Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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:cry4:Awe man.... TreasuredFriend and tonyshuman, you have me in tears reading your well wishes for my little man.

Patrick says, "Thank you. Now give me all the Gotchya Day Berries in the fridge!" He has had such a busy day already with snacks and chasing his girls around for some Gotchya Day lovin'. I guess I can't say too much about his chasing because it is his special day.... ;)


Myheart, that is a lovely story of how you came to own him. He obviously chose you, and let you think that you had chosen him ;). He is a very special boy, and lucky to have 3 ladies who love him to bits :)

Have a wonderful day, Patrick!

Patrick says, "Thanks Jan!!"

Jan, the scary thing is that I know he chose me.. :DI have no clue as to the number of people he saw during the week he was available for adoption, but he certainly seemed to recognize me.

I knew someone at the time who raised rabbits for show through 4-H, and she advised me not to get him because I had Maggie and Benjamin at the time. She said that the boys would more than likely fight over Maggie. I do have to admit that Patrick did get the short end of the stick by not having as much run time, but I always left him out before Maggie and Benji in the morning, and after Maggie and Benji went to bed at night. I am so glad I didn't listen to that person, and went to adopt Patrick. Patrick turned out to be the most fun and most intelligent bunny in the world. Would anyone expect less from a Dutch?!!!!! :p

7 years!! Oh my I haven't had bunnies that long. Somethings are destined and your lives were one of those. Congratulations on seven years of happiness.
JadeIcing wrote:
7 years!! Oh my I haven't had bunnies that long. Somethings are destined and your lives were one of those. Congratulations on seven years of happiness.

Thanks so much Ali!!! What a nice thing to say! Patrick really is my little man. From the very first time he gave me circles and hums, I have been in love with him. He amazes me all of the time. Maybe it's a Dutch thing...;)

btw... how is my little Apple doing? Ready for a visit?

kherrmann3 wrote:
Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Patrick! :D

Thanks Kelly!! I will pass the well wishes on to Patrick. I believe he doesn't understand that the extra treats handed out yesterday were only for that day. How does one tell their bunny that extra treats on Gotchya Days are not given out everyday, even when the bunny sits in the kitchen doorway looking so very cute? I could give him a Cheerio or two tonight and tell him they are from you.... :biggrin2:


myheart wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
7 years!! Oh my I haven't had bunnies that long. Somethings are destined and your lives were one of those. Congratulations on seven years of happiness.

Thanks so much Ali!!! What a nice thing to say! Patrick really is my little man. From the very first time he gave me circles and hums, I have been in love with him. He amazes me all of the time. Maybe it's a Dutch thing...;)

btw... how is my little Apple doing? Ready for a visit?


We are working things out for her spay! I am a nervous wreck but she needs it she is a little territorial. She has sharp teeth!

I just LOVE my little dutch princess. Did you ever read her rules?


A Dutch Princess Speaks

As a member of royalty one comes to expect a certain level of care. Your food at exact times, in only the finest dishes. Your litter pan cleaned daily. The hay overflowing and course only the best hay. Your floor spotless, and of course your bed in just the right spot.

Now when it comes to actual physical contact, there are rules...

1. Do not touch me unless I ask.
2. Do not attempt to brush me without proper gifts before and during.
There is no way this is allowed. My response will be to inflict pain. Mass amounts of pain.
4. If you want to clip my nails I expect a treat before and after each one.
5. When I want to be touched, do it right then, or I will inflict pain.

So please keep this in mind when in the presence of royalty.

Princess Gwyneth Apple Hoshi of the Perrotti Warren

I think I have everything covered already with the practice from my kids.... Not sure if I am ready for the biting part though. Zappa just runs away if she doesn't want to be petted, which is most of the time unless she sees Patch or Luna enjoying it. :D Otherwise, salads are in place promptly everyday, play areas are cleaned, and I am ready to do Apple's bidding. ;)

It has been a little while since the last picture update. Things are going well for the kids. We have not been able to go outside very often because the weather has been so cool. We should see the 70's again this weekend....:twitch: (We hope...)

I have been catching the cutest pics of the kids on Sunday mornings. So all of these pics are going to be called "Sunday Sweetness" series. I am going to post a few pics here and a few in Zappa's thread because most are trio pics.

Patch and Luna chilling after morning snacks...



One Sunday morning it was the"bunny head stacking" event... I dunno, do they just get so tired from morning snacks that all of a sudden they just... can't... move... anymore? BTW, watch for Luna's little lips... too cute!!! :D




Good thing Zappa is so "sturdy" to handle being bottom bun in the stack-up. ;)


Luna says, "Smooch-smooch... I love you Patrick..."


"Smooching makes me sleepy..." (Poor Zappa is looking a bit squished)




Ahhh.... cuddly bunnies... What more can be said about cuddly bunnies? If you want to see more pics, you will have to check out Zappa's thread. I will be posting the rest of the photos there. Mmmmm.... more cuddly-bunny goodness..... :p

Janet, the trio smooshiness is outrageously adorable!! You captured some great photos! I love to see L, P, and Z and hear what their minds are thinkin'! ... Now, to get AndyAllen introduced 'n' snuggled up with the right bachelorette! :) Glad to see you put some of his willingness to "marry" in Zappa's thread. I'm seeing calendar images in this thread. -big grin- Such a stackable Trio!

To everyone who has a blog: Sharing the antics and pics of your furkids brightens each day.

That's what makes RO a fun place to linger at. :D Proud bunny parents sharing antics of their family.


:bunnyheart :kiss1: Will watch for more.

JadeIcing wrote:
Would you mind if I put the photo of your trio on my facebook? I want a friend to see them.

Sure, Ali, you are more than welcome to show my kids off. The pics are not the best looking because downloading them to photobucket darkens them or something. So I end up playing with the lightness, and stuff on photobucket's fix-up menu.

Let me know what your friend says... Are they interested in bunners, or looking to form a trio of their own?

LuvaBun wrote:
Had to smile at the way Zappa seems so content to be the 'foundation'bunny :D. These pics just warm the heart.

Lots of smoochies to your trio :adorable:


Thanks Jan for your compliments on both blogs. I am glad the pics make you smile. Your Luna Belle is doing well. She is still naughty and stealing hay/food from Patch and Zappa. Still a good sign to have a naughty bunny... ;)

I will definitely pass your smooches on to the kids.

Thanks TreasuredFriend for the nice words. The pics did turn out nice. I always try to get those special moments when they are cuddling because they seem to be so much more at peace and content. I could only hope and pray that Andy gets to experience this kind of bunny-love in his own forever home soon.

Kelly, I would squeee at the pics you post also, but I would probably set the piggies off in a fweeeping-frenzy!!! LOL Thanks for the nice comments on both blogs. I will be sure to give extra smooches to the bunners from you as well as from Jan.


Janet, I just read through this whole blog, I couldn't remember their story. boy what a true"Love Story". What a pleasure to read and see all the beautiful pictures of them.

I look forward to many more years of their stories and pictures.

Now I have to go read your other blog from the start.

I so wishI had a trio like you have.

Susan :)
She is a dutch nut. I wanted to share you dutchies.

myheart wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Would you mind if I put the photo of your trio on my facebook? I want a friend to see them.

Sure, Ali, you are more than welcome to show my kids off. The pics are not the best looking because downloading them to photobucket darkens them or something. So I end up playing with the lightness, and stuff on photobucket's fix-up menu.

Let me know what your friend says... Are they interested in bunners, or looking to form a trio of their own?


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