kirbyultra wrote:
How is Luna? I am just catching up and my stomach is in knots. Positive thoughts your way, sweeties.
Thanks Helen for the positive thoughts. I know how attached we become to other rabbits on the forum, and it is always difficult to read about tough times. I know I always watch out for your guys as well.
I came home to find Patrick, Zappa, and Luna in the bunny room. Patch settled himself in right next to Luna, which gave her comfort. I was talking with Naturestee, and we both decided that Luna's Tramadol was wearing off, so I gave her the meds early to easy any pain until morning. I am going to give her a small amount before going to work, and then her full dose at her usual time.
She is still alert and
hungry!!! I couldn't help but give her all of the stuff she is not supposed to have. So at this moment in time, Luna is happily munching on kale and parsley, and enjoying every minute of it.

I think she missed the "bad foods"more than anything...
I was looking at the calender a few minutes ago and realized that tomorrow, September 22nd, will be the anniversary of Benjamin's Got-ya Day. For anyone who doesn't know why Luna joined my household, it was because of Benjamin. Benji and Patch were bonded after Benji's bond-mate, Maggie, passed away. Benji passed away on Good Friday in 2008. If Patrick hadn't experienced the social bond that rabbits develop, I wouldn't have found Luna. Patrick was so depressed about losing Benji, that I was on PetFinder that same weekend. I found this beautiful blue Dutch who was being fostered in Sheboygan, and the rest of the story is earlier inmy blog.
I don't mind saying now that I am a tiny bit more at peace about losing Luna soon. Maybe it was all meant to be this way. Benji, in a way, brought Luna into my life upon his passing. And as I celebrate the day that Benji came into my life, I might lose Luna. I don't mean to make this sound like letting her go will be easy. This will be so hard on me that I don't think I will be able to fully let Luna go for a long time. She is
the most amazing creature I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Once we were able to trust each other, it didn't take long for us to bond. She is such a piece of my heart right now, that I can't breathe thinking about what this vet appointment will bring.
I will keep everyone posted if there is a change in the morning prior to going. I plan on bringing Patrick along, just in case.... I need for him to know what is going on if tomorrow really is the day that I let Luna go. There aren't enough words to describe the love-bond that Patrick and Luna share, and it isout of respectof their bond that Patrick will be going along. Patrick will also have run of the bunny room with Luna tonight so that they will be able to share more time together. :hearts: