Thinking about getting Harper a girlfriend

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No answer...

And I am positive it is a cell phone, because it gives me the option to "page this person", which I did once, and other options that most cell phone voice mails have.

My aggrivation is at levels that I can't even explain right now...
How often should I waste my time trying to call this girl? I've done called about 4 times today trying to reach her. I'm going to give up for today and try again tomorrow, but this is ridiculous. I really want Holly. :(

You're right, this does seem rediculous. Hopefully, there's a good reason for this and you're not just being blown off. I don't see a problem with daily phone messages or emails. If she's really a responsible foster mom, she'll understand why you're being so persistent:D.
I agree with Matt. That is really frustrating, though :hug2
Every bunny rescue operation I've ever contacted with an offer to adopt or foster has not gotten back to mefor days, if not weeks -- if at all! Every one of them took persistence.

I just have to assume they are all overworked and just don't have the time.

I can also imagine that after two years, the fosterer may be having twinges of regret or guilt that will also move the call down the priority list.I know with my fosters (Radar and Darry are stilltechnically fosters), as much as I say how I'd love to get them into permanent homes and occasionally whine about them (being a natural born whiner), I still love them. I'd be slow about returning a call about a new home. (Or I'd keep myself too busy toreturn it all all). ;)

Just keep trying. Persistence and tenacity pay off.

Or keep looking. There may be another bunny that steals your heart that doesn't have a foster mom and is stuck in a lonely, barecage somewhere.

Or you can offer to foster yourself. :) That maybe a way to make sure Harper gets a suitable friend.

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance: (who aren't going anywhere)



Voice recording:

"This is Heather, I'm on the other line. Leave a message."

So, I leftANOTHER message. Who wants to bet that I will NOT get a call back?! :angryrant
I think we need a hair-pulling emoticon for you to use! I would be going insane!
I just got an e-mail...

"Danielle, I'm on vacation in New Mexico. I'll get back with you Wednesday."

And you couldn't have PICKED UP THE PHONE TO TELL ME THIS WHEN I CALLED?!?!?! :tantrum::angryrant:rant
The waiting part isn't what bothers me, it's the fact that I have been calling and leaving messages for 3 days. Sometimes her cell phone voice mail says she is on the other line. After 3 days of calling and messages, she could not have answered the phone ONCE just to let me know this? Give me a freakin' break.

However, I am still going to play "nice" with her, in hopes that Holly is still up for adoption, and that I can have a chance at adopting her. Getting rude with the girl will only kill my chance of getting Holly. *Sigh*

Oh man. Wouldn't you just love to mouth of to people like that? It's like, HELLO?! do you want to get this rabbit a good home soon or what?!

I feel sorry for you :(. I hope you get some updates soon!

Darn girl.. :disgust:
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Nope, no other number to try. :(

I called the shelter, but they are closed today. No response to the e-mail yet...

I'm going to try and call her phone again real quick...
man its no wonder shes been there for that long!!! you cant reach the girl!!!!:X
Well, she claims she was going to e-mail me back yesterday, which she didn't. Surprised? I'm not.

So, I e-mailed her this morning, one last time:


Hi Heather! How are you? Hope everything is good! :eek:)

I'm still real interested in adopting Holly, and I'm hoping she's still available? I'd love to adopt her to add to the family; she'd love it here.

You can e-mail me back, or call me, about her whenever you get this. Can you let me know what her adoption fee is?

Thanks so much!
- Danielle


*Sigh* Let's hope I get a response. :?
I hope everything goes well and you get Holly. I'll be thinking about you guys:clover:
Uhm...did you put the wrong link up for your new girl?? Because the pet finder thingy says that the pet selected is no longer listed???:(

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