Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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That's interesting that she is taking a "back seat." It may be her prey instincts kicking in--but as long as she's with you, she doesn't need to let the healthier bunnies eat all the food--there's plenty for everyone! Maybe you will have to feed her on her own.
Thanks so much Soooska, TreasuredFriend, and Boz. They really are neat to watch when they are all hanging out together. I am not sure how they decide who is going to sandwiched in the middle. :DI hope to get them outside again sometime this week in hopes that Luna will starting eating again. The way the weather looks, it might not be until Thursday... :(I just hope Luna will be able to hold on until then.

Tonyshuman, I tried to feed her separately from everybun else today, with no luck. She ate one blackberry this morning and that has been it for the entire day as far as I am able to tell. She snubbed the extra salad that I put out just her her, and didn't even touch the berries I put right in front of her. I decided to give her a little critical care because if I am going to stick her with a needle every other day, I am not going to watch her fade away to nothing because she won't eat.

tonyshuman wrote:
Oh dear. I hope something else isn't bothering her. Perhaps she is passing another stone. :pray:


She very well could be passing more stones, but I get to do the happy dance once again because she decided to hop to the bunny-room and start nomming down her pumpkin and a bit of hay all by herself!!!!

I gave Luna a bit of Critical Care earlier because there is no way I am going to let her be a brat by not eating. She only ate about half of the small amount I made for her and I figured I would give her more after work. I came home, started on my bunny-patrol cleaning cages, and was getting ready to get the Critical Care made for her when she decided she was ready to put herself to bed. :DI cried so many tears of relief that she started eating. I'll give her as many greens as she wants as long as she keeps eating!!!!:biggrin2:

Luna is such an emotional roller coaster for me. I never realized how much of my life is wrapped up in how she is feeling each day. These past few days of her not being excited for foods has just zapped me. I realized how my life will be when she does leave me for the Bridge. That one element of her excitement makes my world go 'round. Patrick and Zappa get excited about foods, but it just isn't the same. Luna's excitement is genuine. I have to smile each and every time she blesses me with her excited anticipation of whatever good is coming her way. :D

I'm so glad she's doing so well! She looks content! and I noticed the dog looks like Patrick! LOL!

They're all so absolutely beautiful. I'm happy they got outside. I think mine might get out this week!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'm so glad she's doing so well! She looks content! and I noticed the dog looks like Patrick! LOL!
Is Slobbers (dog's name, correct?) Patrick's brother from another mother? :p Those pictures are just adorable! It looks like he knew he "ruined" the picture here! Slobbers just has that face!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'm so glad she's doing so well! She looks content! and I noticed the dog looks like Patrick! LOL!

They're all so absolutely beautiful. I'm happy they got outside. I think mine might get out this week!

Thanks Bo B... Luna is doing a bit better today. She ate some noon salad and managed a berry or two before I left for work. We had to give fluids today, and afterwards, I found Miss Luna Belle periscoping for a berry!! :DI gave her the container to choose the right one, but she didn't accept it and decided she wanted to go out of the bunny-room instead.

I am wondering if she backs away from food I put out for all three bunnies because of Zappa. I have noticed that Zappa has tried to hump on Luna a few times. I think Zappa's dominant personality is causing Luna to back away and wait until Zappa is done hogging everything. I can tell Luna is hungry, but she just doesn't take what she wants like she usedto.

Anyhow, I hope you are able to get your fur-kids outside this week. There was such a transformation on their little faces when they realized they were on grass and had new areas to investigate. Do you take Clover out also? Does she get sassy/wild being outside?

Numbat wrote:
They're all adorable but I still like Zappa the best! :)

Thanks Numbat!!! I will be sure to tell Zappa she is a favorite on RO! I wish you could cuddle her because she has the rex softness in longer hairs. So she is not only round, but so soft that she feels like a powder-puff. I will have to try to get more pics of her... ;)

Hey Kelly, you pretty much pegged Slobbers right. He is actually a big attention hog!!! I could be sitting on the floor trying to get Patrick's attention by calling him "my handsome guy" and guess who I end up with on my lap!! That's right... a 180 pound Slobbers wanting to be cuddled because "handsome" translates into "come lay on my lap even though you weigh almost twice as much as me." :shock:Slobs really is a big cuddle bug, but watch out when he gets his wheels on and starts haulin' hinney around. Best to move well out of the way because there is no stopping a running Slobbers on a dime!!!!:shock:;)

myheart wrote:
I wish you could cuddle her because she has the rex softness in longer hairs. So she is not only round, but so soft that she feels like a powder-puff.
Awww, little fluffy Zappa. The best of both worlds - Dutchie and Rex :)

And LOL about Slobbers! Why is it the bigger the animal, the smaller they think they are?:D

I just wanted to make a quick post about Luna...

