Thinking about getting Harper a girlfriend

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It used to work. MyBoyHarper is concerned because the foster mom has since taken her off of the site.
I just got a reply. :sad:

The girl says she has changed her mind and has decided not to adopt her out. *Sniffles* I wanted Holly so bad, I didn't want another rabbit other than her. This makes me so upset, but I'm too sad to even scream right now.:cry3
How rude! She has the rabbit up for adoption for two years, then gets an offer to get Holly adopted out then changes her mind! How rude and inconsiderat! And to not call you or reply back to you so you have to wait? I'm so mad! What a stupid girl!

I'm so sorry MBH :(.

You tried. Like Sas said, the girlprobably had twinges of regret or guilt to really give up the rabbit. She realizes once its gone that she will miss the poor bunny.

Well keep your head up, and someday you will find your dream bunny, or some bunny that needs you.

Rainbows! :hug2
I just talked to my friend Wendy, who owns the Magic Happens Rabbit Rescue here (the one who has all the bunnies up on Petfinder in the BR area). She said as soon as she comes across a female lop, or any new female rescues, she will let me know before putting them up for adoption, so I can have first dibs.

She said all the lops that she gets, except ones that much be adopted in pairs or such, always get adopted out before she even has the chance to advertise on Petfinder. So next one she gets, I get first pick. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a Holland Lop like I wanted.
MyBoyHarper wrote:
I just got a reply. :sad:

The girl says she has changed her mind and has decided not to adopt her out. *Sniffles* I wanted Holly so bad, I didn't want another rabbit other than her. This makes me so upset, but I'm too sad to even scream right now.:cry3
that is exactly what happened to me!! roswell (the bunny) had been there for 2 yrs.. and i emailed the woman alot.. and at first it seemed like i would get him..then she changed her mind and decided to keep him..what makes me mad is thathe is still on the website up for adoption!!! i guess she didnt like me:dunno
I hate to say it because I know how sad it is to have your heart set on Holly,but its actually a good thing for the bunnies. Heather was planning on adopting her out and not fostering another bunny, so that meant one more homeless bunny was stuck in a cage somewhere. :(

Personally, I like Snow White on the Petfinder site. Nobody ever wants the big white bunnies with pink eyes.

Or all those little Rexes!! (I'm in love with Rexes). :inlove:

It is funnyhow few rabbits there are up for adoption in your area.

Have you thought about calling some breeders and asking if any of their clientshave contacted them about returning a pet? Once somebody finds out they can't really handle a pet rabbit or they have allergies or whatever, they'll try surrendering it back to the breeder before going to a rescue place. Just a thought. (Just make it clear you're interested in an endangeredbunny).

My two rescues the most in need were found pretty much abandoned in an unheated shed out in the country. My heart skips a beat whenever I see how happy they are in comparison to how sad they were. (They were originally house bunnies so they had known a better life, making them doubly sad).

Good luck finding the rightpal!

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Hey Pipp!

I had a white bunny with red eyes, she was a rescue. I named her Rini, and she was a New Zealand. However, at only 5 months old, she was already like 7 pounds. Harper is only 5 full grown. I rescued her with the intention to adopt her out, but considered keeping her. That is, until she continued to grow, LOL!

So, Wendy at Magic Happens Rescue got her, and she was adopted out to a family whois going to keep her inside and "show" her at 4-H shows. I thought it was a pretty good adoption.

Anyways, we really don't have too many up for adoption in this area, it sucks. In fact, Wendy with Magic Happens is the one that has about 97% of the adoptions up on Petfinder.

Did you see the mini rex named Cosmo? She's an all black female. I'm somewhat looking at her, but I don't know...

I also don't really want a baby. I wanted an adult who was closer to Harper's age. *Sigh*
Hey, Snow White is listed as a 2-year old 4-H retiree, maybe she's Rini. ;)

Maybe some of the other orgs should start sending some your way. The shelter I help out here has got to have over a hundred homeless bunnies.

Too bad I can'tstick a box of 'em in the mail.:cool:

Awwww, just looking at your link to the site again. :( Obviously a breeder has dumped all their retired and 'substandard' mini-rexes. Well, better then putting them down.:?

They're not sure Cosmo's a girl, either, so probably not a good idea.I love the castor mini-Rexes. Like Bo B Bunny (who hasn't been around much lately, too bad!). Mini-Rexes are crazy little bunnies, though. They're real 'characters'. Mine's always on the run, cheerfully exploring everything, pawing at my leg, jumping on my head .... I love him to BITS!!! But I can imagine they're not for everybody. I think theydemand a lot of attention. Not like the laid back lops. Not that mymini-Lop Darry is at all laid back!(Jeeze, I'm getting one of everything. I need a Dutch to round out the pack). ;)

sas :Dand the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Wouldn't that be strange if Rini was snow white!

Just wondering,you volunteer at SARS right?I'm always looking at vrra website and loved to volunteer.. but too far to make the comute as often as I would like!

Well, atleast look on the bright side. Holly now has a forever home, and you have maybe the chance to change another little buns life and give him/her a forever home :).
I have to agree, if you wait long enough, the right rabbit will come along, I promise that much!

Look at me for example, I was so desperate for a Holland Lop that I sort of jumped the gun when I got Eli and it went downhill fast from there, he had eye problems, he had mites, he was not the she I thought he was. I still love him and miss himterribly but on the other hand, fate followed through. The little doe I have now, Zoey, was actually the doe I fell in love with when I was initially looking and she was a mere 6 weeks old. I tried so hard to get her back here but everytime I tried something, plans got changed nd I had to give up hopes of ever bringing her the 3 hours back here. Well she was at a show that I went to and for sale, so I brought her home. I still believe it was fate, and I'm sure you will find the rabbit you were destined to have sometime.
Pipp wrote:
Hey, Snow White is listed as a 2-year old 4-H retiree, maybe she's Rini. ;)
LOL, nope not Rini. Rini was just adopted out 2 months ago. That 4-H retiree belonged to the people who took Rini. Rini was that bunny's replacement.
Aww...I'm so sorry...what a horrible thing to do to someone. Why did she have her advertised, then?! That's just aweful. I would report her. That's so mean...

Spring wrote:
Wouldn't that be strange if Rini was snow white!

Just wondering,you volunteer at SARS right?I'm always looking at vrra website and loved to volunteer.. but too far to make the comute as often as I would like!

Well, atleast look on the bright side. Holly now has a forever home, and you have maybe the chance to change another little buns life and give him/her a forever home :).
Haha, slightly OT, but you can volunteer for SARS from anywhere in BC. If you are willing to foster a small animal of some sort, transportation can be arranged.

I know they have a lot of mice, bunnies, rats, degus, etc. that need fostering right now...

maherwoman wrote:
Aww...I'm so sorry...what a horrible thing to do to someone. Why did she have her advertised, then?! That's just aweful. I would report her. That's so mean...
Hey, I'm technically fostering Sherry, Darry and Radar... and I'm definitely adopting Sherry because she's bonded with Dill, butI don't knowwhat would have happened even if she hadn't. I didn'tlike her muchfor the first month, tried to get her adopted, but now she's really grown on me-- she'sa sweetheart. Now I keeppointing out to the SARS people that I am only fostering Darry and Radar, and sometimes I feel like running a Petfinderad myself (likejust now when they ATE THE MATTRESS I JUST GOT), but if somebody responded and I was faced with the reality of it all, I reallycan't say I wouldn't do the same.:? It's tough!!

And Spring, there are a lot of SARS people out your way, and as JordiWes said, fostering would be great, but there's also 'outings'. For example, it's too late now, buttomorrow morning they're having a yard sale in Burnaby and could use some help. And there are lots of members all over the lower mainland, somebodyprobably could have picked you up.:)

Here's the link to the board, just keep an eye on it and jump in if you see something you might help with. :) (Antd thanks!)

:threadhijacked Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. ;)

(Sorry Harper!)

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Alrighty thanks! I actually phoned Lisa last summer thinking about adopting.I was going to go over there to look, but my mom didn't want to drive there numerous times to fill out the papers ect she just wanted to get a rabbit and get home (Ha... it annoys me how much she'll go out of her way to help me do something.. oh well). I'm pretty sure I could foster some buns, because I'm able to give them proper care, ect but I'm jsut worried I'll get attached to them. I'll have to do some more research and maybe look around to see :).

Sorry MBH for the thread jacking :).
So, are you still on the look out for a little friend for Harper? I wouldn't mind helping to look around :D. Everyone needs atleast two buns at any given time :).

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