I have more and more whinges the older I get but just some of my pet hates are:-
Children hanging out of car windows or sun roofs, standing on seatsorsitting on someones' lap all without seatbelts while theirparents sit with belts on, apparently oblivious of the potential danger.
I get very wary of all the information that's passed around fromcompany to company about me. I buy a sofa, 10 furniturecompanies send me their brochure, take out a loan, the world and hismother offers me more loans etc etc.
Constant cold callers to my business trying to make me change the telephone provider.
We own a computer shop and I hate the way men (and sometimes evenwomen!)come in and say "Hello love, is there a man here?" and I'mthinking, "Why, has he got a personal problem or something? and he says"It's a bit technical you see" AAAGGGHHH!! I'm not an expertcomputer tekkie but 9 times out of 10 the 'difficult technicalquestion' is usually something like they don't know which way up thepower plug goes in! I give them the answer and they say, "hmmm, wouldyou like to check that with someone?" or they look over my shoulder,wait for one of the mento appear and then completely blank meand direct all their comments to the man..... I'm goingon abit..... it's been one of those weeks....I'll shut up now.