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  1. Starlight Rabbitry

    what is his breed?

    Definitely could be a dwarf. It will be easier to tell in a few months when he is all grown up :)
  2. Starlight Rabbitry

    What system do you use for your tattoos?

    I use my initials of my rabbitry...Starlight Rabbitry...SR, then a number in sequencial order. ie, SR203, SR204...etc. This works for the Dutch. For the woolies, I use the same system but I dropped the "R"...there ears are Sharon
  3. Starlight Rabbitry

    Need Help with Rabbit Etiquette Question

    Does the rabbit's name have a prefix? You can change the name but out of proper etiquette, should keep the prefix. For Example, my prefix is Star's. All my rabbits that are born in my rabbitry have this prefix. Then I add a name like Dakota. This name is the name you can change without causing...
  4. Starlight Rabbitry

    Formula help

    You could try to make mom feed her babies by holding her on your lap and putting the babies under her. If this doesn't work, I have used KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) with success. Sharon
  5. Starlight Rabbitry

    Tort color question

    OakRidgeRabbits wrote: Don't really know if you are being rude or not but I figured that I ought to tell you that I am NOT versed in genetics, I only understand the basics of where the colors fit into groups. I thought I was being helpful for this person in understanding that orange is not...
  6. Starlight Rabbitry

    Tort color question

    Technically speaking, Orange is a non-extention agouti. It has 2 colors on the hair shaft opposed to 3.
  7. Starlight Rabbitry

    Eye Color ?

    What color is the baby? Colors from the shaded group have a red tinge to the eye. Sharon
  8. Starlight Rabbitry


    My thoughts are with you and Sparky. I hope you get somegood news. Sharon
  9. Starlight Rabbitry


    The purple mouth and legs are probably just bruising. I don't like the breathing through his mouth though. It shouldn't be doing that. I am wondering if he aspirated some liquid from the kindling process. Does he have a round, full belly? I don't want to sound pessimistic but it doesn't...
  10. Starlight Rabbitry

    What kind of mix do you think Ula is?

    Definitely see some Dutch in her. Markings are not all that a Dutch is. I see Dutch ears, head, body and weight. I've had some very long, lanky Dutch in my beginner days. She also could be mixed with something else. I will have to see if I can post a pic of one of my "beginner" Dutch tomorrow...
  11. Starlight Rabbitry

    Tort Dutchie Babies

    Dutch do not carry a dwarfing gene. Your babies were runts. Happens a lot in Dutch. Sometimes they live and go on to be normal babies, sometimes they don't. With 9 in the litter, I am not surprised by 3 runts. Nice markings on the babies. Why are you not keeping any? Sharon
  12. Starlight Rabbitry

    Show coats on blue buns

    They are not "frosted", they are just sun stained. Blue is a very hard color to keep blue. They must be kept in a dark area with no sunlight. The sunlight is what is staining your blues. The other thing which could stain a blue or any rabbit for that matter is urine. Bucks especially like to...
  13. Starlight Rabbitry

    Is this a good plan?

    I practice the same thing. As long as they are the same breed you will not have problems with the babies being a few days older. If you ever do have to foster babies, have on hand a black permanent marker so you can "color" the babies that her fostered. Makes picking them out a lot easier! It...
  14. Starlight Rabbitry

    Requesting input from breeders: Terminology

    wean, kindle, kit, ear #, sire, dam, registration, grand champion, type, body, markings on different breeds, variety, depth, balance, cow-hocked, pinched, undercut, disqualification, fault, mangy, length, flyback, rollback, maloclussion, peg teeth, weepy eye, nestbox, gestation, line breeding...
  15. Starlight Rabbitry

    BREEDERS - Please "sign" in with your information

    Rabbitry name: Starlight Rabbitry Breeds you currently work with: Dutch since 1991 and Jersey Woolies since 1995 Breeds you worked with in the past: None that I actively bred. Do you attend ARBA shows?: Yes Do you attend 4-H shows?: I am too old...LOL! I judge showmanship at our...
  16. Starlight Rabbitry

    New bunny, breed ideas?

    Looks like she is just a mix :) Her color is called Chestnut. Is her fur very "velvety" ? Sharon
  17. Starlight Rabbitry

    Does my mini rex have good show markings?

    Katie Kay wrote: Nobody here is "bashing" your pet. They are answering the question you had asked. If you didn't want people to give you honest answers then I suggest you not ask a question. You have to understand that Mini Rex are VERY competitive. There are a TON of breeders out there...
  18. Starlight Rabbitry

    OH NO! Snow of 1' being called for this weekend!

    Wow, we probably got about 15 inches. They delayed the show for 2 hours this morning but it is going to start on time tomorrow. I did well today so hopefully will do well tomorrow.
  19. Starlight Rabbitry


    I know of that breeder in Wallingford and also of another in Hyde Park, NY. Sharon