Things that are really ANNOYING!

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binkies wrote:
Emma.L wrote:
ok this maysound TOTALLY weird but anyway, I hate fur, i cant touch it or i cantbe near it, i wont even touch fake fur. But i LOVE wool!! its sooosoft.

What about the fur on your rabbits?
If I remember right, Emma doesnt have any rabbits...
there is this girl in my class and she is reallyannoying she keeps on saying stuff like" im definetely the prettiestperson here" and she is just mean!!! i also hate really annoyingchildren!!LOL!!! ( babysitting)lol!!!!!!! :whatevah

Haley wrote:
binkies wrote:
Emma.L wrote:
ok this maysound TOTALLY weird but anyway, I hate fur, i cant touch it or i cantbe near it, i wont even touch fake fur. But i LOVE wool!! its sooosoft.

What about the fur on your rabbits?
If I remember right, Emma doesnt have any rabbits...

i know emma and is true she HATES FUR!!!!!!! because most of the timepeople kill animals to get fur and emma is into animals BIG TIME!!LOL!!! :)
Hmmm I have alot of Pet peeves , Firstof all Idislike the fact that we here in the United States ofAmerica are slowly loosing our freedom and rights - one twisted law andbill at a time. and this is in all facets of ourlives. Idislikethe idea that somany people have absolutely no common sense.Ialso dislike people who think they are better than othersbased on thier income and so called social status - last time I checkedeveryone puts their pants on one leg at a time and wipes with toiletpaperregardless of income or status everyone should betreated as you/I would want to be treated. Icouldgo on and on.

Emzif that is u there its k8 nd i cannot beleive u said that bout me!!!!!! i do not copy u nd i didnt even no u got ur hairbraided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg:X:?:(:mad:
I have more and more whinges the older I get but just some of my pet hates are:-

Children hanging out of car windows or sun roofs, standing on seatsorsitting on someones' lap all without seatbelts while theirparents sit with belts on, apparently oblivious of the potential danger.

I get very wary of all the information that's passed around fromcompany to company about me. I buy a sofa, 10 furniturecompanies send me their brochure, take out a loan, the world and hismother offers me more loans etc etc.

Constant cold callers to my business trying to make me change the telephone provider.

We own a computer shop and I hate the way men (and sometimes evenwomen!)come in and say "Hello love, is there a man here?" and I'mthinking, "Why, has he got a personal problem or something? and he says"It's a bit technical you see" AAAGGGHHH!! I'm not an expertcomputer tekkie but 9 times out of 10 the 'difficult technicalquestion' is usually something like they don't know which way up thepower plug goes in! I give them the answer and they say, "hmmm, wouldyou like to check that with someone?" or they look over my shoulder,wait for one of the mento appear and then completely blank meand direct all their comments to the man..... I'm goingon abit..... it's been one of those weeks....I'll shut up now.

kitkatkate16 wrote:
Emz if that is uthere its k8 nd i cannot beleive u said that bout me !!!!!! i do notcopy u nd i didnt even no u got ur hair braided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omg:X:?:(:mad:

kate emz told me that sum1 else wrote that about you ... u dont av 2 be so mean bout it , she didnt even write this.

how long hav u had rabbits only?

What really annoys me is when people try to hardto be your friend. There's these two girls in my class who really wantto be my friend but I have enough friends.:group:
rumpelteazer wrote:
What really annoys me is when people try to hard to be yourfriend. There's these two girls in my class who really want to be myfriend but I have enough friends.:group:

You can never have too many friends. It's nice to have a fewreally close ones, but I would advise you to never turn someone elseaway. I know what it's like to be the friendless one.
missyscove wrote:
rumpelteazer wrote:
Whatreally annoys me is when people try to hard to be your friend. There'sthese two girls in my class who really want to be my friend but I haveenough friends.:group:

You can never have too many friends. It's nice to have a fewreally close ones, but I would advise you to never turn someone elseaway. I know what it's like to be the friendless one.

I agree with missyscove you can NEVER haveenough friends but then again its nice to have the close ones and thenyour just average friends.

Hi everyone just thought I'd pop in for a moment...

We are in the process of discontinuing Internet servicefor a number of reasons. A big reason is the fact that dial-up in ourarea is VERY slow and I hate waiting so long for your cute bunny photosto load ! ;) We will then be without e-mail aswell.

This is an interesting Off Topic discussion. Myself , myfamily , and last but not least -- my bunnies have a great life.Annoying things and "rants" are luckily few for us.However there is one thing that has been simmering and stewing on mybrain lately.

I quit workfor a time-- to stay homewith our baby ; who is now 3 1/2. Various and sundry people ; includingmy husband's relatives; give voice to the idea that I shunwork and am not supportive of my husband. When our little one is oldenough, he will attend school and "mama" will return to work.

I actually have to smile , since my job seemed easycompared to taking care of a little boy who is exceptionally talentedat "making a mess" . Don't misunderstand me, this is what I enjoy doing; and feel privileged for the opportunity.:colors:

My husband iscompassionateabout myplight and stands up for me always. We exist on one incomeand are'nt frivolous with our spending ....... there's a little leftover to take care of some bunnies. :bunnydance:Epoch, Gimli, and Melange are all well. I'm raising a few Flemish andhave some Netherland dwarfs that are part of the permanentpopulation. But I digress into rabbitish-ness...

Guess we have to live our lives and not worry aboutPEOPLE :?. Especially since we belong to thissometimes "enlightened" group.:D ( "enlightened"meaning those who find time to love furry beings as well ! HeeHee :) )

Thank you for putting up withmy opinions !

Kadish Tolesa :purplepansy:

Ahhh :growl:!!!!

i hate little kids that scream all the time nd wont behave!! i no imnot like a mum or anything but im a sister nd its sooo annoying!!!!!

Soz for any1 who has kids :) im sure their lovely !lol

i hate the word abbreviations

like for 4

you u

and nd

are r

uhh, they make no sense and it doesnt take long to write out a word orphrase EXAMPLElike i love to go shopping and bewith my best friends. AS i luv 2 go shopping nd be with my bf's

I hate it when in supermarkets, mums give theirkids food to shut them up screaming. They havent even payedfor the food yet. What are they going to do, put the wrapperon the convey belt? I saw a mum give her kid a banana to shuthim up. You have to know its weight to know how much thebanana costs. So no doubt she didnt pay for it.
ani-lover wrote:
i hate the word abbreviations

like for 4

you u

and nd

are r

uhh, they make no sense and it doesnt take long to write out a word orphrase EXAMPLElike i love to go shopping and bewith my best friends. AS i luv 2 go shopping nd be with my bf's

Nah, its - i luv 2 go shoppin n b wiv ma bf's

I hate it aswell, although I use to write it all the time like thatwhen I was about 3 years younger. So its become a habbit andsometimes I accidently do it. I remember I use to do it somuch while I was at school I started writing it in my texts books!:shock:Whoops!
Lol yer! And it could get even moreconfussing! Some people I talk to on MSN I cant understand asingle WORD they say! And all them pictures keep popping upin the middle of their sentences. Urgh! :X
why cant people write normal i know i take 2 instead oftwo but i dont write like crazy abbreviated words

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