Well-Known Member
The world is a better place because of you Janet.Thank you everyone for your kind words. I never thought I could ever have another heart-bunny after I lost Maggie, but Luna proved that wrong. She was my heart-bunny and more. The first time she put her front paws on me for protection, I knew she trusted me. I couldn't begin to tell you how my heart swelled from Luna's trust.
I will probably post something in Rainbow Bridge tomorrow. I know this will take time to heal from her loss. I guess posting in the Bridge is a final step to letting go...
Binky free Luna Belle, my beautiful ray of blue sunshine. :rabbithop
Dedicated to Luna and you. ~
You are gone from my sight,
... But never my memory.
Gone from my hearing,
... But never my heart.
Gone from my touch,
... But your presence is felt.
And the love that you gave me,
Is with me Forever.