Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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How are things doing with her? Any change?

They might tell you to go to an emergency clinic...which ours here (VSEC) costs about 900 for 14 hours. :(
Hey Janet, did Dr. Travis ever call? They're closed by now...:(

Fuzz, the emergency clinic here isn't worth taking a rabbit to unless it needs something obvious like wound treatment. They wouldn't know what to do. I went there with a bun needing stitches once and she had to wait overnight till someone came in the next morning who had "some" experience with rabbits. Thankfully she was ok.

I'm resisting the urge to call Janet right now... don't know if she went to work and when she would be back.
Best of luck getting her to a vet soon! It sounds, however, like she's still such a happy girl. She's got appetite (what an awesome bunny buffet!), affection (for Patch and Zappa and you), and alertness. Hang in there, you guys. I was also wondering if you could put the needle in somewhere else, like her upper thigh, if you miss in the neck? Tougher skin on the thigh (I think) might make it easier to not go to far?
How is Luna? I am just catching up and my stomach is in knots. Positive thoughts your way, sweeties.
kirbyultra wrote:
How is Luna? I am just catching up and my stomach is in knots. Positive thoughts your way, sweeties.

Thanks Helen for the positive thoughts. I know how attached we become to other rabbits on the forum, and it is always difficult to read about tough times. I know I always watch out for your guys as well. ;)

I came home to find Patrick, Zappa, and Luna in the bunny room. Patch settled himself in right next to Luna, which gave her comfort. I was talking with Naturestee, and we both decided that Luna's Tramadol was wearing off, so I gave her the meds early to easy any pain until morning. I am going to give her a small amount before going to work, and then her full dose at her usual time.

She is still alert and hungry!!! I couldn't help but give her all of the stuff she is not supposed to have. So at this moment in time, Luna is happily munching on kale and parsley, and enjoying every minute of it. :pI think she missed the "bad foods"more than anything...

I was looking at the calender a few minutes ago and realized that tomorrow, September 22nd, will be the anniversary of Benjamin's Got-ya Day. For anyone who doesn't know why Luna joined my household, it was because of Benjamin. Benji and Patch were bonded after Benji's bond-mate, Maggie, passed away. Benji passed away on Good Friday in 2008. If Patrick hadn't experienced the social bond that rabbits develop, I wouldn't have found Luna. Patrick was so depressed about losing Benji, that I was on PetFinder that same weekend. I found this beautiful blue Dutch who was being fostered in Sheboygan, and the rest of the story is earlier inmy blog.

I don't mind saying now that I am a tiny bit more at peace about losing Luna soon. Maybe it was all meant to be this way. Benji, in a way, brought Luna into my life upon his passing. And as I celebrate the day that Benji came into my life, I might lose Luna. I don't mean to make this sound like letting her go will be easy. This will be so hard on me that I don't think I will be able to fully let Luna go for a long time. She is the most amazing creature I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Once we were able to trust each other, it didn't take long for us to bond. She is such a piece of my heart right now, that I can't breathe thinking about what this vet appointment will bring.

I will keep everyone posted if there is a change in the morning prior to going. I plan on bringing Patrick along, just in case.... I need for him to know what is going on if tomorrow really is the day that I let Luna go. There aren't enough words to describe the love-bond that Patrick and Luna share, and it isout of respectof their bond that Patrick will be going along. Patrick will also have run of the bunny room with Luna tonight so that they will be able to share more time together. :hearts:


myheart wrote:
I tried to give Luna her fluids and it is just not going well. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.... I swear, every time I stick her, the needle goes all of the way through. I start the line, and fluid is dribbling down her shoulder.
How do you hold the needle? When I was taught to do needle sticks on Toby, they taught me to keep the bevel a certain way. When you are holding the needle, you should be looking at the little hole on the end. That means that the longer, pointy side should be down. It makes the stick a lot easier (and less painful). I find it helps to have a second pair of hands to hold the syringe (or the bunny).

I hope little miss Luna Belle is doing OK today! :hug:
It's hard to expect her to die...harder to have hopes that she might be ok...sadly you probably know the reality better than any of us. :( Sometimes, bunmoms just know...

I'm so sorry, I'm glad she is being spoiled so much ecspecially if she is leaving you and her bun family soon.
TreasuredFriend wrote:
"She is such a piece of my heart right now..." - Luna belle's Mom

:love::hearts Your heart provides so much love ~ forever and always,

I didn't realize that Luna had become my heart-bunny until Naturestee had reminded me of the time that I scooped Luna up at the end of a visit at her house. She said that Luna instantly went all melty for me. Her ears went down and her eye became all sleepy looking. :DLuna really is my heart-bunny, and my ray of sunshine!!!!

The vet visit was not good. It was a confirmation of the worst fears. Luna has started renal failure.

The x-ray shows that the number of stones has increased along with their size. Most of Luna's pain is probably caused by the size of the stones at this time. It was just last week that she was still stretching out all relaxed. Now she sits all hunched up and grinding her teeth. One week's difference....

