Troll Harrassment

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wow how lame, i mean what is UP with thesepeople, there was another person on a snake forum that actually sentHorrible e-mails to everyone on his list. these people are insane, andlosers not to mention, ive been on this forum for a few months andnoone here who posts regularly has even been an asshat to me or reallyanyone on the site, i think this is one of the best forums around andyoure all great!

Eff trolls right in the you know what. They dont belong here, or in society, they need to get lives.

I love all of ya, and if any one of those tards has got a problem withanyone here, im willing to stand up for ya. noones got a right to dothat crap. EVER.
OMG! I had no idea this washappening. I mean, I knew she wasarguementative, but this goes way beyond that!

Tina and Carolyn, I have never talked to you or met you in person, butI can tell that you are wonderfull people. I am so sorry thatsome jerk is harrassing you like this.

Mocha, the Fuzzball Demon from Hell would like to offer her services, and Loki said he might offer a few lazy nips.
I forgot to say that is my bunny friend Pattifrom Florida holding my rather feisty Dr. Melody Frankenbunny aka TheEvil One. Mel has bitten a number of people.... butPatti's bandages were created with Photoshop.

Tina and Carilyn - You go girls! In trying to drag your namesthrough the mud, this person has jumped in a big messy puddle and iswallowing in it. Don't let the empty threats and spewed venomupset your lives.

Thank you again.

Sadly, I did let it get to me and I have shed my fair share oftears over this. No more. Now I will deal with this one step at a time.

It really goes to show that we are all not privy to what goeson behind the scenes to get a person banned. But there is always a goodreason that a person is banned. I have zero tolerance for trolls.

I reread her "im leaving post" and got the gistof what you were all talking about, so forgive me if im a bit off onwhat was said.

Its so pathetic, I CERTAINLY wouldnt want to hear about somone sendingtheir buns to a meathouse either. Yeah people do it. they do it withhorses and cows too, but we dont like to HEAR about it on a regularbasis. Its bad enough knowing, and if somone mentions it in passingFINE, but dont keep REPEATING that you do it. Its just pathetic andmean to the people on the board. Its an uncomfortable topic to somepeople, like the people that love animals as much as i do.
i totally understand the Necessity of culling, but i dontlike it brought out in the open and shoved in my face every second iread... This is agreeable right? i dont think im wrong for saying this,because i think it fits with common sense. something i think alot ofpeople lack these days. - Alicia
Good grief! I had no idea about all the stuffgoing on behind the scenes, as it were. Tina, I can't believe anyonecould say such things to you after all you do and contribute to ushere. Please don't let it get to you - we love you!

Carolyn and LuV MaH BuNs, same thing applies. Please don't let onepersons bitterness upsetyou.-Jan
It's pretty bad when a board aboutbunnies has this kind of drama, but on the other hand maybe itsexpected because there are lots of kids here who aren't too mature withthere emotions. I'm on the other board that we're notsupposed to talk about, and Dixons has joined there, but I wonder ifthey will have the same problems with her there.

Theres a post on that board thats about even though there are so calledtrolls and rejects there, they seem to get along and don't seem to getinto these kinds of fights.

So maybe it has to do with the banning thing in the firstplace? When people get banned, especially young people, theyget mad, and if they get mad, they say and do the most hurtful thingsthey possibly can in response.

This isn't to excuse her behaviour, becausehonestly Ineverliked her, but if Dixsons responded like that after shewas banned (and I think she was banned once before) then maybe all thedrama that seems to happen in this forum is at least partly toblame?

I alsodon't know why some peoplehere who getemotional are encouraged (we know who they are), butothersare banned!?I don't mean in thiscase,because I think its okay that Dixsons wasbanned, but with many others.I really have toquestion the banning of 90% of the people I don't see here anymoreanyway especially the onces whoare so nice on the other board.

I also think that everybody especially now seems to have this vengancething about trolls that it is going to get even more uncomfortable tobe here. Can't people just ignore the small stuff? (And againI don't mean DixsonsRabbitry).

Just my 2 cents.

(I'm posting under a friends name in case I get banned to!)
Rose B wrote:
I alsodon't know why some peoplehere who getemotional are encouraged (we know who they are), butothersare banned!?I don't mean in thiscase,because I think its okay that Dixsons wasbanned, but with many others.I really have toquestion the banning of 90% of the people I don't see here anymoreanyway especially the onces whoare so nice on the other board.

Rose B User- Its one thing to be emotional about things, butanother to send Horrible emails to the moderators and Users of thisboard. She did something that was mainly between them and really tickedem off, people dont just BAN people here because they get a bit upsetabout something, it happens and im sure they understand it here... butgoing so low as to send threatening letters to somone, thatsharassment... thats why she was banned.

I also think that everybody especially now seems to have this vengancething about trolls that it is going to get even more uncomfortable tobe here. Can't people just ignore the small stuff? (And againI don't mean DixsonsRabbitry).

First off, Why should people join a board Just to start trouble, peoplecome to these places to learn and meet new people, not have to fightwith every new opinionated Jerk that decides to cause a ruckus. I HATEit, its hard to find a good forum nowadays where everyone gets alongand your opinion is respected. We all do things we regret and its niceto have understanding people around to help you through yourmistakes.... I dont think it will be uncofortable to be here at all, ithink well all move on and forget *mostly* about this sort of thing.Theres better things to do than fight over something as silly as thiswhen its clear she was in the wrong you know???

You wont get banned for saying what you did, ^_^ *Hug* you seem like apretty good person to me, and i dont see why anyone would have aproblem with ya. So make a username and join why not!? Hope i didntupset you, im pretty terrible at wording things, and if i did make youangry in any way im SO SORRY HON, hope to talk again! - Alicia
RoseB wrote:
It's pretty bad when a board aboutbunnies has this kind of drama, but on the other hand maybe itsexpected because there are lots of kids here who aren't too mature withthere emotions. I'm on the other board that we're notsupposed to talk about, and Dixons has joined there, but I wonder ifthey will have the same problems with her there.

Theres a post on that board thats about even though there are so calledtrolls and rejects there, they seem to get along and don't seem to getinto these kinds of fights.

So maybe it has to do with the banning thing in the firstplace? When people get banned, especially young people, theyget mad, and if they get mad, they say and do the most hurtful thingsthey possibly can in response.

This isn't to excuse her behaviour, becausehonestly Ineverliked her, but if Dixsons responded like that after shewas banned (and I think she was banned once before) then maybe all thedrama that seems to happen in this forum is at least partly toblame?

I alsodon't know why some peoplehere who getemotional are encouraged (we know who they are), butothersare banned!?I don't mean in thiscase,because I think its okay that Dixsons wasbanned, but with many others.I really have toquestion the banning of 90% of the people I don't see here anymoreanyway especially the onces whoare so nice on the other board.

I also think that everybody especially now seems to have this vengancething about trolls that it is going to get even more uncomfortable tobe here. Can't people just ignore the small stuff? (And againI don't mean DixsonsRabbitry).

Just my 2 cents.

(I'm posting under a friends name in case I get banned to!)

Think about it... Banned yesterday , rejoinedyesterday, banned yesterday, joined today defending dixons... i thinkits dixons again... and it add to it

(I'm posting under a friends name in case I get banned to!)

I think its a troll
Carolyn, you have a tough job here.And you do a great job. All of your hard work, seriously, ismuch appreciated!

Just as a thought, can you ban people according to their IPaddress? On another forum I mod, if someone is banned, wealso ban their IP address, in hopes they won't re-register.They can sign-up from a computer with a different IP address, but hey,usually the trolls on my other site aren't that motivated.

Keep up the great work! We love it here!

Hugs! Krickers
Rose B wrote:
It's pretty bad when a board about bunnies has thiskind of drama, but on the other hand maybe its expected because thereare lots of kids here who aren't too mature with thereemotions. I'm on the other board that we're notsupposed to talk about, and Dixons has joined there, but I wonder ifthey will have the same problems with her there.

Theres a post on that board thats about even though there are so calledtrolls and rejects there, they seem to get along and don't seem to getinto these kinds of fights.

So maybe it has to do with the banning thing in the firstplace? When people get banned, especially young people, theyget mad, and if they get mad, they say and do the most hurtful thingsthey possibly can in response.

This isn't to excuse her behaviour, becausehonestly Ineverliked her, but if Dixsons responded like that after shewas banned (and I think she was banned once before) then maybe all thedrama that seems to happen in this forum is at least partly toblame?

I alsodon't know why some peoplehere who getemotional are encouraged (we know who they are), butothersare banned!?I don't mean in thiscase,because I think its okay that Dixsons wasbanned, but with many others.I really have toquestion the banning of 90% of the people I don't see here anymoreanyway especially the onces whoare so nice on the other board.

I also think that everybody especially now seems to have this vengancething about trolls that it is going to get even more uncomfortable tobe here. Can't people just ignore the small stuff? (And againI don't mean DixsonsRabbitry).

Just my 2 cents.

(I'm posting under a friends name in case I get banned to!)
I must be obtuse this evening but I fail to see the point of yourpost. The 'drama that seems to happen'doesn't justspring up on its own but is initiated by people, who in my opinion,enjoy stirring up trouble, ranting, ravingand causingdistress. The people on this forum, regardless of age, shouldbe civilized enough to treat each other with courtesy, if notrespect. If someone is old enough to join the forum, post,have rabbits as pets or act as a breeder, then they are old enough tounderstandcommon courtesy.

What small stuff is it that you want people to ignore?Repeated threatening, obscene, profane, accustory e-mails are not'small stuff' by any stretch of the imagination. Rude andirrational posts are not 'small stuff'.

And while I am on a roll, how absolutely cold-heartedandmean-spirited of some people to be pestering the daylights out ofCarolyn when she is mourning the loss of a good friend. Thatis especially low, contempableand indicative of a completelack of character.

Ann (seniorcats)

You are right. EVERYONE on this forum needs tothink about how they post before they do it. I have seen some ratherRUDE posts on here, but it seems some people are allowed to do that,while others are not. I also think, some people need to remember thereare TWO sides to every story and since we arent seeing them both, youshouldnt jump to basically attack someone who is not here now.

Hopefully this can all just go away and the forum can go back to beingcalm. While I do not agree with some of the things I have seen here, Ido like some of the people and they have helped me a lot.

I also really feel there needs to be RULES. Not the statement that wasposted in the other thread. There needs to be something everyone canread that will state very clearly what is and isnt allowed. Sure,everyone should play nice, but not everyone does. Some things shouldprobably not be allowed to be posted. So maybe a list of some ruleswould be good and would help. Just something saying to be considerate,ect isnt really enough.

And honestly, while I understand why people get upset with posts aboutculling, its a fact of rabbits. People eat them. Its a fact. Now, IMOand yes I am saying it again, POSTS ABOUT SOMEONE KILLING A KITTENSHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED! That is more upsetting to me than someone sayingthey may have to cull a rabbit for meat.

I am very sorry this has all happened during this time after Buck haspassed. But who knows, maybe it was meant to be this way. Maybe weshould all learn from it all. No, someone shouldnt email and curse atsomeone else. Thats not nice. But, someone should also not be bannedbecause they posted about possibly culling rabbits, and someone gotupset so pm'ed them and basically attacked them. That isnt nice either.In fact, THAT goes against that statement that was posted in that otherthread.

The reason I asked before, why dixons was banned, is because ON THEFORUM, she didnt do anything wrong that I saw. She never jumped anyonelike I have seen others do. Thats why I asked. Thats why I feel thereneed to be rules. And yes, I am fully aware things go on behind thescenes. Thats really all that needed to be said. No one had to get allticked off at me about it. I was just trying to understand, like I amsure others were.

Plus, there shouldnt be favorites, and its obvious there are. The rules should apply equally to everyone.


Carolyn, Tina, LuvMahBuns... I just read throughthese posts. I am really sorry that people treat each otherthis way.

Everyone we have to remember that we dont see everything that is goingon behind the boards. PMs and emails can get sent, along withsnail mail and phone calls. You never know whathappens. Heck I had my computer hacked into, destroyed and mypersonal info stolen in college by someone who didnt like the way I ranan old MUD.

If Carolyn felt she had to ban Dixons, then there had to have been someserious evidence. A couple people I have wondered about whythey were banned but I left it at that since I cannot believe Carolynwould ban just because she felt like it.

As for this post from RoseB... I was a little concerned that she hasone post, joined yesterday and wrote a long reply in defense.Sounds fishy to me, but who am I to judge.

