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YUP! :)

The Blanket Won!

He's all Tuckered Out.


*laughs laughs laughs*

No M&SMom!

Tucker Really Is "Tuckered Out".

The Blanket Won (and so did my furniture, for now. ;))

I'm thinking about tuckering Spice out by takinghim for a walk up to the field where I have to get soccer picturestonight. He would be tired after there and back, it's only abouta4 minute walk by myself each way, but with a bunny wouldtake a bit longer!

I can see it now! "Mommy, will you carry me? Please?" *bagging look*

What a Loaf! *laughs*

Kidding! Tucker wouldn't make it 2 minutes!


Tucker's now Race Rabbit, but stopping to fight Evil Crime: The Blanket -- in between running laps, of course.

Ya know what I do to mess with him?

He considers "Tucker's Turf" to be under the coffee table and in certain areas of the apartment.

I always take my shoes off and put them under the coffee table. TICKShim OFF!! At some point during the night, inevitably, he somehow getsmy shoes far away from under the coffee table. I always laugh at him.It makes him really PUSH the shoes out from under the table.

It's a game.

He'll never train me.


Try it out on Sherman.

Pick his 'special place' and put something he can move, with a little bit of effort out of the way.

You and your husband will roar.

I always always have a laugh at night.

Nooooo Doubt!

LOL! Tucker's too much, he probably gave you looksafterwards too lol like 'no mommy thats MY space, not your shoe space!haha!:D My dog use to hide my brothers sneakers behind thecouch hehe.

After weeks of pleading with my mom, she finally gave in to lettingOreo play in the living/dinning room without her playpen!! All I haveto do is block off the kitchen & hall door ways & shecan jump and run around freely, supervised of course!! I am so excitedI can't wait to see what she does & how she likes it! :D


How COOL for Oreo! :cool: Way to go in your fight for freedom, Pamela227!

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Spice is such a Love, M&SMom. He just wants to be lovin his Mom.What a babe to 'ask' to be picked up. He's so crazy in love with you.

* * * * * * *


Sherman will fall for that trick: hook, line, and sinker. Let me know how it works out.



Pamela227: Tucker gives me A LOT of dirty looks and a Lot of dirtyattitude with his body language. I laugh. That makes it worse. :?


Tucker Has Conquered Evil.

He is, right now, "The King of The Hill."

WalMart has some hard plastic "C" shaped linkscalled baby links. They are less than $3.00 for good sizeamount of links. I hang them from the top of my rabbits cagesand they love them. Trixie, my lazy girl sits in her litterbox and plays with the links. I alsohangthe baby keys on the endof them. The keys can bebought at WalMart for less than $2.00. Trixie wasso pleased over her toys that she ran around the room and did a prettygood sized binky for her! Matter of fact, that wasthe biggest binky that I had ever seen her do! I guess shereally liked those toys! Both my rabbits love cardboardboxes. They do construction on their cardboardcondos! They are always tearing down walls! Theylike to hide in them and jump on top of them. Boxes canprovide hours of fun. Everyone has given a lot of goodsuggestions. I saw some things that I would like to try formy buns. Hope these suggestions help youout. Beckie
And Mocha conquered the dogs! lol, I took him tosoccer pictures and he had to fight for his life to get there. We hadto dodge a stray soccer ball, weave in and out of crowds, pass the evilcars, and Mocha even "attacked" a dog. He ran up to a big dog, not surethe breed, stood up on his hind legs, sniffed the dogs nose adn the dogran behind it's owner, we were laughing so hard. I guess Mocha's prettyscary looking!

Laura, Moch, & Spice

WAY to GO, Mocha! You Show those dirty dogs whose Boss!

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I'll definitely check out your suggestion. Sounds like Just the challenge Tucker Needs.

* * * * * *


What more is there to say?

Mocha thinks he's a great dane or something, Iswear! He attacks cats, dogs, anything. You name it, he isn't afraid ofit. He's my little attack rabbit, my body guard if you will. ;)
Now see, Carolyn, Sherman has done itnow. I was starting to feel a little guilty and wasn't goingto play the "Territory" game with him ... but he had to go and put mein a trick.

Okay, I told you I always let him run loose whenever I'm in my homeoffice. So I came downstairs to get everything prepped forwork later on that evening and quite naturally I let him out of thecage. For a while he begged for treats (but I was strong ;)), then he laid on my foot for a while, then he laid next to me, andthen he went to the other side of the room. The last timethat I saw him he was laying against the wall next to the sofa watchingTV.

When I got through prepping everything I turned around to look for him... no Sherman. I called and called ... not even amovement. I got up and looked around, but I didn't seehim. I looked in all of his usual hiding spots ...nothing. I let him have free rein downstairs, so I looked allaround, even places he usually doesn't go ... no ShermanANYWHERE! Okay, it's been about 10 minutes now, so I'm in anear blind panic. I can't IMAGINE where my sweet little bunnyis!!!

I call my husband on the upstairs phone and tell him that I'm nearhysterics because I can't find Sherman! He comes downstairsand in typical logical manly fashion he says, "Now where was the lastplace that you saw him?" I tell him over by the sofa aganistthe wall, that he was watching TV. So ... I start calling andlooking again. My husband walks STRAIGHT over to the wallwhere he was last seen ... and THERE THAT STINKER is looking at himwith the most contrived air of innocence like he's been sitting thereall of the time and he just can't imagine what the ruckus is allabout!!!!!!!!!! To this minute I don't know where he washiding! :X

Now, you guys know that I love this little bunny, but this is one nightwhere I could have strangled him good. I was so scared that Ididn't know what to do! I didn't know if he was trappedsomewhere or had gotten caught up in something. He KNEW, I'mtelling you, he KNEW what he was doing!

So, long story short, if that's the way Mr. SmartBunny wants to play,then so be it. Tomorrow night we're going to play a game of"Territory" and see who comes out thewinner.

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