The blood values came back as extremely high. Every value has tripled since her last blood-work. She has less kidney mass that is functioning, so there are more toxins in her blood stream.

The only treatment I am able to give her will be fluids every day, instead of every other day, and her Tramadol was doubled in concentration and dose. We are not giving the metacam anymore for inflammation. If the fluid treatments work to flush out some toxins, she should become less wobbly and more like herself. If all goes well, I may have Luna in my life for another month or two. If they do not work, maybe a couple of weeks.

When the toxins reach their maximum level beyond what Luna's body will be able to handle, shewill slip into a coma. At that point, she should pass peacefully in her sleep. If I feel that she is not handling the pain well at some point, the vet will help her pass peacefully with some sleepy/pain relieving meds prior to the heart-stopping meds. Patrick and Zappa will be present if this happens.

Sorry we didn't come back with better news, but I guess we all suspected, or expected, this outcome at some point in time with this condition. She is at home resting and eating all of the greens and hay she wants.Luna isn't as wobbly as she was yesterdayalready. The tech was nice enough to give her a double-dose of fluids for me before we left. I was so relieved at that. It was amazing to watch a professional put the needle in with such ease and confidence, and the fluids were done in no time. Luna will be okay for a while longer yet...

myheart & Luna -- the blue ray of sunshine :biggrin2:
Oh I'm so sorry the vet didn't bring good news. She is such a lovely girl for being as good as she has been with her pain. I sure do hope the treatment helps her be a happier bun.

Some bunnies come into our hearts and just become a part of us...

Hugs for you and the trio. Spoil them all silly.
kirbyultra wrote:
Oh I'm so sorry the vet didn't bring good news. She is such a lovely girl for being as good as she has been with her pain. I sure do hope the treatment helps her be a happier bun.

Some bunnies come into our hearts and just become a part of us...

Hugs for you and the trio. Spoil them all silly.

Thanks Kelly, Helen, and Brenda for the kind words. It wasn't the news I wanted, but I guess I knew I was going to hear some time sooner or later. We've been having good luck with everything for half a year, so this time has more than I could have ever hoped for with Luna in her condition. I'll have to be happy with just being her mom for another month, maybe two... :D

I have noticed a difference in treatments already today. I am able to tell when the pain meds aren't working as much, and I am able to really see the before and after affects of the fluids. Luna was already starting to look a bit wobbly by one-ish today. I gave the fluids (successfully :D) around two and the change was immediate. She seemed much more perky and alert. I just have to be thankful she was a bit more patient with me today for her fluids... the needle went all the way through again, but she gave me the time to correct the situation and allowed the full amount to be given. :DBut, of course, the price for such patience is the cost of one blackberry. ;)I don't want to think about what will happen to me if I run out!!! :shock:

Luna just warms my heart so much, that loosing her will just be like letting a piece of me die.

myheart with my little ray of blue sunshine
TreasuredFriend, I know you are having just as difficult of a time with Luna's diagnosis as I am. I will always keep you posted on how she is doing. This is something that neither of us wanted or anticipated would have ever happened to such a sweet little girl. I still have the picture of you cuddling Luna during the second date at Naturestee's house. You are truly a rabbit-whisperer and your heart knows no bounds when it comes to the welfare of those who are in need. (I know that you are in tears already, because I am at this point while I type this. ;)) You have played such an important part in our lives, that we owe you an eternity of thanks. Luna and I are now Soulmates and Heartmates thanks to you. That is all either of us could have ever asked for.

Thank you, TreasuredFriend, for rescuing us and others in need of companionship and so much more felt only with the heart and soul.

myheart & Luna -- our ray of blue sunshine
Just thought I would post a few of the pics that I took prior to Luna's vet appointment. I took these on the weekend of September 19/20. I wasn't sure what was going on with Luna at the time, so I thought it best to get a few cuddly pics, just in case she didn't make it through the weekend.

So here are a few pics of my cuddly trio... :D








"Mmmm... apple branch..."




Another cuddle-moment for Patrick and Luna...


..... and then another Zappa-moment... :coolness:


.... and then back to a warm cuddle-moment....:D


It was so niceto seePatrick and Zappataking care of Luna even though I am sure they had to sense she wasn't feeling well. As Kirby's mom says, "Those are honey-moments for me." I don't think I will ever get enough of seeing my fur-kids take care of each other. Thecuddle-times are the times when my heart is the warmest it could ever be. There is such peace and contentment among them at those times and I know there is nothing in the world I could ever do to make the moment any better for them. :hearts:

myheart, your trio always makes me smile. Patrick looks so happy with his girls. These are pictures to treasure :)
naturestee wrote:
I LOVE the pic of Luna with green stains all over her face! Om nom nom nom!

Actually, eating greens is only part of the reason whyher face is stained. The other part is because of the toxin build-up in her blood. I forget what causes this, but such a build-up of this toxin causes extra mucus to form. That is why she sounds so gurgleyand congestedsometimes. So her face is getting quite stained because of the extra moisture around her nose and mouth. So you might see a progression of staining in pics...


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