Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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naturestee wrote:
Patrick sure isa devious little bun with a one track mind!:shock:

I love seeing Luna so happy.

So, now to respond to the first part about Patrick having a one-track mind...

I ended up getting some more wonderful sunny-bunny pics of Patch and Luna today. They were actually sleeping (Luna snores) even though their ears are up and listening.





Mmmmm...sleeping bunnies. :p.....until nap-time is over and Mr. Patrick decides that a salad, a nap with his hunny, and some sunshine equal the time to get some lovin' in. I don't even think Luna had the chance to really wake up for Patrick's advances because I saw her stretching out before heading to the hills to hide. It almost makes me feel so sorry for my little man... two beautiful girlfriends and getting fewer body-hugs in than before Zappa showed up. :?

Luna does have a sense of humor allher own.:p

I don't suppose she plays with the football at all does she? That was so cute! But she doesn't really need a stuffed friend anymore.

Loki would like to know what comes after the dancing part. Seriously, he doesn't know! He hasn't figured it out since he did it the one time during bonding. Now he finishes dancing, chins Mocha's back, then gets a confused look on his face before he just sits down and snuggles with her.:laughsmiley:
kherrmann3 wrote:
naturestee wrote
But she doesn't really need a stuffed friend anymore.
Maybe Patrick does... ;):p

I still find Patrick grooming his baby-doll on occasion. That's the little stuffy bunny puppet I found a St. Vincent De Paul for a quarter. It was well worth the money to help with the depression that Patch had when Benjamin passed away. Thankfully, though, I have never seen him hug on the baby-doll, just groom it. :p

Naturestee, perhaps you should be happy that Loki has forgotten because that alone spares poor little Mocha the excitement of body-hugs. I always feel bad for Luna, especially now when I don't totally know how she is feeling. I always tell Patrick that Luna just doesn't need that type of harassment at this time, but it doesn't seem to phase him. He knows that naps and sunshine mean lovin' is going to happen. As close to outdoor friskiness as he will be able to get for a few months yet. :?

Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! Poor guy needs some lovin'!

and that Luna! she was just helpin'!!! ;)

I will definitely not complain about Luna Belle wanting to help!!! :biggrin2:She amazes me so much with her eagerness to eat and hang out with Patrick and Zappa, that I know in my heart she has to be healing. We will find out more on February 4th for her next dental. She will be having another x-ray and blood panel done.

I just wanted to make a quick post with a few pictures of Luna. I was getting everybun ready for bedtime last night, when I came across Luna being so relaxed. This was, of course, after her pain meds, but it was so uplifting to see her so relaxed and seemingly content.





Luna is one amazing little girl!!! She is so full of surprises every day and is a total blessing in my home. Don't know what to say beyond that....

She looks relaxed and happy! She is such a joy and I'm so glad you have her. She appreciates the very hard work you do to make her feel better.
naturestee wrote:
That look on her face makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

I see she's been enjoying that timothy tunnel!

Thanks tonyshuman, k~, and naturestee...

Luna does seem happy enough when she gets to cuddle with Patch and Zappa. She is still in there.... Her personality and charm surface so often that I forget sometimes how sick she is. She was so excited to come out of her excercise pen area this morning, that she was hopping around all excited to be on the loose again. She amazes me all of the time.

The timothy tunnel...?!!! Buying a new one this Friday because there is almost nothing left to it!!! I even called the pet store to make sure they would have one on hand for me. I can't believe how much the piggies like italso! Actually, I don't givethe tunnelto them very often because piggies are mulching machines. I don't think I have ever seen anything that small put so much away through such little mouths. :DAnyhow, I would recommend the timothy tunnel to anyone wanting a toy that is light enough to toss, yet full of nibbly goodness.

I took these picturesof the fur-babiesa week or two ago. I was really trying to get Luna's pic because of the way the sunlight was shining on her. She looked like a little blue angel and a matriarch of the trio. Patch and Zappa just seemed to huddle up around/under Luna the best they could. I am not sure why they needed Luna' attention on this morning, but I think they were all content (until I showed up with the camera, of course...).

Most of the time, Luna was resting her chin on Zappa's head.... too sweet!!!







Mommmm!!!! Stop it already!!!! This is our cuddle-time!!!!


