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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
I have a question. It started today.

Apollo was out of his cage for about an hour. He walked up the akitchen wall and sat there. He kept staring at it and then made theweirdest noise. The only way I can describe it is it was like a littlelamb"maa". Then he started nudging the wall. He finally walked away andacted like nothing happened. It was kinda cute the first time. But he'sdone it two more times. The second time was the same thing,same wall.The third time it was one of the living room walls. I couldn't findanything describing this behavior.

Does anyone know why he's doing this? Is this something to be concerned about?

I should add he's not scared or stressed at all before, during or after.

Any ideas or insights would be really appreciated.

Hello Tina,

I suppose Apollo has a Wall fetish!? I guess you could build him hisown little rabbit wall to stare at/play with/nudge. Things that makeyou say, Hmm.

My rabbit nudges me and sometimes even the cats,so i think it's a playful thing. I wouldn't be too worried. I wouldonly get worried it your rabbit was injuring itself by nudging the walltoo hard, but this dosn't seen to be the case with you. so don't be tooworried, all animals have their own strange quirks. :)
Thank you so much. I was just really worried. Thefirst time it was funny. My son couldn't stop laughing. But after awileit was *shrug* weird. HE did it again today as soon as I let him out.Know that I know it's nothing to worry about it is pretty funny. Againthank you so much for setting my mind at ease.

I think the noise is a thoughtful "hmm, wonder whythe wall isnt moving?hmmm I will try it again..hmmm" Sounds like Apollois just expressing his desire to MOVE the wall. He should tire of thisonce he realizes that it just isnt going to happen. Never fear likeCarrots said, if no harm is coming to him by this behaviour I wouldntworry-Jezebel did the same thing when she couldnt get under the couchanymore!

(yes, I should be at home-in bed tiss 1:30am here BUT BUT BUT....)

hehe Cher

Hi Dajeti2,

Nothing to be concerned about. You're little one sounds like he's just playing boss.

Since he's not making the noise when you pick him up or he's doinganything in particular, I wouldn't be concerned. I strongly believethat he's just playing.

The pet psychic would probably say that he feels talking to the wallsgets the same, if not better results than trying to talk to you. Isuppose sometimes it would be easier for them to just talk to the wallthan try to get it through our heads as to what they want.

I told my hubby the same thing lol.

My son said I spoiled him too much too fast. That he's so happy anddoesn't have anyone to tell so he's trying to tell the neighborslol.

Whatever it is-it is sooo funny, Ilaugh everytime. Athena doesn't do it. She looks at him like" what are you doing".

I would like to thank everyone for easing my fears. I really thought something was wrong. Know I know I can enjoy my silly bunny


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a rabbit that has a wall fetish.

Henry has jumped about a foot off the ground twice at our chimneywall... I think he wants to see what's on the mantlepiece, he alsoclimbed into the fireplace last night... He must have a thingabout that wall...
Megan has wall problems She sits at thewall...stares at it for about 5 minutes....then she backs up....thenshe runs and jumps right into it.... and she does this a I dont know why she thinks she can get through the wall maybe ? I'mafraid she's gonna knock herself out one day....:(

I dunno, dajeti2! Maybe little mon is seeing something you can't. Neverknow!! I'm not even going to tell you a story about that, but let'sjust say, I do believe in the spiritual world.

* * * * * * *

Delphinum? What type of bunny is Henry? He's so gorgeous. I can'treally see from the angle of the pictures and I'm not an expert at thatanyway. He's just such a beautiful baby boy!

* * * * * * * *

Michelle, I can understand your concern about Megan knocking herself out. :shock: Careful Meg!

I will watch my poor bun! Last night she keptjumping up on me and she tries to eat my hair.... then she sat on myshoulder and started licking my arm for some reason lol. That's thefirst time she's ever done it....strange....maybe she did hit her poorlittle head too hard!

I still say that licking/grooming is a sign of deep love.

It's just that shes never done it Iwas just a little She kept sticking her face in mineand I think I ended up eating some She was beingvery...different..last night :)

Thanks for the close-up picture and the answer, Delphinum. :D He's so beautiful! I love his coloring.

Megan, MyBunnyLovesMe's rabbit, is beautifully colored as well. I love that soft butterscotch color.

Thanks Carolyn! I love him to bits, he'sso gorgeous when he flops down and you can see his wee white belly...aww! I think I'll go downstairs and let him run about for awhile, if he's not sleeping that is!
This is what Megan USED to look


That's the coloring I believe Carolyn is reffering to :)

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