Troll Harrassment

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Rowena, The thread refered to is not longer here for reading. There are rules here.

I can assure you, the only favourites you may find here, are personalfriends of Carolyns etc... The rest of us are treated the same.

Mission Statement for Rabbits Only Forum:

Rabbits Only strives to developa rabbitfanciersforum whereas people can share opinions andexperiences in all aspects of rabbits. We welcome breeders,petowners, new people to rabbits, or those thinking ofadopting a rabbit.

We are a community based on responsibility, trust, mutual respect, andcompassion and we hold all members of the community accountable toupholding those values.

We expect all members of the community to subject their views and actions
to critical examination and accept responsibility for them. We hope
that the members of our forum leave with a feeling of having learned or
have helped someone.

Rowena wrote:
The reason I asked before,why dixons was banned, is because ON THE FORUM, she didnt do anythingwrong that I saw. She never jumped anyone like I have seen others do.Thats why I asked. Thats why I feel there need to be rules. And yes, Iam fully aware things go on behind the scenes. Thats really all thatneeded to be said. No one had to get all ticked off at me about it. Iwas just trying to understand, like I am sure others were.

Plus, there shouldnt be favorites, and its obvious there are. The rules should apply equally to everyone.

Rose Bwrote
Iknow Carolyn has a hard job, but this post is being allowed to stay upbecause it is about how horrible DixonsR was in the private posts andemails so she wants everybody to see that, but believe me if it waslike when a whole bunch of other people got banned, you wouldn’t beseeing anything about it!!

I know a fewof the people who werebanned reacted horribly and they have no excuse, but other people werejust banned for really stupid things. This was written inanother forum but I know its true. One girl just saidsomething like “oh you northerners,” but because Buck was the‘northerner’ she poked fun at she was banned. Somebody elsesaid “I am not an expert and neither are you” when she disagreed withsomebody, but because she was talking to Pam she was banned.Somebody else after lots of posts yelling at her about breeding hebunnies started arguing back and she was banned but not the person whowas yelling even louder in the first place. Somebody elsejust posted to say that a lot of peoples friends from here had joinedanother forum, and she was banned but not the person who ‘advertised’the forum in the first place. I don’t think any of thosepeople had any emails or PMs behind the scenes atall. And when anybody tried to talk about thoseones, those posts were taken down (not like this one) and the peoplewho questioned it were banned too!!

People don’t usually get to see the posts thatwere deleted. They don’t remember or notice all the peoplewho aren’t here anymore. You can only search old posts a lotof the times if you remember the username.

I don’t dislike Carolyn, but because of all thebannings there are so many people who have to pretend they really likeher because that way they will go on her ‘safelist’.

Now her ‘gang’ is gathering together to “fightthe trolls.” But that just encourages them. IfDixsonsRabbitry wasntt a troll before, justsomeone who had anunpopular opinion, nowshe is a troll for sure.She’ll be posting under other names and making up stories and causingtrouble just like the other ones.

It says somewhere that trolls start threadsabout their rabbits maybe being pregnant or that they have have sat ontheir babies or whatever because they know that people will startyelling.So why not just not yell.

And don't ban people all the time making themwant to come back as trolls. I think people should be warned,or threads can be stopped (locked?), posts getting heated or arguingthat continues after the points are made can be deleted, but I don'tknow why so many people are banned.

I dont think people pretend to like her at all, why would you say something like that????
I like her because shes never EVER said anything that would make medislike her, Shes the damn moderator im thankful to her for having sucha great place to talk about rabbits. Shes helpful and KNOWSHER ****. "safe list???" what the hell. that really makes meangry! i mean come on dont be like that.. i dont think people wouldever act that way to prevent themselves from being banned. ifpeople wanted to pretend to like her i think theyd just leaveinstead of staying somewhere theyre uncomfortable....

People on this forum dont just YELL at people for doing something...they have to show OBVIOUS reasons for being dumb, and if they REFUSE tolisten to what people have to say, they may and probably will get someheat for it. But wouldnt you be pissed if some Kid just got two buns(male/female) from a petstore IN TACT and housed themtogether without researching one bit??? I mean come on... ifyoure going to own an animal then at least be responsible enough toresearch it. Common sense.....

And i woudlnt call it a "Gang" thats a pretty mean way to put it...People DONT like others causing TROUBLE . This is aFRIENDLY place to come and talk about rabbits, not a place where dramaensues all. Go to livejournal if you want drama.

I really think trying to understand that this kind of nonsense WILL NOT BE TOLERATED will help alot of people.

Now, You being a ex-member here (And I recogniseyou writing style), and a member over there. You will know ofall the recent upset on many forums. 'Gang' is not the rightword. Carolyn, unforunately is going through some roughtimes, and some of us caring, responsible people, have taken it uponourselves to take some of the burden away.

