there was a wild bun w/ what I thought was wryneck too. I called so much as the fire department and everyone I talked to said they'd just put the bun down...:? I'd sought out Rehabbers too.:expressionless
Sadly - The little guy died the night of my previous post. I guess there were more internal injuries, and it got the best of him. Very sad. :(

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