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here's one of me and Lola for ya :)
I just adopted Chewey today. I'm not sure of her age, but I believe she is a 100% Black Dutch bunny. She is so relaxed that even the minute I walked in the door with her she was already eating, letting us pet her, and just generally being really laid back. She seems to think nothing special is going on lol. I'll be building her a much bigger C&C cage than the one she is in now, but at the moment she's stuck in the cage the previous owner brought her in. I'm already feeding her leafy greens and carrots and I'm heading to get her some better hay and switch her from seed mix to timothy pellets.

This is Chewey:

Ooh lots more new members! :)
Emilee, I know you from my FB, though, hehe. :)

Outofmymindyo, very cute bunny! :) Where abouts in Thurston County are you located? I just moved from there down to southeastern Lewis County. Definitely not liking how far out I am! I miss my old little town!

Hi all, Tacoma checking in. We are getting our ND this Friday. We cannot wait. I think I am more excited than the kids. LoL We are getting him from Shaded Night Rabbitry and Megan has been great, answering all my questions and working with us. I'll post some pics when we get him!

Hi Emily, we are getting Lama. He is so stinkin cute. We weren't looking to add a rabbit to the house until later this year, but when I saw his pic on her site, I had to ask about him. My little one is naming him "Tikki" which is short for her fave book "Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarembo Kari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo" Whew, that is a mouthful. :p
We brought Tikki home Friday night and he is settling in great! I could just sit there and talk to him and watch him forever. He is such a great bunny. Thanks to Megan for all her patience answering all my "new mommy" questions. Today, we are off to find some fleece for the bottom of his cage and maybe some more toys. LoL
Kimmi wrote:
Hi Emily, we are getting Lama. He is so stinkin cute. We weren't looking to add a rabbit to the house until later this year, but when I saw his pic on her site, I had to ask about him. My little one is naming him "Tikki" which is short for her fave book "Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarembo Kari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo" Whew, that is a mouthful. :p

Oh that's great! If I remember correctly, I have his full brother, Bear. :ponder:lol.I know there's some connection...

Awe, you have his brother! Tikki is just such a great bunny. It has beena long time since we've had a bunny so it is like starting all over again. I was kind of hinting to hubby that I wish we could've gotten another bun for Tikki to play with. LoL Yeah, still gonna have to work on that one.
BlueCamasRabbitry wrote:
Kimmi wrote:
Hi Emily, we are getting Lama. He is so stinkin cute. We weren't looking to add a rabbit to the house until later this year, but when I saw his pic on her site, I had to ask about him. My little one is naming him "Tikki" which is short for her fave book "Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarembo Kari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo" Whew, that is a mouthful. :p

Oh that's great! If I remember correctly, I have his full brother, Bear. :ponder:lol.I know there's some connection...

Silly Emily! No relation what-so-ever! lol, not even similar lines. :p
Bear is from Kiddo and Na'vi, Tikki is from Scout and Wicker. :wink

And I think bear is a month older? :? But who knows! I can barely keep track of the current babies. Speaking of which Emzi is due RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! *goes out to stalk her cage* mwahahahahaha.
Greetings to all my fellow Washingtonians :biggrin: I could have sworn that I already posted in here...I was wrong, so here goes...

My name is Brenda and I joined a little over a month ago after being a lurker for about a month researching my self on Buns, before I decided to start my search for the perfect bun and just recently I came across a breeder in my area who is looking for the perfect loving indoor home for one of her Bucks that she is retiring and I happen to be the lucky one who will be his new forever Momma...I'm so excited

His name is Uno and he is a Double maned Lionhead and he is the most precious little bun...he is going to be so loved and spoiled and loved some more when he gets here next month.

The breeder is so sweet and loves talking about buns and always encourages me to ask questions if I have them. She even sent me some pics she has taken over the past year of him that she thought I'd like to have, so here is a couple pics, so you know what he looks like...



Hope you all have a Bunny Amazing Day!