People get banned ! Thats life. There are things that go on behind thescenes, that nobody sees. Nobody is banned without justcause.

Rose B wrote:
Nowher ‘gang’ is gathering together to “fight the trolls.” Butthat just encourages them. If DixsonsRabbitry wasntt a trollbefore, justsomeone who had an unpopular opinion,nowshe is a troll for sure. She’ll be posting underother names and making up stories and causing trouble just like theother ones.

It says somewhere that trolls start threadsabout their rabbits maybe being pregnant or that they have have sat ontheir babies or whatever because they know that people will startyelling.So why not just not yell.

And don't ban people all the time making themwant to come back as trolls. I think people should be warned,or threads can be stopped (locked?), posts getting heated or arguingthat continues after the points are made can be deleted, but I don'tknow why so many people are banned.
Perhaps you misunderstood me or I'm reading you wrong.

I started this thread because someone is threatening me. I havenever done anything to this person. She is threatening to call the copsand tell them I helped somebody stalk her. That is a felony.It's not just my name it's MY LIFE. I am innocent but really don't feelit's fair to be dragged into something.

I was upset, I started this post. I have never done anything like this before.

I have never seen favortism shown to anyone. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I am.

Rose B, I don't mean this bad or anything but if you don't likethe way this forum is run, why did you join. I don't think it's nice tobe saying the things you are after only being here a few hours.

I forgot you are a member. If you are so unhappy here why doyou stay? Why log in as someone else and slam us? That's notfair.

Every story has two sides. Everyone was hearing one side.Before I posted this did you know the other side? Did you knoweverything that was going on. I don't think so.

Perhaps I am confused but I don't think so.

If I offended anyone with this post I apologize. But I will notstop watching for trolls and it is my GOD given right to defend myself.

Am I missing something?


dajeti2 wrote:
Perhaps you misunderstood me or I'm reading you wrong.

I started this thread because someone is threatening me. Ihave never done anything to this person. She is threatening to call thecops and tell them I helped somebody stalk her. That is afelony. It's not just my name it's MY LIFE. I am innocent but reallydon't feel it's fair to be dragged into something.

I was upset, I started this post. I have never done anything like this before.

I have never seen favortism shown to anyone. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I am.

Rose B, I don't mean this bad or anything but if you don'tlike the way this forum is run, why did you join. I don't think it'snice to be saying the things you are after only being here a fewhours.

I forgot you are a member. If you are so unhappy here why doyou stay? Why log in as someone else and slam us? That's notfair.

Every story has two sides. Everyone was hearing one side.Before I posted this did you know the other side? Did you knoweverything that was going on. I don't think so.

Perhaps I am confused but I don't think so.

If I offended anyone with this post I apologize. But I willnot stop watching for trolls and it is my GOD given right to defendmyself.

Am I missing something?


Tina, Youre doing nothing wrong by defending yourself.... and youreright, If people dont like how things are run. Then they should GOAWAY. why stay and fight?
I hope everything turns out alright, but courts are pretty reasonableand if you are brought to court, you have all of the posts here to helpdisprove her case. I wish you the best of the best of luck! ^_-

Rose B- If you really like it that much here, then why are you saying such things, instead of moving on and letting it go?

It's hard to take people seriously over theinternet, so if a strangerwere to threaten to call the copson me,I would ignore it. If you know you're innocent ofwhatever you're being accused of, there's nothing to worry about.

There are more important things in lifeto worry about than abored and lonely person who is trying very hard to get attention.

I do not intend on offending anyone by saying what I wrote. I knowpeople are going to be a little sensitive now that we have what itseems like an infestation of these so-called "trolls" but for those whoare being attacked with emails, my advice is to ignore the trollsbecause it's only feeding them. But of course if you know these people,by all means, report them to authoritites.
I haven't been reading this post, nor do I intend to since the last time I posted on it. It's a waste of time, ya know why?

Because the BOTTOM LINE is that we run this board the wayWE want to run it. If you don't like it or the way we handlethings, make your own, and go play there.

Yes, ducks are flying in. And I'll take care of them too because they're here just to cause strife and upset.

Don't waste your time, Friends. Those that don't like it and arewishing to cause more upset, YES, they will be banned. I'm notbabysitting anymore. I warned Janelle many times in PM to tone it down.After the 4th or 5th time, getting PMs from several people that she wasoffensive, seeing what she was saying to members in PM - cursing atthem, calling them names, etc., it was time to put an end to it.

You folks can talk all you want about what is fair or unfair, but itdoesn't mean a thing because we're not changing. It is a PrivatelyOwned board and as pointed out by Tina, very early on, it's a privilegeNOT a right to be here.

Trolls will and have been turned over to the authorities and shouldthey continue not to heed the warnings to leave our members alone, wehave and will continue to press charges against them.


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