Thankfully she is doing much better!!! :biggrin2:She is back to eating almost everything I give her, including salads and berries. She is even taking food away from Patrick and Zappa as they are eating. :)That is a very good sign she is feeling more like herself and is back to taking charge of meal times.

Luna was so cute today.... I was getting their noon salad ready and I wanted to put the plate in front of Luna so she could get first dibs on it. I looked everywhere for her... living room under thechair and behind sofa, under my bed, in the bunny room... No Luna anywhere!!! It was like she disappeared or something.... So I put the plate of greens down for Patrick and Zappa to start eating. I went back into the bunny room for something, and that is where I found Luna sitting in Zappa's cage, on the shelf, eating Zappa's hay!!!! :shock:Now I know she is feeling better if she is willing to jump up onto the shelf in Zappa's cage to steal hay!!! :DNow we just have to work on getting some weight back on her.... ;)

kherrmann3 wrote:
Like I said, the best tasting hay is stolen hay! :laughsmiley:


I just have to decide how much I like this naughty version of Miss Luna Belle. I became so used to her hanging to the back and being so shy, that now that she is feeling a bit better she seems so naughty. This morning I was letting the bunnies out and Luna hopped into Patrick's cage thinking she was going to steal a piece of kale stem out of my hand!! (I always pull the leftover kale, parsely, and pellets from Patch and Zappa's cages so Luna can't have them.) I even caught her sneakingkale from Zappa's cage through the bars last night!! :shock:

For Luna being so sick, she sure is one naughty bunny.... :biggrin2:

Yay! Good for Luna. Nice to hear that the mischievousness has returned, and that she is eating better.

I believe oats are good for putting weight on, and Nutrical too, if she likes it (Pernod hated it and used to flick it everywhere:rollseyes).

Keep up the good work, you two :)

LuvaBun wrote:
Yay! Good for Luna. Nice to hear that the mischievousness has returned, and that she is eating better.

I believe oats are good for putting weight on, and Nutrical too, if she likes it (Pernod hated it and used to flick it everywhere:rollseyes).

Keep up the good work, you two :)


Thanks Jan for the encouragement. I want to hold off on oats because Luna's poo's are still a bit small. Naturestee suggested the Nutrical also. I picked some up a while ago, but have never used it. I know she is not happy about getting bene-bac to make her tummy feel better, but I don't know about the Nutrical. I think I am going to let her do her own thing for a bit because she is really starting to mulch the hay down, which makes me very happy. :D


btw... Pernod sounds like she had a mind of her own also.... ;)
Today is Patrick's seventh Gotchya Day!!!! My big boy is seven years old, already...!!!


I adopted Patrick from the Green Bay Humane Society seven years ago today. I told myself that I was only going to look at the dogs, but found myself gravitating toward the bunny containment area. He was so small then being only a few months old (his little boy bits hadn't dropped yet, LOL). He was at the shelter because he was found as a stray. BTW... his name was Clover at the shelter, which I am sure he wasn't happy about.

He was so sweet... I carried him around for a bit,put him back in the containment area, wentlooking at the dogs again, then came back to see "Clover" again, and he went flat for me!!!He took one little sniff at my handand went flat!!! Too darn cute....:p

I leftthe shelter, but couldn't get"Clover"out of my mind. I called the shelter a week later to find out if he was still available, and he was!!! I grabbed my kennel and headed for GB right after I hung up the phone. I went to his area, stuck my hand in for him to sniff me, and he went flat instantly again!!! I was so surprised that he remembered me after a whole week!!!!:DI knew he had to be mine, all mine!!!!:biggrin2:The adoption was quick and easy because I had already adopted Benjamin from there a year or two earlier. We were on our way home to pick outhis new name, Patrick,and start a new life together.

I am so happy that he is doing so well and more in love with his girlfriends than ever before. In fact, he is busy cuddling with his girls at this very moment.

Here are a few pics of him. You will probably remember them because they have been posted before. I will have to scan in some of his earlier photos sometime (pre-digital era) from when he was a baby bunny.








Happy Gotchya Day, my little man!!!! You are so precious to me and your girls. Thanks for all the circles and hums!!!!:biggrin2:

Patrick's Mom :D
Happy Gotcha Day to the luckiest bunny man on Earth! Two girls that adore him, an owner that dotes on him, berries and sunbeams galore... Love at first sight got him into a wonderful home, and seven years later, still going strong!

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