Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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tonyshuman wrote:
Such sweet bunny noses! How has Luna been acting to let you know that she's not feeling well?

Amazingly enough, she only stops eating. She still stretches out when she is relaxed. I think that is what makes it so difficult to decide what to do for her. If she only stops eating, then I ask myself if she has an upset tummy, if stones are moving, or if she going into the first phaze of renal failure. I do the things I think I should do, but I am always guessing if she needs to have other treatments, or no treatments at all. I guess at this point, fluids are always a must....

myheart wrote:
I think this is the most disapproving one.

I would guess that when Luna isn't eating it's from pain. I know she's on tramadol, but I bet she has some "breakthrough pain" sometimes.
I would say that the picture that Claire picked is the most disapproving. It looks like Don Patricko has made you an offer that you can't refuse! :p
Janet, I just saw the pictures of your Babies outside. My goodness they are all so Adorable.

I can hardly wait to see more pictures. You are so lucky to have Trio, i'd give anything to have my Dutchie (Daisy Mae) in a Trio. But I don't think either of my pairs would accept her.


Thanks Susan and Brenda for visiting Patch and Luna's blog. I was very lucky that Patch and Luna accepted Zappa into their bond. Zappa really was an impulse adoption because Naturestee fostered her and everyone on the forum was just crazy for her. I also thought it would be good for Naturestee to know where at least one of her foster-children went to. :D

The trio bond didn't happen overnight, that's for sure. I don't think I will ever witness another date or bond like Patrick and Luna's. That was instant love... :hug:Zappa was just newly spayed when she came home, so we had to wait the hormones out, aside from isolation time because she came from a shelter. So, I would say the trio bond took about two months, and it was totally their decision in the end. I was in tears as I called Naturestee to let her know about the first time I saw them all cuddled together! It was such an exciting moment for me...!!

Ever since then, they have managed to make me cry on so many different occasions just because their bond is so firm and loving. I hate to see them separated from each other, but I know they need their alone-time also. But, those moments when they are all cuddled together are so darn priceless that they just make me catch my breath and I start to cry all over again.


That is really nice that you took him, I know how hard it is fostering and then loosing track of the baby you had to give up.
I've seen two "instant love" bonds, but they were extremely laid back buns :) I've seen ugly bonding attempts to. Hopefully I'll have as much luck with you bonding my two when time is right :) I think my female is gonna have her soon to be possibly hubby whipped...she might even turn abusive if he doesnt do what hes told 0.0

The stories about how closely bonded they are, and Patrick being so loving and protective over Luna astounds me...bunnies still suprise me :)
I am so sad to say the Luna isn't doing very well. She is in quite a bit of pain and on the wobbly side when she istrying to get into the cages. She is eager to eat, but she just has this weakness about her. I made a vet appointment for her last week, but was unable to get her in until Tuesday. After last night, I am only praying she makes it that long for an assessment. I tried to make other appointments, but they wanted me to talk with the vet first to see where Luna is at. I knew he wouldn't have called until I was gone to work, so I cancelled the phone calls. All I wanted was an appointment...

Iguess I am just tired of the eye-rolls when I try to put Luna first. Iknow her condition is terminal, but I want to do what I am able to do for her while she is feeling okay. I don't want to post anything on her Infirmary thread yet, because I realized it sounds like she has nothing left. She is eating and trying to do her silly things. I just need tests to confirm anything, and then I will post.

I hope she will hold on until tomorrow.... Please send prayers her way....

myheart & Luna
I'm so sorry for you and Luna and the other buns. How is Patrick doing with it? How are you doing?

Sending prayers and crossing bunny ears for Luna. I hope it's nothing serious. :(
Thanks Brenda and TreasuredFriend. All of the prayers will be helpful. Patrick is having his own troubles with shedding at this time. So he isn't feeling quite himself at this time. He did take some time to cuddle and groom Luna this morning. :DThat really warmed my heart! Right now, Zappa is cuddling with her, so at least she is not alone.

I just came home from work to find Luna nibbling on some hay. I put some of the farm hay down for her (stuff she isn't supposed to have because of clover and alfalfa) because I just want her to eat. If it is her kidneys, there is no point in not giving her something she really wants. I also called the vet to see if there is an opening a little sooner. She said that there isn't, but she would call if there is a cancellation. Maybe I should call back to see if I could get a phone consultation, because anything is better than nothing at this point.

We're here for you, and thinking of Ms. Luna. Feel better, sweetie!

I think they want to do a phone consultation to "triage" and see how urgent it is to see Luna--it's frustrating that you know it's an emergency, but they're not totally sure that it is. If you do the phone consult, they can have a better idea of how quickly she needs care.

I am sorry to hear that Miss Luna isn't doing well. We're all crossing our fingers (and bunny feets!) for her! Good luck with getting to the vet! :hug:
Thanks everyone. All of the good thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Luna is still being herself, even in the state that she is in right now. She is still eating all sorts of hays, veggies, leaves, and fruit snacks. Luna is still alert and still follows Patrick around when he runs past her. Like I said, she is just a wobbly ray of bluesunshine. :D All I know is that she isn't ready to leave yet...;)

Claire, I knew the vet staff wanted to know how much of an emergency case Luna really is, but I really didn't know myself until Saturday and Sunday nights. Up until these last two night, Luna seemed like she was coming around. But duringthese two nights I could tell she was in a lot of pain and, of course, it was over the weekend. :(

I tried to give Luna her fluids and it is just not going well. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.... I swear, every time I stick her, the needle goes all of the way through. I start the line, and fluid is dribbling down her shoulder. I felt so bad for her getting poked so many times without any fluid getting into her. :( I am going to bring her fluid bag with me when I take her to the vet, maybe they could do it so she could get at least one good dose this week. I am just so frustrated and disappointed with myself because this is when she needs the fluids the most, and I am not getting it right for her. :(:(

myheart& Luna Belle
