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Great Story, BunnyMommy!!

It always makes me laugh when you call him 'my sweet little bunny'because Sherman to me is a 'devish big beast'. ;)

He's really got your number. He made you look like you were amadwoman. Oh my dear, you have met your match.

I'll be waiting to hear about how things go tonight. Sherman is too cool. Give him a big kiss.

Haha Bunnymommy, Sherman has one up on ya! (sad,but true :(...alas, twas a great story, still chuckling here !!!! ) Idont havea heck of a lot of time tonight for browsing theforums but something caught my eye on this one in regards to eatingpaper/tissue. I did not think it had such a fatal hazard to it (and Iamsorry to hear about that too..) My girls routinely chew the cardboard(after postage,tape,and other odd bits have been stripped off it) thatI have at home, so if Iam reading right~this should not be happening?

I am a little confused, if I could get some clarity on this Iwould appreciate it-since they are not just diggers butchewers too!

Gee, Delphinium, that's veryinteresting. Our rabbits have eaten cardboard and newspaperonmany occasionswithout manifesting a problem, other than,perhaps, altering the consistency of their poops. Are yousure the impaction was due to paper, and not a fur ball, or some othersubstance?

Our mini lop ate foam rubber insulation, necessitating gastric surgery,but even then, the surgeon wasn't absolutely certain it was the foamrubber, because he could not identify it as such in the mass he removedfrom her stomach.

I am just curious to know how you are so certain paper was the culprit.

Yes, I'm a little confused too. Shermaneats cardboard, newspaper, paper towel rolls, and toilet paper rolls(with a little tissue still left on it) all the time with no illeffects.
Cher, what gets me is that I feel CERTAIN that he knew what he was doing!

After my husband got through laughing at me and looking me up anddownas if I were a nut case, hewentupstairs. Then Sherman comes and keeps asking me to rub himon the head (he knew I was outdone with him). I couldn't movefor him after that.So I took Carolyn's advice and did someignoring of my own. I went over to the sofa to lay down for afew minutes before I went upstairs and all of a sudden I feel thisheavy weight on my chest.

I open my eyes and I'm nose to nose with a bunny!!!! :X
haha-bunnymommy, so cute!

you guys all beat me to it...batman likes anything he canrip, chew or dig. im trying to figure out what kinds of herbs i couldput in a planter for him...i want to do a littleindoor"garden" that he can dig in and eat. :p

Bunnymommy wrote:
Cher, what gets me is that I feel CERTAIN that he knew what he was doing!

After my husband got through laughing at me and looking me up anddownas if I were a nut case, hewentupstairs. Then Sherman comes and keeps asking me to rub himon the head (he knew I was outdone with him). I couldn't movefor him after that.So I took Carolyn's advice and did someignoring of my own. I went over to the sofa to lay down for afew minutes before I went upstairs and all of a sudden I feel thisheavy weight on my chest.

I open my eyes and I'm nose to nose with a bunny!!!! :X
I'm not sure who won in your situation with Sherman,Bunnymommy. I am certain that the little bugger knewexactly what you were doing and I suspect that he was in a place thathe wasn't supposed to be and that's why you didn't hear'peep'.

Tucker did that to me once and it completely freaked me out.Found him under the bed where he wasn't supposed to be. Quietas a mouse! Stinker. I was as frantic as youwere.

"Nose-to-Nose with a bunny." Who's playing whom?

Carolyn, oh, the travails of being a bunny mommy! :(

It's comforting though to know that I have a support network here as I sharpen my "parenting" skills. :)

P.S. The scorecard is tilted in Sherman's favor right now, but now that I'm on to him ... ;)

Sherman pulls through when you're bummed out. Look at what aLove he was yesterday. Letting you hold him without kickingand fussing? That's the kind of stuff that keeps you hooked.

He likes playin you because he can. I bet he gets quite a chuckle out of watching you react to him.

These rabbits know us better than we think.


Thanks for all the great suggestions on how tokeep Luv more enterained than she is right now. I can't wait to go andget her some toys. I like the idea of shredded paper but willkeep a eye on her and see if she eats it. Now i can save myjunk mail and let it get some use.

I love the cute bunny stories. so fun to read. Doesanyone ever get the jokes from people who want to eat them??I always tell them if they eat her i feed them to my dogi haha. :D

mygrl2k3 wrote:
Does anyone ever get the jokes from people whowant to eat them?? I always tell them if they eat her i feedthem to my dogi haha. :D

Yes, I get them all of the time and it takes a great deal of restraintto keep me from saying something ugly...

I'm learning now though that a stoic face and a few seconds of silence keeps them from making the same joke again! :X
Yes, Mygrl2K3,

I get jokes all the time from people who want me to fatten Tucker up; or put him on a spit.

I kill it quickly when I laugh at them or tell them how high in proteinrabbits are or ramble off a recipe. I've never eaten rabbit,and I don't expect I ever will; but they don't know that.They're just looking to get a rise out of you. Don't givethem what they want and the jokes are soon dropped.

Yeah I get those jokes all the, itmakes me angry, I always ask John how Peppy is and everytime he says"he tasted good!" lol that's soo mean! Of course I know he's alwaysjoking. But still....I could never eat a rabbit. Or Deer....I'll stickwith animals that are really meant to be eaten...cows...?chickens....not pork it's
"....I'll stick with animals that are really meant to be eaten...cows...? chickens....not pork it's "

* * * * * *

Of course some might argue that point with you, but I'm confident weall know where you're coming from. I would hope that noonetakes it upon themselvesto chastise you for thestatement.

Knowing that you love and wish to adopt all animals, I'm sure you'dfeel the same way about cows, chickens, & pigs if you got toknow their sweet personalities as well. :)

Yeah, I see how people can take what I said thewrong way. But I know what I meant! lol. I like cows, they're cute, Ihave a baby calf named Dusty! lol. She's all white with a black noseand tongue! But I do also realize that people need to get food fromsomewhere. Its a part of life. Rabbits aren't really aren't in the foodgroup so I guess that's how I see it being different.....
:)Well, since rabbits meat has been onthe market longer than they have been pets, I think they would beconsidered part of the meat group, but I certainly understand what youmean. :D

Really??? It's not something you see in a grocerystore...that's normal meat to me... lol. Anyway, it's very hot outtoday I got like 3 fans blowing on's so muggy! I'm glad Meganis down in the basement where its cool :)

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