Thinking about getting Harper a girlfriend

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Yeah, definitely still on the look-out for a friend. I figure when I start classes at college in the fall, he is going to needa friendto keep him company during the day while I'm not home. This way he won't get lonesome. "I'm so lonesome, I could crrrrryyyyy..." STUPID SONG!! *Bangs head trying to get it out*
Oh, is that the chimpmunk song? "I'm so lonely.. mr. lonely.." One? Gahh! I hate the guts of that song.. hmm let me do some bun hunting ;) I should pick out some cute ones for you :D. Hehe :D.
I can understand why this woman wouldn't want to let her foster bunny go. After two years she must be really attached. I wouldn't be able to do it.

What about setting up some dates for Harper at that rescue you've worked with before? I know what it's like to not get the bun you've been dreaming over on Petfinder. When I went to adopt a friend for Mocha, there was this gorgeous cuddly standard chinchilla boy at the shelter that I liked a lot... and my hubby was absolutely in love! We should have called to ask about him. When we got there, the majority of rabbits (and animals in general) they had listed on Petfinder had been gone for months! They just never updated their Petfinder listings. James asked what happened to the chinchilla boy and they wouldn't answer.:(

They ended up only having one male rabbit. He was cute, but I didn't feel a connection with him. Still, we decided to let Mocha meet him. They didn't attack each other so we brought him home. It took a little bit, but now I couldn't imagine life without Loki! He's become such a sweetheart, and he and Mocha are perfect for each other.

Yeah, I guess I could understand why fostering a bunny for two years would form an attachment. Maybe she should have considered that a bit more before getting someone's hopes up and in essence dragging her along for a bit before letting her know the bunny wasn't for adoption. I just think it was done rather cruelly in general.

But I can see her side in the fact that just having Flower here for two days, I was hooked and had totally fallen in love with her. The only reason I considered not keeping her was the fact that every time (quite literally) I thought about how she had been living, I started crying. But bottom line...I was hooked...she's so wonderful and sweet...I couldn't do anything different!

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you guys. When I rescued Harper, I did NOT want a rabbit. I had no room for a rabbit, and I didn't feel I had the time, money, or even the 'skills' to care for a rabbit (I was 'dumb' when it came to rabbits, but this was a long time ago). My original plan was to rescue him out of that horrible place, and put him up for adoption to a loving home. I had Harper for 1 hour, and by that evening, I was already out shopping for every bunny toy and accessory known to man. I was hooked, and it was love at first site. I couldn't imagine life without my little man.

The only part of this whole thing that made me so fuming, is that the girl strung me along for over a week, knowing that I really wanted to adopt Holly. In the beginning, she refused to answer her cell phone after I left amessage after message saying I wanted her. Then I called the shelter, they gave the girl the message that I wanted Holly, told her to call me, and she never did. Then she e-mails me, and instead of telling me this THEN, she tells me she will get back to me about adopting Holly as soon as she gets back from vacation. FINALLY, after 3 more phone calls, and 2 more e-mails, she replies back 3 days lateronly to tell me that Holly is no longer up for adoption because she changed her mind. She could have told me this from the very beginning, knowing that I was becoming very attached to Holly. It was completely wrong of her to do this. But, I am over that now, and learning more and more everyday that some people are just cold hearted and don't care about other people's feelings. Oh well. Harper will get a friend one day; me and my mother are both on the look-out for that special someone for him. :D

Hehe! You'll have to set up a bunny blind-date system. I should send my girls down there to see if Harper might like one ;). Don't worry about sending them back if you can't find a stamp though! :D


Hmm.. I wonder how he would react to my two.. Pebbles is too bossy and Pepsi is too needy ;)

Well, give us a quick shout if you do have anything in mind!
I found a lady in the paper who is selling BABY rabbits for $10. I'm kinda in between on calling her, but I might. She has mini-rexes, dutches, and dwarfs. I'm going to call and just ask what kind of dwarfs. (mini lops by luck, maybe?) I didn't really want a baby, so I probably won't get one from her, but I might as well call her and see what she has.
I would call. You never know, you might find a good match there. Of course it is hard to sex baby bunnies so you may end up with another boy instead of a girl.
I'm about 40 miles outside of BR and have a few rabbits you could probably talk me into letting go.

Why a female? Is your guy fixed? Sorry if I missed it. I have had males together without a problem. I have a litter of Florida Whites I just weaned....can do a look over and I'm sure there is someone who isn't forming up just right.

I've found that it is usually just easier to buy than deal with resue people. Went around on a dog for 6 months once. Rescue person(hoarder really) ended up keeping her. She died due to exposure a few months later. I don't have a kind heart toward many rescue people.
You should call. You never know it just might work out perfectly. Plus a baby might be easier to bond him to. I thought I heard that somewhere, though it seems that it would be difficult once the little one reaches its hormonal stage. But I think you should call anyway. The perfect bunny is out there for the both of you, you just have to find her. ;)
lgen0290 wrote:
I don't have a kind heart toward many rescue people.
I'm sorry you feel that way. We have some awesome rescue people up here in BC who labor away saving hundreds of small animals per year.

MBH, if the person in the paper is selling baby bunnies, make sure they are a reputable breeder and keep their rabbitry in good condition. Otherwise, you might be supporting someone who is only breeding rabbits for money and may not have their best interests at heart.

Not all rescues are bad, lgen. I rescue animals, I have for 2 years, and have gone through hundreds of adoptions, for all kinds of rodents. I only have their best interest at heart, and most of the animals rescued were abused and neglected before I took them in. Harper was a rescue too, he was about 2 minutes away from being sold for dinner for a 16 foot bermese python. I lost my job in the fight to get him. Best decision ever.

Anyhoo, I am still looking for that perfect little lady for Harper. He'll get around to meeting her one day, LOL!
Total cuties!

I recommend meeting them to see what you think in person. I know of so many people who have their heart set on an animal, and then go down to the shelter and fall in love with someone different.

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