Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you guys. When I rescued Harper, I did NOT want a rabbit. I had no room for a rabbit, and I didn't feel I had the time, money, or even the 'skills' to care for a rabbit (I was 'dumb' when it came to rabbits, but this was a long time ago). My original plan was to rescue him out of that horrible place, and put him up for adoption to a loving home. I had Harper for 1 hour, and by that evening, I was already out shopping for every bunny toy and accessory known to man. I was hooked, and it was love at first site. I couldn't imagine life without my little man.
The only part of this whole thing that made me so fuming, is that the girl strung me along for over a week, knowing that I really wanted to adopt Holly. In the beginning, she refused to answer her cell phone after I left amessage after message saying I wanted her. Then I called the shelter, they gave the girl the message that I wanted Holly, told her to call me, and she never did. Then she e-mails me, and instead of telling me this THEN, she tells me she will get back to me about adopting Holly as soon as she gets back from vacation. FINALLY, after 3 more phone calls, and 2 more e-mails, she replies back 3 days lateronly to tell me that Holly is no longer up for adoption because she changed her mind. She could have told me this from the very beginning, knowing that I was becoming very attached to Holly. It was completely wrong of her to do this. But, I am over that now, and learning more and more everyday that some people are just cold hearted and don't care about other people's feelings. Oh well. Harper will get a friend one day; me and my mother are both on the look-out for that special someone for him.