Where were we....


Zappa's turn to be mad with me....


So Zappa left the cuddle-group to do her own thing because she was so annoyed with me. Can't understand why...?!!! I was just being a good bunny-mom .... FLASH ... FLASH ... FLASH .... :D


I took these on a day when it hit me that these images of Lunawill bemore precious to me than anything else in the world. Up until now, the pictures that I have taken have just been in efforts to catch "the shot" or a moment of time. Now they are going to be capturing memories for me. I know the critters are not immortal, but I never think of them leaving me. They are in my care and I try to do my best, but when life (or genetics) throws acurve-ball the balance changes.

These pictures will all be moments and memories I will cherish and treasure. It's just time to hug and bunny....:bunnyhug:

I know it has been a while since I posted any pics of the bunners. The pics of Patch and Luna are older, but they are still so sweet. I have been so busy of late, that grabbing the camera seems to come last. After seeing all of Jens (mouse_chalk)wonderful pics of her bunners having fun outside, I am getting so itchy for the next month or two to pass so I will be able to take my fur-kids outside. :DMore divots for them todig and grass to munch!!! Hopefully, I will be able to get my train pic this summer!!! :biggrin2:

Anyhow, here are the few pics I have of Patrick and Luna cuddling...






I can't believe how much they melt for each other. Their sleepy faces are so priceless and precious...

I wish I had my camera this morning though... I think I started petting Zappa's head and before I knew it, Patrick stuck his head under my hand. Then Luna came along and stuck her head under my hand also!! Oh the pressure of pleasing three bunnies at one time!!!! I had the sweetest little stack of bunny heads to pet and they all fit together like a little puzzle with perfect pieces. They make my heart cry with joy so often....



kherrmann3 wrote:
... You're making me want a Dutch! :p

I have a little foster Dutchtortie boy who looks very much like Patrick andneeds a nice home...;) (Bunny 500's and binkies galore included with this nifty little Dutch package at no additional charge :biggrin2:)

Today is a most special day in my house.... Today is Luna's first Gotchya Day!!!:biggrin2:

One year ago today, Miss Luna Belle came home with me to live with Patrick as her bond-mate. She was so shy back then, but has blossomed into a wonderful little girl who stands up for herself and takes charge.

So without further adu, pics of Luna while in foster care with Naturestee....



Luna's date with my Patrick... It truely was love at first sight!!! :biggrin2:



Luna's first few days at home with Patrick...

(This is the very first picture I ever posted on the forum of Patch and Luna together)



And finally, Miss Luna Belle today....



Luna is an amazing little girl!! Many of you know that she has kidney stones, which are in-operable. In spite of her pain, she still manages to throw out some amazing binkies and bunny 500 sprints. Today she amazed me even further.... She actually hopped up ontothe shelf inZappa's cage to eat hay, and she also took a quick cruise around on the love-seat (both eventsnever seen done before in the year she has been here)!!! I so wish I had the camera ready in both instances, but those surprise moments that the rabbits take upon themselves to perform at unexpected times always occur when I am furthest from the camera.

So, I want to thank Naturestee and TreasuredFriend, as always, for the opportunity to bring such a delightful little girl into my life and home. Patrick could not be more pleased with my choice of female bunners available at that time.

Thanks again to Naturestee for helping me find the right vet to save Patrick's life for Luna, just one week after Luna came home. Without you, Naturestee, I really do think that Patrick would not be here today to enjoy the companionship of his two lovely ladies.

Thanks to everyone on the forum who fell in love with Luna from the very first day that Naturestee posted about her rescue from the shelter. I am so pleased that you kept your interest in her after her adoption to provide the support she now needs to get through her trying times of having kidney stones. All of your prayers for her good health are always appreciated. Without continued prayers, Luna would not have been able to hop up on the love-seat this morning to celebrate her Gotchya Day.

Luna Belle, you sparkle with the light of a million stars!!!! You make me so proud with your courage and ability to fight off what ever comes your way, be it a cat or life-threatening kidney stones. You are my hero and the light that makes myheart shine!!! Blessings to you, my little heart-bunny, on your first Gotchya Day!!!! :pray:

Love always,

Mom (myheart)