Caro, Tina, Luvmahbuns, Behind you 100%

I have been awayfrom the board all day ,And this was the first one I readtonight when I did come on ,I totally lost it , but had tosit back and think before I could post ,Why She went after Tina in the firstplace is beyond me , Tina had littleto do with her post in the first place ,I on the other hand had enoughto say , I dont care thatpeople cull for meat , cull forbest breed , I have no issue withthat , what I was having an Issuewith was the fact thatIt was felt It should berepeated . This was not herfirst post on culling out for meat , gothru and read some of her posts and youwill see what I mean ,

I for one being inthe rescue of exoticsdont care to hear how a whole litterwill be thrown out just because 1baby out of however manyhas a particular gene wrong , and howthe whole litter cancarry it , that goes against everything Ido here ,Had this been afirst I wouldnt havesaid anything , as a matter offact I believe if you look backat her first post , Ido believe I backed her up withthe words " you have todo what you feel is right " unfortunatelyI cant remember the initial problem , Butto repeat it again with adifferent litter was a bit much , this myfriends is Trolling at its best ,

Why not have simply put it , White Generears its ugly head , explainwhatthe causeand effect was , and leave it atthat ? Not once in that threaddid she ask for an opinion asto what to do , She simplystated in fact she was goingto either Pet them outIF she could getspay/neuter contract , IF not Meat them ,She absolutely knew what the response wasgoing to be , she had heard it before ,but was she responsibleenough to NOT put that part in, nope she did it any way knowingthe final outcome , and then torant on about someoneelses animals , not knowing the fullextent , or reading the wholeresponse well that was wayoverboard , She brought this upon herself, Its a situationbest dropped the soonerthe better .

I have to post this under apost that was about DixonsRabbitry, who really is a troll, because itwill probably get deleted if I started anotherpost. But this is not about her. I reallyhated her posts because I could never send a bunny to be killed unlessit was in bad pain or couldn’t live anyway. That was a verystrong opinion I held, but I didn’t keep arguing because it wouldn’thave done any good. I wasn’t going to change her mind, sowhat was the point?

And that sort of is mypoint.Why argue with people likeher? Just like while I know people’s intentions were good,why do other people always have to always keep jumping on somebodytalking about breeding rabbits again and again in the same post? Saywhat you have to say, and let it go.

I know Carolyn has a hard job, but this post isbeing allowed to stay up because it is about how horrible DixonsR wasin the private posts and emails so she wants everybody to see that, butbelieve me if it was like when a whole bunch of other people gotbanned, you wouldn’t be seeing anything about it!!

I know a fewof the people who were bannedreacted horribly and they have no excuse, but other people were justbanned for really stupid things. This was written in anotherforum but I know its true. One girl just said something like“oh you northerners,” but because Buck was the ‘northerner’ she pokedfun at she was banned. Somebody else said “I am not an expertand neither are you” when she disagreed with somebody, but because shewas talking to Pam she was banned. Somebody else after lotsof posts yelling at her about breeding he bunnies started arguing backand she was banned but not the person who was yelling even louder inthe first place. Somebody else just posted to say that a lotof peoples friends from here had joined another forum, and she wasbanned but not the person who ‘advertised’ the forum in the firstplace. I don’t think any of those people had any emails orPMs behind the scenes at all. And when anybodytried to talk about those ones, those posts were taken down (not likethis one) and the people who questioned it were bannedtoo!!

People don’t usually get to see the posts that weredeleted. They don’t remember or notice all the people whoaren’t here anymore. You can only search old posts a lot ofthe times if you remember the username.

I don’t dislike Carolyn, but because of all thebannings there are so many people who have to pretend they really likeher because that way they will go on her ‘safelist’.

Now her ‘gang’ is gathering together to “fight thetrolls.” But that just encourages them. IfDixsonsRabbitry wasntt a troll before, justsomeone who had anunpopular opinion, nowshe is a troll for sure.She’ll be posting under other names and making up stories and causingtrouble just like the other ones.

It says somewhere that trolls start threads abouttheir rabbits maybe being pregnant or that they have have sat on theirbabies or whatever because they know that people will startyelling.So why not just not yell.

And don't ban people all the time making them wantto come back as trolls. I think people should be warned, orthreads can be stopped (locked?), posts getting heated or arguing thatcontinues after the points are made can be deleted, but I don't knowwhy so many people are banned.