Things that are really ANNOYING!

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i have a few unfortunately, bad spelling is oneand i'm double checking all of mine as i type this!, bad driving andthe top of my list that i could scream at but i don't know why is whenpeople rub stuff i can't really explain but when people rub their legsfor example, or when they just rub a table like they are wiping crumbsoff but they aren't, they are just rubbing the table is it just me ordoes that annoy anybody else?
what annoys me are a few things,one when I'mdrawing or writing on my comp someone comes over and stares,or watchesme as I do so.It's so annoying it's frankly none of their business whatI'm doing or writing and when she stick their nose in and continue toask,really ticks me.

Second of all someone calling a rabbit a 'bunny' Not to long ago I wasat my house(it was winter and it had just snowed) And I saw a guy walkup to a lady that was walking a dog he asked her a few things about herdog she replyed to one of his questions "He loves to chasebunnies",that really ticked me off,and so after the man went and thelady continued out of my neighborhood I snuck up behind her,I was about10 feet away formed a snowball,along with putting twigs and otherthings in it then chucked it at her,I hit her shoulder.She jerked backand looked around and when she did I ran for my life.

Another this is,oh wait...(my sister is bothering me again!)

The last is someone with-out manners.
i Also find it annoying when you are talking and someone interuppts you! i find it extremly iggnorant!

example: I was talking to my mum yesterday and my sister walks in thedoor shoves a letter in my mums face and says u have to sign this byfriday and she made her read and sign it there!

i was soo annoyed uhh! i hate when people do that!!!:growl::nonono::growl:
I hate when people wear real fur, animals shoudnt be killed for coats and stuff:nope:

My Sister always wears fur and i cant stand it! :banghead
~Willow~ wrote:
I hate when people wear real fur, animals shoudnt be killed for coats and stuff:nope:

My Sister always wears fur and i cant stand it! :banghead

I hate it too, but only in warmer climates where you don't really need it - in Alaska it gets so cold that a lot of people in the bush (outskirts) need to wear fur along with a million other layers or they would freeze.

I absolutly DESPISE when people say "good girl" to me. I'm NOT a freaking DOG people!

I HATE it when people make jokes about eating my rabbit when they hear I have one for a pet. Whenever my dad has co-workers over at least 3 people ask if I know that people eat rabbit meat. DUHR. One guy even wanted to take my rabbit home to see who would win between his cat and my bun, he was serious about it and couldn't understand why I was refusing - what a JERK! :grumpy:grr.

And waitresses ALWAYS come and ask how everything is when I have food in my mouth. EVERY SINGLE TIME! Like they're waiting in the shadows "She took a bite, quickly before she can talk again!"
I hate stupid question

stupid people who ask stupid questions

People who help too much

People who assume they know everything

People who critize me when I know what I am doing

People who interfere when they are not needed

People who think they are funny when they really aren't

When people touch/move/rearrange my stuff. Its where it is for a reason.

When I don't have control over important things.

People who don't look at you when they talk to you.

Chat speak

Waking up too early

People who talk during movies

People who think the world revolves around them

I will post more later
Where do I even begin? :p

1. People putting Band-Aids on the silliest little things. If you get a papercut, "Oh, here, let me get you a band aid..." I'm like, "Lady, chill. It's barely one fifth of a millimeter deep."

2. Reptitive songs. "You talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk..." Pretty much, if you look up lyrics and it says "Tell me that you'll open your eyes x8", I'll turn and walk away.

3. My father and his inability to return CD's. Me and my dad are music nuts. I get a new CD pretty much every week, if not more. I let him burn the CD to his computer library, but I have to REMIND him to bring the CD back to me. :k

4. Unframed posters. I don't know why this bugs me, but it does.


6. Noisy pets in bedrooms. Nuff' said. "Hey, just because YOU'RE nocturnal, it doesn't mean I am too!"

7. People getting words mixed up. "I seen it." Or the ever popular addition of a t/k. "Somethin-k." - "I dreamt last night..." -.-

8. Swearing when your fellow companions don't like it. If it embarrasses someone, don't do it!

9. Having to write a list to get the message through. :p

10. People who go to extremes for their dogs. Necklaces? Handmade luxury silk beds? Fresh, gourmet doggy bones encrusted with gold leaf? Come on!

11. Last one? Trader Joes. What next? Trader Joes' brand Bok Choi?


I am done. :p
My bigget pet peeve in the entire fricking world...

People who suck food off of their fingers. And it makes that sucky sound? OMG use a fricking napkin. I cannot begin to explain how vulgar and sigusting this is to me. And I see people do it in public. I've gone out to eat with people and they've donethis and i've taken my food into the car.

My friend's wife does it really really bad. She's go down each one and lick herself like a fricking cat. Its so gross! oh my gosh how can y ou not think it's not bad manners to do that? ugh.

Thats the biggest one. But I also seriously hate people who type like 10 year old girls in an N'Sync chatroom.
lol lol lol lol u r a kyoot boi lol lol

And they spell things wrong on purpose? Why? Why do you want to make yourself look dumb?
and all the ''LOL'' ing? I have to wonder if they honestly thing everything is funny or if they have some kind of problem. Or maybe they're just lyiing. I wish that everytime I was talking to someone and they ''lol''ed at me....that I could just POOF!! Transport myself riht besidet hem that very instant....and i'll appear right behind them, and see if they are laughing are not. And then I point to them and say '' HA! I knew it!! Liar!''


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