:inlove: Ooooh, lookit that little Bo B Bunny Rex and thatbig-eared Bub baby!!
I really don't think size matters in paired altered rabbits, it's more of a personality thing.

It really should be Harper's choice.
I love both those girls! Of course you KNOW I'd go for the mini-Rex--my Dill-boy is the most awesome rabbit on the planet! I never really wanted one of my own before Dill was dropped in my lap, but I'm sold! He's an amazingcharacter, full of love, curiosity and 'tude! He'ssweet as heck with Sherry, but she had to pursue him, he was quite happy with just human company. (He still loves me too!)
The big girl (I'd love to see her Daddy for a better guess at her potential size, 'cause yup, she'll probably be growing into those ears)is more likely to be a laid back sweetie, andeasy tobond.
Personally, I'd go for the one who is most in need of rescuing, so if the mini-Rex is caged most ofthe time, she'd be my choice. Mini-Rexes really like to be out and about. And there seems to be a run on Mini-Rexes at that place which I'd think would mean she'd have a harder time finding a home. The poor little girl doesn't even have a name. :cry2
But it's up to Harper, now. So come on, Harper, go for the Rex!
sas :hearts, dill :bunnyheartand the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: