Things that are really ANNOYING!

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I hate when people move/touch my stuff. I hatewhen I have to rephrase something I've said and "dumb it down" becausethe person I'm talking to doesn't comprehend what I'm saying.

I hate when someoneassimilates my likes/dislikes. I keep mymost favorite things to myself so maybe that way I'll still have aleast a small part of myself that someone else hasn't taken. I'm anindependent person and I have to have my space and my own "thing". Whensomeone else comes along and copies that is probably the thing thatannoys me most in the world.

ANI-LOVER, I'm still recuperating from those darn accidents.

I just found out that I have a couple of "Bulging" discs in theback. I'm waiting to see an Orthopedic doctor. Andmy knee has ligament damage, I'm going back to see adifferent Orthopedic doctor next week.

Now regarding these short forms, dear god us older people well at leastme has one heck of a time trying to figure out what is beingsaid.:pullhair:

Oh My Goodness, don't worry about it.When you really think about, how many people do you knowthattotals 2 cars in less than a month. Neitherwere my fault. Peopledrove into me.

My HUGEST pet peeve is abbreviations as well. Itannoys me to death and makes me have very little to no respect for theperson, and typically just makes me assume they are childish (or achild).

I can't stand things like, "omg dat is sooooooo kewl" and "r u sur boutdat" and abbreviations and mis-spellingslike r, u, dat, kewl,nd, and so on and so forth.

I also can't stand piles of exclamations, or drawn out words. Like heyguess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that is like totallykewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or drawn out words like omg that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kewl!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done. :cool:
MyBoyHarper, I'm sitting here laughing sohard. I had to read what you wrote real slow so I couldunderstand the short forms. I guess I'm really showing myage. LOL ok I know I shouldn't use LOL.

MyBoyHarper wrote:
My HUGEST pet peeve is abbreviations as well. It annoys meto death and makes me have very little to no respect for the person,and typically just makes me assume they are childish (or a child).

I can't stand things like, "omg dat is sooooooo kewl" and "r u sur boutdat" and abbreviations and mis-spellingslike r, u, dat, kewl,nd, and so on and so forth.

I also can't stand piles of exclamations, or drawn out words. Like heyguess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that is like totallykewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or drawn out words like omg that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kewl!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done. :cool:

Yeah, this one probably ranks second on my list. Is it so hard toactually type the word "are" and "you" rather than just be stupid andlazy and type "r"and "u"? Another related peeve is when those samepeople actually take the time to TyPe LiKe ThIs. Oh yeah, thatjust looks so cool *insert sarcasm here* When people start typing likethat I don't even waste my time responding to them. It just makes themlook like an uneducated moron.


Heather, I think we were separated at birthbecause we think exactly alike! I fully agree with you about thecaptial letters, lower-case letters, captial letters....

Sooska, "LOL" doesn't bug me at all, I use it all the time. (However,those who go LOLOLOLOLOL, annoy me). It's just the "omg r u dum kant uc wut i iz talkin bout 4 sur!!!!!!!!! that annoys the poop out of me.LOL ;)
I am a pretty neat and clean person. When things aren't that way it annoys me.

When the trash is full and somebody doesn't take it out that bugsme. It seems like my roommate will keep pushing it down andputting more stuff it in, so I always end up taking it out!

Also, leaving dishes out really annoys me. My roommate willleave a cup on the counter or table for days. How hard is itto rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher??? It takes like10 seconds!!! ugh

Another thing that has been annoying me - people saying "you'rewelcome" to me before I even say "thank you." It always seemsto be these busy, rude ladies at work. They are helping me orwhatever and will rudely say "you're welcome" as if I wasn't even goingto thank to them! I always thank people! I don'tunderstand that.
KimandCocoa wrote:
Another thing that has been annoying me - people saying"you're welcome" to me before I even say "thank you." Italways seems to be these busy, rude ladies at work. They arehelping me or whatever and will rudely say "you're welcome" as if Iwasn't even going to thank to them! I always thankpeople! I don't understand that.
I've had that happen too, and it is definitely annoying!

nangobi wrote:
We own a computer shop and I hate the way men (and sometimeseven women!)come in and say "Hello love, is there a man here?" and I'mthinking, "Why, has he got a personal problem or something? and he says"It's a bit technical you see" AAAGGGHHH!! I'm not an expertcomputer tekkie but 9 times out of 10 the 'difficult technicalquestion' is usually something like they don't know which way up thepower plug goes in! I give them the answer and they say, "hmmm, wouldyou like to check that with someone?" or they look over my shoulder,wait for one of the mento appear and then completely blank meand direct all their comments to the man..... I'm goingon abit..... it's been one of those weeks....I'll shut up now.
Grrrr..... Thats one of my pet hates too, my dad works as acomputer techie and whenever i go in to help out people do that too me,worse is that dad knows zilch about games and most things internetrelated and I'll be trying to help them out and they just go 'thankskid, now I want to talk to someone who knows what they're talkingabout' after dad's already told them I'm the one they should talk to...grrr
My Dad came to help us for a couple ofdayslast week. He helped an elderly man whose beencoming in for advice from either my hubby or meevery week fora year after purchasing a PC from us. This elderlygentleman brought a bottle of port for my Dad ....."because he's beenterribly helpful to me". We couldn't stop laughing for ages -what had we been doing all year then? My Dad certainly hasthe touch but it can be annoying when he's int he shop fro one day, andthe following day someone asks me for a cable then asks if I should goand check with my Dad to make sure it's the right one!!! LOL!
what annoyes me lately is when i buy stuff onebay and and am well over charged for the shipping and the stuffarrives dirty and worn when the add says new:X
i bought an dora outfit for my daughter the top was filthy with coffeestains and ink and threads pulled im soooannoyed
esp since the outfit was £10 uk pounds and she charged me another £10 uk pounds shipping and the package says she paid £2.39.
maybe im just over reacting
Oh yeah and PC terms. That stuff about not being able to say "black coffee" really annoys me. Its a coffee ... not a person!

I heard somewhere that a school banned the worked "christmas tree" atchristmas and told the students to refer to it as a "non-denominationalwinter solstice evergreen tree". Its pointless and i hate it. I actlike an old person, i'll say what i want and none of this PCmumbo-jumbo can stop me!
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
people who spell hamster with a P.

i used to frequent on a hamster forum and this used to get to me allthe time, people who come on and go "i hv dis prblem wit mi hampster"probably because you're too stupid to research before buying yourpet!
pinksalamander wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
peoplewho spell hamster with a P.

i used to frequent on a hamster forum and this used to get to me allthe time, people who come on and go "i hv dis prblem wit mi hampster"probably because you're too stupid to research before buying yourpet!

That is so funny. I was sitting here trying to figure out how you spell hamster with a "p". Phamster?
binkies wrote:
pinksalamander wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
peoplewho spell hamster with a P.

i used to frequent on a hamster forum and this used to get to me allthe time, people who come on and go "i hv dis prblem wit mi hampster"probably because you're too stupid to research before buying yourpet!

That is so funny. I was sitting here trying to figure out how you spell hamster with a "p". Phamster?

LOL, me too.:laugh:binkies

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