Listen, I don't wanna fight, maybe we should act like this never happened!?
I'm feeling pretty hurt and a bit threatened, but I'm going to end itat that...I hope you guys realize that I have joined this forum withgood intentions...and I hope my regularity on this forum proves that toyou...
sincerely (not sarcastically) apologize for misunderstandings,
Hi Cristy,
Here's some thoughts on toys rabbits love. You don't have to buy some of the things they love the most.
-untreated baskets
-empty toilet paper rolls
-a slinky
-cardboard boxes
-cotton towels
-old phonebooks
-a brown paper bag
-a wicker mat
-baby rattles
-cat toys
-apple or fruit wood to chew on
-tissue paper in a box
-some parrot wooden toys that hang from cage and are different colors
Others will jump in with more suggestions.