Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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I just saw the head stacking trio... oh, they are *adorable*!!!! Dutchies are so gorgeous. I wonder if I should set out to get a Dutch bun one day in the future... Your trio is such an inspiration. I still have to get Toby and Kirby bonded one day.
kirbyultra wrote:
I just saw the head stacking trio... oh, they are *adorable*!!!! Dutchies are so gorgeous. I wonder if I should set out to get a Dutch bun one day in the future... Your trio is such an inspiration. I still have to get Toby and Kirby bonded one day.

Thanks Helen!! I think anyone who is owned by a Dutch bun already would tell you that you could never go wrong with a Dutch. :DThey are so smart and funny that there is never a day that goes by without something interesting happening!!!I hope bonding with Toby and Kirby go well. Maybe you could add a Dutchie for a trio later on... :p

Kelly... sorry, but I won't be able to do pics for a while, unless they are of Andy because I have those in PhotoBucket already. Lesson learned on downloading things the computer tells you to download.... I downloaded the Vista SP2 and my laptop didn't like it!!! :( (This is a warning to anyone thinking of loading it... DON'T DO IT!!!) I have nothing but blank-screen on my laptop now, and am awaiting for a contracted service place to have it fixed through the extended warranty thingy.

I still have my desktop, but it is ancient!!! (Still running '98 and no way to upgrade to XP without more memory added). So, I have to make due until the laptop is fixed, or until I am able to afford a new desktop and monitor. (I think waiting for the laptop toget fixed will win... :()

At least I am able to get on-line, albeit a bit slower now. So you might not see me around as much as I would like to be. I will keep in touch with new information, especially about Luna. Patch and Luna have another appointment on August 5th, so I will definitely post then with any news about the kids.

Take care everyone!!!

myheart wrote:

Thanks Helen
!! I think anyone who is owned by a Dutch bun already would tell you that you could never go wrong with a Dutch. :DThey are so smart and funny that there is never a day that goes by without something interesting happening!!!
I have to agree. There's something unique about Dutchies :)

Sorry to hear you're having technical problems, janet. Hopefully they won't keep you - and the bunnies - away from us for too long!

Eek, I am Vista-phobe, I just stay away from it! So sorry your laptop has given up...
Good luck with the tech issues, and super good luck with the appointment!
kherrmann3 wrote:
How are the babies doing? :)

The fur-kids are doing well. Patch and Luna will be going for another vet appointment on the 5th of August. I guess I will find out how many teeth Patch has remaining, and whether or not Luna gets to have a dental.

Luna is doing well. She has been uber hungry and stealing berries from Patch and Zappa, as usual. :DSo, I guess that is a good sign that she is maintaining well enough to handle the kidney stones.

Zappa is okay... she is getting so much better about letting me pet her. I need to get her in to the vet for a one-year check-up soon enough.

I'll keep everyone posted after the appointment next week.

Just a quick up-date on the vet visit today...

Patch still has enough tooth material to grind, but what teeth are left are becoming overgrown a bit because of the lack of proper grinding action from the lack of teeth. The vet also said that he thinks the lump in Patrick's tummy might be getting bigger. He didn't take an x-ray for confirmation because I don't think I would want to putmy little seven-year-old bunner through such a surgery. So, I think we will still keep an eye on it.

Luna had her teeth done also today. The vet said that there wasn't a whole lot of overgrowth for sixteen weeks, so he isn't sure about the reason for her drooling. I have noticed that her moosh seems a bit damp when I rub her cheeks, but usually passed it off as having just eaten something. Same thing as Patrick... no x-rays were taken because nothing can be done for her kidney stones anyhow. Luna eats like a pig and will gladly steal from her neighbor when she finishes her allotment of snacks. Luna's eagerness to eat is the best possible indication of how she is doing... ;)

Zappa and the piggies will be going for their one-year check up on the 18th of August.Zappa could easily be a model for a new stuffy-bunny creation or an anime cartoon. She still looks like a baby with her beautiful round eyes and body, that anyone would fall in love with her. I actually had a lady at work ask if she was named after The Frank Zappa... I had to laugh and told her yes and the story behind the name. I couldn't have changed her name....! What would the forum be like without a puffy BabyZappa running around?!!!! :D

Aw, piggy Luna! I love your three-they are living "The Fabulous Life of Myheart's Dutch Trio," and they are a lucky three! I know that every day they have together is lived to its fullest.

I didn't know Patrick had a lump--what is it? Glad to hear health is good with them. :D
I think Dr. Travis is convinced Patch's lump is an encapsulated abscess. He is still able to move it around, so I guess surgery is still an option. He didn't really say as much because I am sure he just wanted to get the bunners done because he had a more complex surgery to handle.

I just know that once a surgery is performed, one is never the same. Patrick is seven and I need to be realistic about his life-span after a surgery. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my guys, but I think a wait-and-see approach is okay at this time.

As far as I know, Dr. Travis is still doing the molar grinds.


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