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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Bullhead City, Arizona, USA
I have really SMALL young buns, about2 weeks old.

The mom is like oh heck no get them away from me!
They are about 2 weeks old. SUPER skinny and the size of new borns. they have lots of fur and their eyes open.

But they need foods...

Help please.
I wouldn't feed them a formula just yet. ;) You need to let the mom feed them if she can. She might be feeding them when you aren't watching. Try to get the mother to nurse them. Drinking her milk really is the best option for them. You may have to hold her and place the babies on her teats so that they are getting milk.

How much are you feeding momma bunny? She should be getting free-fed pellets and hay so that she is able to produce enough milk.

They might be small just because of their breed(s). ;) I have 6 week old Mini Rex right now that are tiny!!

Mum and dad are V Lops (Velveteen Lops)
These buns were born outside, in her burrowshe made,because I didn't know she was pregnant. (I got them from a breeder and what not, but I never got to know the last time she was bred...) *She had ripped up the wire and bricks and rocks*

We pulled out one baby that was dead (seems to have been dead for at least 1-2 days) and 5 live SUPER skinny babies. They are about 2 weeks old. *they had the burrow very well hidden...

They're smaller then my dwarf bunnies were at this age, and are actually the size the dwarves were when they were born.
You could try to make mom feed her babies by holding her on your lap and putting the babies under her. If this doesn't work, I have used KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) with success.

Thank you

She has been getting VERY PO'd when I put them near her. she digs violently at teh box, and at them (she flung one baby out of the nest box I put them in) and she kept trying to flip it over...

One was in there dead, (about 1-2 days dead).
Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
You could try to make mom feed her babies by holding her on your lap and putting the babies under her. If this doesn't work, I have used KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) with success.


Two of us to hold her and one to hold the kits up there...
We let each one try for about 5-6minutes and they weren't getting any food in their belliesat all, they were just as skinny as they were when they started trying to nurse. (and they kept trying to switch teats)

The breeder I got her from said to try goats milk or kitten milk if nothings else.
They have hay in their box and some pellets, they nibble on the edges of the pellets but then go off to cuddle with the rest... So they will get some milk in them in the morning. For now they have had a long day and some water, as well as the small portions of pellet they ingested.
I successfully raised a kit on KMR before, but I've also lost many kits on KMR.

I've heard that goat's milk is the best alternative.
The rescue I volunteer with has had great success with Meyenberg Regular Goat milk. They've only had two abandoned litters come into the rescue but both set's of kits survived. One litter had 4 babies, the other only two. All survived and are thriving in adulthood. However, even with their success, they know it's very difficult to hand raise baby bunnies.
Yes raising baby buns is not for everyone.

I am using a syringe at the moment, *I still need to get to the store for a bottle >_<, but the car died* so the needless syrine works. So far the two Opals (I think is what they are) put up a major fight >_< But the two greys and the black happily accept the foods. The breeder I got them from said try the goats milk. That's one of the ingrediants I use when I make kitten and puppy and rat milk soooo I hope it works ok..
ok I started something now lol

I got a smaller syringe (no needle) and gave them some water. they are bouncing all over and I had to put a tall wire top on the box because they're bouncing out O_O

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